Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1116 The New Rich House 26

After hearing Concubine Su's praise, Mrs. Ye felt proud, but naturally she couldn't show it, lest others say she was too complacent, so she immediately smiled and said: "That's because the empress knows people with her sharp eyes. If the empress hadn't discovered that the third girl is good, we would have been fooled." I don't know what she is capable of. If I didn't know, I would definitely not let her take care of the house. In short, thanks to the discovery of the empress."

Ye's flattery made Su Guifei feel comfortable, and her smile became a little brighter at that moment, and she said: "That will only happen if Sanniang can help her up. In short, Sanniang is good, she should be rewarded!"

Since she said she should be rewarded, Concubine Su would naturally not make a mistake. She immediately sent people to send a lot of things to An Ran, which made An Ran very happy. After all, Concubine Su had given herself so many things. What she wanted to do in the future would not be the same as for others. Not to mention where she got the money.

Because it was designated for An Ran, Mrs. Gao did not dare to get involved. Fortunately, Sanniang was quite sensible and immediately gave her something as a filial piety after getting the thing. Otherwise, Mrs. Gao would have felt really uncomfortable.

An Ran got a lot of things, but there were more people in the house. No matter how many things there were, it would still not be enough if everyone had to give them out, so An Ran only gave the old lady Gao and Ye and three other wives. No one was given.

Su Erniu and others were relatively understanding, but Cao Chunhua was very unhappy.

In her opinion, An Ran gave something to Ye and the other three wives. Sooner or later, those things would belong to Su Erniu and others, so it was equivalent to giving them to Su Erniu and others indirectly, so it was okay if Su Erniu and others did not get anything. It's normal to not be unhappy.

But her parents are not here. Logically speaking, what An Ran gave to Ye's three wives should also be given to her mother. Now that her mother is not here, it should be given to herself. After all, she represents Su Dahua's house and should not give anything to her. Not to myself.

Because of this thought, Cao Chunhua hated the Su family even more. She felt that the Su family was not good to her. She thought that if she wanted to get ahead in the future, she would trample the Su family under their feet.

Naturally, An Ran didn't know about this little thing, which made Cao Chunhua unhappy again, but if she knew, she wouldn't care. Anyway, this girl's mind is smaller than the tip of a needle. She only remembers grudges but not kindness. A standard white-eyed wolf, even if she gives her something today, she might be unhappy for some inexplicable reason one day, and then hate herself. Since he will hate her sooner or later, then she doesn't have to worry about whether she is happy or not. .

However, although Cao Chunhua is not yet prosperous, she is ready to find trouble with An Ran because she feels uncomfortable.

So when Cao Chunhua came to see Mrs. Song that day, she saw a jewelry shop owner who came to sell Ms. Song jewelry. But Mr. Song couldn’t afford it because she hadn’t saved much money yet, so she had no choice but to refuse. After the shopkeeper left, he deliberately provoked: "It's better for my eldest aunt and my third cousin. If the boss is rich, I can afford to buy whatever I want."

Mrs. Song laughed and said: "You are stupid girl. All the money is with the old lady. Your aunt and Sanniang will calculate how much money the house spends every month and ask the old lady to pay the bill. What money can they get? It’s just a matter of keeping an account.”

Cao Chunhua smiled and said: "Who knew that every time they reported the account to the old lady, it was really like this, and there was no one to supervise them. If they reported one tael of silver to two taels of silver, wouldn't they be able to make money? "

After hearing what she said, Ms. Song murmured in her heart, but she still said: "We can also see the quality and value of these things. You can't fool us even if you want to."

Cao Chunhua said: "Who knows? In fact, I think the best thing to do is for grandma to let her second aunt help with the housekeeping. In this way, there is someone to supervise, so she doesn't have to worry about her eldest aunt and the others filling their own pockets. Besides, the eldest aunt should also help with the housekeeping. My aunt and I live in the same room. It's good enough to get a title. Now we are in charge of the whole house and don't let you, second aunt, interfere. I looked at it coldly and felt a bit greedy. After all, the three uncles have exactly the same background. Why should they be so different from each other? The uncle is the eldest son, so the title automatically belongs to him. Forgetting the title now, it makes no sense for them to take care of the family. After all, if my grandmother and grandfather pass away in the future and the family is separated, they will not be able to manage the house. That's normal, but now Second Aunt, you are still living in the house, why can't Second Aunt, you, take care of the house?"

After hearing Cao Chunhua's words, Mrs. Song felt really uncomfortable.

In fact, since arriving in the capital, Mrs. Song has felt uncomfortable after hearing that the eldest son should inherit the title in the future.

After all, as Cao Chunhua said, her husband and Su Dazhu are obviously brothers. If it were left in the past, the family property would definitely be divided equally among the three families in the future, and then the three families would take turns taking care of the elderly. It is impossible for any one family to get the bigger share.

Now I'm fine, I've become an earl. As a result, the title of title is also for the big house, and the housekeeper is also for the big house. My family can't get any benefit at all, and the big head is given to the big house. To make Mrs. Song feel comfortable, That was impossible, because she had long been unhappy in her heart, so when Cao Chunhua provoked her, she was sure to pick the right one.

Seeing that Mrs. Song's face turned ugly, Cao Chunhua knew that her provocation had worked, so she stood up and left.

Cao Chunhua also told Mr. Liu the same thing.

And Mrs. Liu, like Mrs. Song, became unhappy. She was thinking the same thing as Mrs. Song. She also felt that why her family was so prosperous, and they had nothing to do, and everything was taken up by the big house.

Cao Chunhua was satisfied when she saw that neither Song nor Liu were happy.

In fact, she doesn't care whether Mrs. Song will go to Mrs. Gao to quarrel with this matter, and she doesn't care whether Mrs. Song can really quarrel with this matter. She only needs to sow discord between them and make the second and third bedrooms at odds with the eldest house. Just the trouble.

She didn't know how to deal with An Ran now, but she thought that the real housekeeper now was An Ran, so she would achieve her goal by instigating the second and third bedrooms to cause trouble for her.

And Cao Chunhua's instigation was really effective. No, that day Mrs. Song went to Mrs. Liu to murmur for a while, and then the two sisters went to Mrs. Gao and said, "Mother, Sanniang is also thirteen years old. She is the boss at home." If I stay for two or three more years, I will get married. Then my sister-in-law will not be able to handle the workload alone. So, should my three younger siblings and I help my sister-in-law manage the house? We don’t know how to do it now. Let’s learn first. Now that we know each other a lot, Sanniang should be married off too, and then she will be able to help my sister-in-law keep accounts."

Mrs. Song was polite first and then used force. She let the big house take advantage of her without saying anything about it. If she was unhappy, she would only say such things that seemed reasonable to her.

Mrs. Liu on the side also echoed: "Yes! Although I am pregnant with the child now, I will give birth soon, and then I can help my sister-in-law."

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