Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1192 The end of

The leader of the task force sighed and said: "I don't know who is so powerful and has such good skills. If it can be used by the official, more criminals can be eliminated and the people of this area can be protected."

"I'm afraid that the other party is not a good person. Having such a person outside is not a good thing for the people. Don't look at the fact that this person killed a drug dealer this time. What if he just had a grudge against the other party, so he did it. I am not an upright person?" asked the leader of the technical team.

"So this case can become an unsolved case, but I will report this person to the superiors and let people continue to keep an eye on it." The leader of the task force said.

An Ran quickly learned of the police's attitude towards this matter. After all, the police did not know that there was such a computer expert checking the progress of the case, so there was no need to be prepared for meetings. In this way, it was normal for An Ran to know the situation.

Knowing that the police did not intend to continue the investigation and would at most maintain long-term attention to themselves, An Ran felt relieved because all the murderers had been dealt with and An Ran would not take action again, so he was not afraid of their attention.

Since the matter was completed relatively smoothly and it took less than two months, An Ran naturally did not go back and continued to practice martial arts outside, checking in with Yang Bai from time to time so as not to worry him.

Seeing that she was fine, Yang Bai was not worried, but Fang Yi never saw her, and An Ran didn't contact him much. He was very anxious and asked Yang Bai to ask for An Ran's address.

Of course Yang Bai didn't dare to offend Fang Yi, but... "I asked him, but he didn't say anything. There's nothing I can do."

Fang Yi couldn't help but frown, seeing that Yang Bai really had no choice but to find another way.

In fact, although An Ran couldn't get through to her cell phone, Fang Yi sent her text messages, and An Ran would occasionally reply to him. It was not considered that she had lost all contact with her. Although the two places were separated, An Ran did not want to offend Fang Yi, so she also It's impossible for you to suddenly stop talking to him despite having a good time with him before. Anyway, you just need to be separated for a while, which doesn't mean you won't keep in touch. After all, many of the young couples who live apart in two places keep in touch every day, but in the end their relationship remains the same. It's gone, so as long as we don't meet each other, it doesn't have to be no contact.

It's just that the time is a bit short. It would be nice if we could be separated for a year. So if she has nothing urgent to do after two months, she will delay the time. Anyway, after the last script was filmed, she has not received any scripts yet. , you can rest and rest - although there are endorsements, variety shows, etc., as long as you don't pick her up, you don't have to worry about rushing back to film.

Although there was news, they could not meet each other. This obviously made Fang Yi, who had been with her for the past one or two years and now suddenly separated, unable to bear it, so he naturally had to find a way to find An Ran.

As the prince of a conglomerate worth hundreds of billions, it would not be difficult for Fang Yi to find Enron. After all, his family owns a technology company. There are naturally many computer experts in this technology company.

So Fang Yi showed up at the technology company that day. After learning that many of them were indeed good at hacking and hacking, he asked them to help find someone.

With Fang's salary, the boss has a life, so they have to do it - although Fang Yi is not the real boss yet, he is the prince and will be the head of Fang sooner or later, so they naturally dare not not do it.

Fang Yi immediately provided them with Enron's information, including Enron's mobile phone number, social software account, etc., so that they could use these accounts to find where Anron was.

Originally, Fang Yi was unwilling to let anyone check this. After all, if he did this, someone would naturally know who he was checking. It was easy for people to wonder why he checked on An Ran, and also let An Ran. The mobile phone number was known to these unrelated people, so it would not cause trouble in the future. However, he really couldn't bear it anymore, so he still asked these people to check it for him.

He originally thought that these masters would be able to invade An Ran's mobile phone immediately, and then judge where An Ran was based on what An Ran saw while playing with his mobile phone.

As a result, this group of experts worked hard for a long time, but nothing came out.

"What's going on?" Fang Yi asked quickly when he saw that their relaxed expressions at the beginning turned serious and even nervous.

Just after asking, one of them turned off the power.

"The other party has experts and found out that we had invaded, so we had to withdraw, but we failed to get rid of the other party. If this continues, we are afraid that we will be chased home, so we can only use the power switch method." One of them said helplessly. .

Fang Yi couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this, and said, "Is there an expert on the other side?"

"Yes, and the technology is more powerful than all of us combined."

Fang Yi couldn't help but be even more surprised at that moment, secretly wondering if An Ran went on vacation alone? Why are there computer experts following me around?

——He never thought that this expert was An Ran himself. After all, it was surprising that he was an actor and could play games. How could this be possible if he was also a computer expert? So he only thought about whether An Ran might be accompanied by an expert.

And this divergence made Fang Yi feel jealous, thinking that the person An Ran could take with him on a secret vacation must be someone he likes, otherwise it would be impossible to take him on vacation with him.

And thinking like this doesn't make Fang Yi jealous, thinking about why he is so pitiful. He has liked Wei Anran for almost two years, but there has been no progress at all. He already has someone he likes. In this way, how can he? Isn't there no hope?

However, An Ran once said that his sexual orientation was normal. So, was the person he took on vacation with him a girl? But do girls have such strong IT skills? Fang Yi thought doubtfully.

Since there was no way to find An Ran through computer experts, Fang Yi returned to ordinary methods. In order to clear up the doubts, he sent a text message to An Ran: "Do you have a girlfriend?"

An Ran's text messages were not replied immediately. Sometimes it took a long time, and it was the same this time. Although he was waiting anxiously, wishing to receive An Ran's reply immediately, An Ran's reply came as usual, after a few seconds. It took only an hour to send it - An Ran was in meditation practicing martial arts most of the time, so he didn't notice the text message for a while, and it was normal for him to reply after a few hours.

However, the text message he sent was worth waiting for, because An Ran responded to his inquiry and denied it.

An Ran didn't know why Fang Yi asked this, but even if she wanted Fang Yi to give up, she couldn't tell such a lie. After all, telling a lie requires countless lies to cover it up. She didn't want to suffer such a crime, so naturally she didn't Will tell lies.

And An Ran's categorical denial made Fang Yi feel sad that An Ran was suspected of having a girlfriend, but the sun suddenly started to shine again, secretly thinking that no matter who helped An Ran, at least, if An Ran didn't have a girlfriend, then he still had one. hope.

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