Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1184 The end of

An Ran couldn't help but twitching at the corner of her mouth when Fang Yi asked this question. What was she going to say? She is a straight woman. She is indeed not interested in women and only likes men? Then don't be shocked when he hears this. After all, in Fang Yi's eyes, she is a man now. If she says she likes men, it would be strange if she doesn't scare him to death.

But An Ran couldn't say that he liked women against his will, so An Ran immediately said: "My sexual orientation is normal."

Her words naturally meant that she liked men, but since she now looked like a man, outsiders thought she meant that she liked women, which was a one-size-fits-all answer.

Fang Yi had always wanted an answer before, but now he finally got the answer. Fang Yi couldn't help but feel depressed again - he should have thought of it earlier. Although Wei Anran was good-looking, he didn't look like a sissy. Come to think of it, It is impossible to like men.

He used to be quite confident, thinking that even if Wei Anran didn't like men, he always liked money, and he would be able to spend as much money as he wanted. But after Wei Anran played games with him today, he no longer had this confidence - a A person who is so popular in acting and so good at playing games can easily earn hundreds of millions of dollars. If he spends money, how many people must be willing to spend it? And what’s more likely is that no matter how much he spends, others won’t be willing to do it, because they already have money and don’t care about making money in that way.

When he thought that he really had no way to make the other party agree, could Fang Yi not feel depressed? He couldn't help but think that he had been tricked, and he was tricked hard. After all, no matter what kind of person he was in the past, as long as he proposed it, the other party would probably agree; even if he would not agree so easily, if he gave something, the other party would see it. He also agreed for the sake of money; only here is An Ran. It seems that if he brings up this topic, the other party will definitely not agree, and money cannot move him. In this case, there is nothing he can do, so his Can you not feel depressed?

It's not that he didn't expect to use force, but... Let's not say that he was just playing for fun, and he wasn't that bottom-lined. After all, he never thought about forcing anyone. Just because Wei Anran is a public figure, if he suddenly disappears, what will happen? In terms of causing an uproar, he couldn't do such a thing.

No matter how soft or hard it is, Fang Yi is getting more and more uncomfortable.

The change in his mood was so obvious that An Ran noticed it, and immediately asked: "What's wrong with Mr. Fang? Are you feeling unwell?"

Fang Yi forced a smile and said, "No."

An Ran saw that his expression was fair and he didn't look sick, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Fang Yi originally had plans for after-dinner activities, but due to his low mood, Fang Yi was not in the mood to do anything, so he sent An Ran home directly.

An Ran didn't realize that Fang Yi was in a bad mood because of her words, so she didn't realize that Fang Yi originally wanted to take her to play, but she was in a bad mood and changed her mind. She just thought she would be back soon after dinner. Normally, An Ran would continue practicing martial arts after returning from the present.

While An Ran was practicing martial arts, Fang Yi was drinking with friends and learning from them: "You guys think, if you meet someone you like, how can you catch him? The premise is that you can't be too hard. And the other party won’t be tempted to spend money.”

Those fox friends said: "You didn't reveal your identity? Generally speaking, as long as you reveal your identity, no woman will not be tempted."

That's not even exciting. If a group of women heard about it, they might start plotting, just to win over themselves as Fang Yi's female companion.

Fang Yi said depressedly: "It's already been done, it's useless."

Those friends couldn't help but be surprised and said: "Then you have hit a big snag this time. She didn't even notice that your identity was revealed. Obviously you have met the legendary person who regards money as dirt. If you want to pursue such a person, It does take some effort.”

"I can't figure out what to do. Do you have any ideas?" Fang Yi said.

Everyone lowered their heads in thought. After a while, someone said: "Have you told her, do you like her? If not, I suggest you tell her. Maybe she doesn't have a good impression of you? I just don't know that you like her. She Are you too thin-skinned to show it off? After all, some girls don’t like beating around the bush, so it’s better to hit the ball straight.”

This suggestion gave Fang Yi a glimmer of hope, and he couldn't help but pat his legs and said, "That's right, I haven't confessed to him yet. Let's wait until I confess first."

He did what he said, and Fang Yi came to find An Ran again.

An Ran didn't find it strange to see Fang Yi contact her. After all, Fang Yi had been contacting her frequently recently, so it wasn't a surprise.

It's just that An Ran felt that she didn't know where she fell in love with this young master to make him favor her so much. After all, he was close to her before, and it could be said that it was to lure her to Fang's Pictures, but now, she is already in Fang's Pictures Although he continued to interact with me, I can only say that she must have fallen in love with him, otherwise he would not contact me again, and even if he did, it shouldn't be so frequent.

However, when Fang Yi said he would come to her home to see her, An Ran did not refuse and immediately said, "Okay, welcome."

Seeing that An Ran agreed, Fang Yi couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He ran to change one set of clothes after another. Finally, he saw that this one was not good and that one was not good either, but he didn't have time to buy it right away, so he could only wear it in disgust. I bought a suit and went out. I felt that I was a bit stupid for making a call today without being prepared. I should have prepared myself first before making a call.

But since the call had been made, there was no way to regret it now, so I had no choice but to forget it.

Soon we arrived at An Ran's house.

After hesitating at the door for a long time, Fang Yi rang the doorbell.

An Ran looked at the screen and saw that it was Fang Yi, and then opened the door.

No wonder she was so cautious. Even though she had changed places, she was still worried about fans finding her. So every time someone rang the doorbell, she would check on the screen to see if it was someone she knew before opening the door.

Seeing the door open and An Ran's face revealed, Fang Yi couldn't help but become nervous.

Originally Fang Yi mustered up the courage to come over, but now looking at An Ran's face, he didn't dare to say anything. He was afraid that if he said it and An Ran refused, wouldn't it be bad if he couldn't even be friends anymore? ?

Thank you Beimi2333 and RaineHawke for the gifts~~Thank you for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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