Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1137 The New Rich House 47

However, not all people who are urged by their master to cause trouble or betray information are willing to obey their master's orders and betray the Su family. There are also some people who are ready to join the Su family.

Su Erzhu's concubine Ding was such a person.

On this day, Mrs. Ding came to An Ran and said she was willing to surrender. She asked the Su family to give her a way to live and settle down, lest if she surrendered, the master behind her would deal with her and the Su family would not want her, then she would have no way of living. At that time, An Ran was still very surprised. You must know that this thing has never happened in his original world. He didn't expect that such a thing would happen in his own world. He didn't know why, but as long as the other party didn't tell lies, this would happen. That's a good thing. After all, she doesn't want to compete with others all day long, does she?

An Ran didn't know that the reason why Ding surrendered was because she felt that following An Ran might have a better future than following her master.

She helps her master with errands. Given her background in a brothel, it would be great if the other party can help her take care of herself in her old age in the future. It is very likely that she will be given away by him to help him with errands.

Those people told her before that the Su family was stupid and irresponsible, and asked her to help deliver news about the Su family, so she did it. After all, she couldn't follow a master with no future and sink the ship with them, so she might as well listen. As for the master, help them and maybe they will end well in the future.

But after staying in the Su family for a while, she no longer thought like that. She could see that Su Sanniang was very powerful, and Concubine Su also had a prince. Concubine Su herself was favored, and the Su family might not fall down in the future. Well, maybe Concubine Su’s son will sit on the dragon throne?

Just like the ministers in the court would choose the prince to take sides, Ding also began to take sides at this time, and she was obviously ready to stand on An Ran's side.

——Actually, this is because Ding’s IQ is not high, so he made such a choice. None of those who claim to be smart bet on the Su family, because the Su family’s power in the court is too weak. In this way, who can Are you willing to choose their home? At most, they are from a big family, and their family will be taken into account when making room allocation bets, just like the Gu family.

The reason why the development is different from that in the original world is because of An Ran. Ms. Ding feels that An Ran is reliable and the Su family may not collapse. In this way, she will have better development, so naturally she does not want to continue. I helped my previous master.

After listening to her words, An Ran said: "We naturally welcome you if you are willing to surrender. We just hope that this is what you say from the bottom of your heart, instead of saying the same thing in front of you and behind your back. I will watch your words and watch your actions. As long as you sincerely surrender, I will I can’t guarantee how good your future will be, but having enough food and clothing should not be a problem.”

As for whether the other party leaves or stays, she doesn't care. If she leaves, that's fine. If she stays, as long as the other party doesn't cause trouble for her second aunt Song because of her support, she won't do it because she is a concubine. It is Song's responsibility to drive people away, and it is not within her scope.

After hearing what An Ran said, Ding hurriedly said, "I promise I won't do it again."

Immediately, he told An Ran who the person behind him was and what he was asked to do.

As expected by An Ran, the people behind her were also from the second prince's faction.

That's right, right now, only the second prince and the prince are in a fierce competition. Who else can be his if he's not his?

However, even though they are all from the second prince, these people from the second prince are also competing with each other. After all, everyone wants to make a name for themselves. It is good for the second prince to ask for credit, so that in the future when the second prince ascends the throne, he can be rewarded based on his merits. , to obtain more benefits, so it is normal for the Su family to have several people sent by the second prince's influence.

In fact, An Ran knew the basic purpose of these people. What Ding said at this time was indeed similar to what she knew, so it was not surprising.

However, with Ding's surrender, she has another person who can more easily take advantage of her scheme.

In fact, because she was not like the Su family in her original world, she had not thought about the origins of those people at all. She thought they were all given by friends and reliable people, so she was not guarded at all. She never thought that they would betray Su. At home, she is on guard against them, so she can naturally take advantage of them, but this kind of passivity is naturally not as safe as Ding's active approach. After all, if it were someone else, what if the other party senses something is wrong and fails to report the news to the court? Well, then her plan will not succeed.

Just when the Su family was in a state of panic, the prince sent An Ran on a mission to find out information for the first time - asking her to find out about the second lady of the Xu family, the Minister of Household Affairs, saying that Emperor Kang He intended to grant him a marriage to Xu. But he was not willing to let her see if there was anything wrong with the second miss of the Xu family, or the Xu family. Reporting it like this would not only dissuade Emperor Kang He, but also delay the marriage for him. time.

In the original world, although the prince was eighteen years old, he was not yet married. If he died later, there would be no mention of the wedding.

Now in An Ran's world, if the prince is not dead, then he is nearly twenty years old now, so there is no way he will not get married. Since so many people are getting married, it makes no sense for the prince not to get married.

But according to what the prince told An Ran, he doesn't want to get married yet. He is afraid that if he gets married before his status is stable, not only will he not be able to help, but his wife and children will also become his weaknesses. The enemy should not start with his wife and children. The way to deal with him is not good; if you are unlucky and your wife is a pig teammate, it will be even worse.

Therefore, the prince wanted to put off the marriage as long as he could, but he really couldn't put it off anymore.

An Ran accepted the prince's mission and took action immediately.

She also has some manpower now, so if she needs to personally take action, in addition to on-the-spot investigation, she can let her subordinates do some superficial information. So An Ran immediately sent people to learn about the news about the household minister's family, so as to provide Fang's subordinates were surprised, so she only told them that she wanted to know more about the situation of every family in the capital, so that if the prince had other inquiries in the future, she would not be surprised if she asked others to inquire.

An Ran originally thought that there might be something wrong with the Xu family, but Miss Xu Er herself was fine. At that time, she would have to search the Xu family to see if there was any evidence of illegal crimes. Otherwise, if the prince wanted to refuse the marriage, he would be afraid. Not an easy task.

As a result, before she could personally collect evidence of the Xu family's crimes, her men had collected important and useful information.

It was this important news that caught her by surprise.

It turned out that An Ran had not found out if the Xu family had done anything illegal, but it was too short a time for An Ran to find out. However, there was definitely something wrong with Miss Xu Er herself - Miss Xu Er actually had a lover.

This lover is her cousin.

However, this cousin's family situation is not good, so her parents do not agree with her marrying her cousin. It is estimated that if the emperor wants to grant a marriage, the Xu family's parents will be overjoyed and eager to agree.

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