Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1114 The New Rich House 24

An Ran saw the changes in the mansion and couldn't help but shake his head, thinking, look, it's only been so long since you came to the capital happily, can you not be happy anymore? In fact, this is still a small matter, but I will have a lot of troubles in the future. Do you think wealth is so easy to enjoy?

Ye's and others' worries were not unfounded. Soon, someone invited Su Sanzhu to have a drink and also gave him a woman.

This kind of thing also happened to Su Dazhu and Su Daniu and his son.

None of them rejected these women - just like a person who eats steamed buns and porridge every day, how can he resist eating when he sees the feast? After all, those people with ulterior motives bought the woman as a gift to Su Dazhu and others. Although the color was not of high quality and the methods were not particularly powerful, she was definitely something that Su Dazhu and others from the countryside had never seen before. Seeing such a enchantment A woman will be fascinated and it is normal to not refuse to take her back.

As a result, there were more women in the house, but Ye and others did not even dare to complain because of Song's mistakes.

And as there were more women in the house, the atmosphere became more and more chaotic.

At least that's how it is in the memory of the original person, but it's better to have An Ran in this life.

Because in their original world, neither Ye nor Cao Chunhua had seen such a battle, and they couldn't hold it down at all, so it was normal that the house would become increasingly chaotic and disorderly.

Ye and the original Cao Chunhua were from the countryside, so they might feel a little inferior to these women from the capital who had seen the world. In addition, due to insufficient means, it was normal for them not to be able to suppress them.

But An Ran was much more aware of such women, so after seeing them enter the house, he thought he was superior to such rough country women as the Ye family, so he made trouble and did not take the Ye family and others into consideration. He offended the Ye family. Others are angry and angry, but they can't do anything about these women because their methods are not as good as these women. Sometimes they are annoyed by them and try to deal with them. Not only do they fail to deal with them, but on the contrary, they are scolded by their husbands for criticizing them. They are not virtuous either. They are really angry and will be angry to death.

But An Ran didn't know how many such back houses he had stayed in. How could he be unable to suppress those people with ulterior motives? Send a few pawns who have no ability because they despise Earl Anle's Mansion?

Mrs. Ye also never thought that her daughter An Ran was so outstanding. When those women came, they relied on their youth and beauty to seduce Su Dazhu and others. Women take it seriously.

But after a while, An Ran immediately formulated a series of rules to tell the other party how to abide by the rules.

Moreover, An Ran was very measured, and the rules she set were all the concubines were supposed to abide by. In this way, if those concubines did not abide by them, and she punished them, no one else could say anything to her.

Moreover, An Ran also reported this rule to Su Dazhu and others, saying that these are the usual rules in Beijing. If the Su family wants to be on the stage, they must have rules to govern it. After all, a big family cannot be complete without rules. Otherwise it will make people laugh.

When Su Dazhu and others heard that it was a common rule in Beijing and if they didn't follow it, they would make people laugh. Then they carefully asked people about the rules set by An Ran. They all said that the rules were not strict, so they nodded in agreement. After all, they don't want the Su family to become the laughing stock of the capital.

Because those concubines are not particularly powerful - the particularly powerful ones would not be bought as gifts for Su Dazhu and other country dirt-legged concubines - so some people are a little confused, thinking that they are trapping men, and there is no need to follow the rules set by An Ran. In my eyes, even if I did something wrong, it would be fine if I cried with a man, so within two days of setting the rules, my concubine broke the rules.

An Ran set the rules and was about to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. Then he saw that a fool actually bumped into him. He got angry and immediately followed the rules and beat him twenty times with a stick, then dragged him out and sold him. .

——Although Mrs. Gao said that An Ran only assisted Ye's housekeeper, and the real housekeeper was still Ye, but because Ye was born in a rural area, no one taught her how to manage an Earl's palace. Plus, she was illiterate, so it didn't matter. Ability, not long after he took office, because he didn't know where to start as a housekeeper, and seeing that his daughter An Ran seemed to be able to do it, he gave up the power to An Ran, so that An Ran could assist the Ye family on the surface, but in fact it was just superficial. Now She is the real person in charge of the Earl's Mansion. This is also the reason why An Ran is formulating rules for the Su Mansion. If someone breaks the rules, it will be handled by her instead of Ye.

Although An Ran adheres to the principle that women should not embarrass women, but not taking the initiative to embarrass the same sex does not mean that they will not fight back after being embarrassed first. Therefore, these concubines must be honest, and she will naturally not do anything to them, but since they do not know their superiority, they dare to bully them. Ye and the others, then she would not just sit idly by and ignore it.

Besides, she had already told them about the rules of the house, and this woman knew about them and violated them even though she knew it. If she didn't act according to the rules, she would never be able to control the whole house in the future.

That woman was Su Sanzhu's concubine. Seeing that An Ran was really planning to sell her, not only did he not panic, but he dared to make a noise. He immediately started shouting and said: "I am your third uncle's aunt. Logically speaking, I Consider your elder, you are a niece, how dare you betray your uncle’s aunt?!”

An Ran sneered and said: "If you really have a concubine's letter, you can be considered half of my elders. You, a slave who doesn't even have a concubine's letter, dare to pretend to be my elder! What do I get by selling you a slave?"

In this era, officials had a quota for the number of concubines, and ordinary people had no right to take concubines. However, when men were rich and powerful, how could they not have many women? Therefore, there were policies from above and countermeasures from below. Even if they were not qualified, If the government is naturalizing a woman, if she puts a woman in the room and everyone calls her aunt, does the state still care?

On the surface, such aunts are called aunts, and their children also call them concubines, but in fact, they are not considered concubines at all, and their actual status is still that of slaves.

The woman thought An Ran didn't understand, so she fooled An Ran like this. Now she saw that An Ran understood very well and couldn't be fooled, so she said: "I am your uncle's aunt. I want to see the master, and the master will not sell me out! You must dare Sell ​​me without my master’s consent, let’s see how your uncle will deal with you then!”

She felt that she had trapped Su Sanzhu, and Su Sanzhu would definitely not be able to let her go, so she said this confidently.

An Ran saw that she wanted to see Su Sanzhu, so she didn't stop her and immediately sent someone to call Su Sanzhu.

When the woman saw Su Sanzhu coming, she burst into tears and said, "Master, please save me, your niece is going to sell me."

Su Sanzhu didn't know that An Ran was going to sell his concubine, but when he saw the woman crying with tears in her eyes, he immediately felt distressed. He frowned, looked at An Ran and said, "I want you to take care of the house, that's my mother." Seeing that you know a few words, the empress values ​​you so much that she lets you take care of it. You don’t think that just because you know a few words, you are so great that you can even take care of your uncle’s affairs, right?”

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