Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1153 The New Rich House 63

In fact, An Ran thought well. Emperor Kang He just wanted to save Concubine Su's life. He didn't want the crown prince to take the throne in the future. Concubine Su had beaten An Ran, and An Ran would become the queen and cause trouble for Concubine Su, so he stopped her. .

The prince nodded and said, "That's good."

Then he added: "If anyone in the palace calls you in from now on and makes things difficult for you, just send someone to find me. I know that your martial arts skills are world-class, but you can't do anything in the palace. Sometimes your skills won't come in handy, so If you need anything, just come to me and don't be polite to me. Although I still need to keep a low profile now, as long as you haven't done anything wrong, it won't be difficult to fish you out."

An Ran smiled and said, "I know."

In fact, An Ran married the prince, and life in the back house was not that hard.

First of all, the prince's biological mother died early, and she had no mother-in-law. Kanghe Emperor had many women, but they were all concubines. According to the people, even concubines could not act as her mother-in-law and take care of her.

Secondly, the prince has opened a residence outside the palace. Unless there is a summons from the palace, she usually lives outside the palace in her own territory.

In his own territory, the prince trusted her very much and gave her full authority to take care of it.

Under this situation, her life was more comfortable than in the Su family. After all, the Su family said she was in charge of the house, but there were parents, grandparents, and she couldn't make the decision on many things. Sometimes her uncles and aunts would also jump in. It's boring to find fault.

But it's different in the Prince's Mansion. Basically, she can do whatever she wants. She doesn't have to worry about saying no to this or saying no to that. Although big things have to be discussed with the prince - the prince also discusses big things with An Ran - but small things Basically, it is all decided by An Ran, and what big things can happen in the back house, so basically An Ran can do whatever he wants.

On the contrary, the prince wanted to ask An Ran's opinion on many things. Who made An Ran world-class in martial arts and came up with ideas? He was no worse than his advisers. So after the prince asked An Ran's opinion once and found that An Ran was very good at giving ideas, Gradually, I developed the habit of not making decisions about foreign affairs.

Not only is the Su family unable to take full control of the house, because there are many people, there are many things to do and they are complicated.

As for the Prince's Mansion, although it occupies a large area, there are only two masters in the whole house, she and the Prince, and there are no other people, so many things are very simple, unlike in the crowded Su Mansion, where there are too many things to worry about. So it is very easy to manage.

The reason why there are only An Ran and the prince in the prince's residence is mainly because the prince doesn't trust anyone and is afraid that there are too many women in the backyard, especially if there are spies planted by others, and they don't want to be plotted for beauty.

In addition, he was busy keeping his position, busy with things, and he was not too old. Unlike the second prince and others, he had his biological mother alive and helped them find someone to serve them, so there was no one in the house— -In fact, Emperor Kang He wanted to play the role of mother, take care of it, and give him a few palace maids to serve him, but because the prince refused, there was no force and he had to accept it, so naturally there was nothing else in the palace. A woman.

Because it has always been empty, it makes An Ran happy that there are few people to take good care of it.

In the original world, it would be about five years before Emperor Kang He passed away due to old age and illness. In this world, it would probably be the same time.

Therefore, as long as the prince spends these five years walking on thin ice and ensures that he will not be killed by other princes or concubines who have princes, and that he will not be deposed by Kang He, who is getting older and inevitably more and more suspicious, he can succeed to the throne. .

But five years is a long time, and it is not easy to endure.

An Ran knew the approximate time of his succession, so it would be a little easier. But the prince who didn't know the approximate time of his succession would be under even greater pressure, and would feel like he was being boiled in a frying pan, not knowing when it would end.

Fortunately, Yan Li's mentality is pretty good. Although he is suffering day by day, An Ran is still worried about his condition and can still smile and say that he has been like this for so many years since he became the prince, and now he has adapted to it, so she can Don't worry.

Although five years seems to pass in the blink of an eye, it really goes by quite slowly.

Especially as the prince from other concubines grows older, the more attacks and pressure the prince receives, the more difficult this life becomes. This difficult time makes time feel sad.

The only thing that gave An Ran some peace of mind was that from her monitoring of Emperor Kang He, Emperor Kang He had not thought about deposing the prince. As long as Emperor Kang He did not think about deposing the prince, then he could still live in this life. After all, once Emperor Kang He wanted to, If the prince is deposed, then even if the prince has the ability to reach heaven, he will still be in trouble unless he is forced into the palace.

——Yes, since marrying the prince, in order to protect himself and prevent Emperor Kang He from trying to deal with the prince and causing trouble to himself, An Ran placed a puppet next to Emperor Kang He to monitor his every move.

An Ran had already thought about it. If Emperor Kang He really wanted to deal with the prince one day, he would have no choice but to encourage the prince to force him into the palace. Anyway, for her, she would definitely be able to help him accomplish the task.

Of course, as long as Emperor Kang He maintains his current attitude towards the prince and does not infringe on her interests, An Ran will naturally not look for trouble and force his palace for no reason. After all, as long as he does not want to cause trouble for her, she cannot He was looking for trouble with Emperor Kang He, who only had a lifespan of five years, so as not to cause trouble.

Not long after, the second prince came out of seclusion and started to lively again.

Since the prince suffered a big loss last time, the second prince not only did not watch the other princes grow up and join the battle to seize the legitimate rights, but became worried. He restrained his behavior of blindly attacking the prince. He also intensified his behavior. He wanted to cause trouble for the prince and wanted to get him back. A place to avenge the last loss.

An Ran looked at him like a mad dog, always looking for trouble for the prince, and couldn't help shaking his head, secretly thinking that this second prince, in his original world, was lucky, and the assassination was successful, and the prince was killed, and then Emperor Kang He died quickly. The prince died before he could establish a new prince, leaving the second prince, who had been fighting for the throne for a long time, to seize the throne from a group of princes who were much younger than him and who were not yet ready. Otherwise, it would be impossible to reach a high level with just this emotional intelligence.

The prince had expected to be attacked by the second prince, so he was not afraid. The most important thing now was that An Ran was not pregnant for a while, which caused the ministers who followed him to be very worried. They thought that it would be better if An Ran could not give birth. At worst, he would have to find another woman. But if the prince cannot give birth, the problem will be serious. Can they not worry?

You must know that if the prince is really unable to have children, even if he can adopt him in the future, Emperor Kang He might change someone. After all, to the prince, adoption may not matter, but to Emperor Kang He, he will definitely think If you have a son who can give birth to your own son, and can give birth to his own direct descendants who will always be the emperor, why should you let the crown prince adopt someone else?

So thinking about it this way, can the ministers who follow the prince not become worried?

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