Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1313 Return of the Lost Bead 59

"Oh? What is it? Let the Aijia have a look." The Empress Dowager looked at the box in Emperor Jianyuan's hand and saw that the box was made in an antique style, but if she was asked to guess, she couldn't guess what was inside. She couldn't help but be curious about what it was, so she asked Emperor Jianyuan to show it to her.

Emperor Jianyuan didn't know how to sell things, so he immediately took out the things and showed them to the Empress Dowager.

The Queen Mother looked at the small squares carved from white marble and didn't understand what they were.

"What is this for? Why do you write so many weird words, east, west, south, north, middle, hair... What is this for?"

Emperor Jianyuan immediately told the Empress Dowager the rules of the game, and the Empress Dowager was really interested. At that moment, An Ran, Emperor Jianyuan, the Empress Dowager, and the internal supervisor next to the Empress Dowager, the four of them started fighting together.

As An Ran expected, most people like Mahjong, the "quintessence of the country", and the Queen Mother was no exception. Once she became familiar with the rules, she quickly fell in love with it.

An Ran and Emperor Jianyuan played mahjong with her all afternoon, and she didn't complain at all, just playing mahjong.

An Ran and Emperor Jianyuan looked at each other and couldn't help but smile at each other.

The old child is more annoying, but she is just a bit nagging. She is not a bad person. There is no need to antagonize her. You can definitely find ways to guide her to enrich herself. As long as you have something to kill time, who is nagging you?

Afterwards, An Ran and Emperor Jianyuan taught a few female officials and leading eunuchs, and then asked them to teach more people. They must make sure that everyone in the Ci'en Palace can play mahjong, so that the old lady will have someone to accompany her, so that she will not be bored.

Emperor Jianyuan said that if something is good above, it will be better below. This is true. Seeing that the Empress Dowager likes to play mahjong so much, who dares not to learn it seriously in Ci'en Palace? As long as you learn well, you will feel comfortable playing mahjong with the Empress Dowager, and you will be able to play mahjong with the Empress Dowager in the future. Is there a future?

Not only the people in Ci'en Palace quickly learned it, but even the ladies outside the palace quickly learned it one by two, just so that when they entered the palace to see the Queen Mother, they could play mahjong twice with the Queen Mother and please the Queen Mother.

Someone accompanies the Queen Mother in this activity every day, so the Queen Mother has no time to come to An Ran to give advice, and An Ran finally regains her composure.

Soon, Mrs. Li of Anlehou Mansion passed away.

After being treated by An Ran, Mr. Li has lived five years longer than his original world, which is very good. After all, he suffered many injuries on the battlefield in his early years, which seriously affected his body functions. He died at such an old age, which is considered a long life. , it’s considered a joy or mourning, not a tragedy.

But the people in Anlehou Mansion don't think so, because the death of Mrs. Li has a great impact on Anlehou Mansion.

First of all, without the banner of Mrs. Li, Anlehou and his wife were allowed to enter the palace less and less often.

Before knowing that, they knew that they wanted to see An Ran, but An Ran might not meet, so they usually asked Mrs. Li to submit the post, and Mr. Li would submit the post, and An Ran would usually meet him, so that they could enter the palace to meet An Ran, and then talk to her. Maintaining the superficial intimacy, after all, if they haven't seen the Queen for a long time, people outside will feel that the relationship between their family and the Queen is indeed not good, but if they maintain an intimate relationship like this, people outside will not They feel this way, and feel that their relationship with the daughter they recognized later is pretty good.

And now that Mrs. Li has passed away, it is just as they expected. They submit the application to the palace again, but eight times out of ten they fail. It is not bad to see An Ran once a month. Sometimes if they ask her for anything, , made her unhappy, and she could not see them for several months. This made them think in the eyes of outsiders, as they expected, that their relationship with the queen was no longer good, so the Anlehou Mansion began after the death of Mrs. Li. After that, their status in the capital dropped sharply. After all, everyone knew that their relationship with the queen was no longer good because Mrs. Li, who had a good relationship with the queen, passed away.

For this reason, they dared to ask An Ran for anything at first, but after An Ran had three attacks and left them alone for several months, causing their status in the capital to decline more and more, they no longer dared to ask An Ran for anything. Please, let’s just talk about family affairs when we meet later. After all, their own situation is more serious than helping others. If they do things for others just to get some benefits, their relationship with the queen will become worse, which will lead to Their status in Beijing has declined, so aren't they picking up sesame seeds and losing the watermelon?

In this case, they naturally don't dare to do that anymore and only dare to talk about family affairs. As long as they ensure that An Ran keeps in contact with them, their status in Beijing will be stable and other possibilities will be possible. Otherwise, everything is nonsense.

Seeing that they were honest, An Ran regained the opportunity to see them once a month.

The people in the Anlehou Mansion were naturally very angry that An Ran treated them like this.

Mrs. Anlehou even asked Anlehou if she could use filial piety to suppress Anran. For example, if Anran dared not to see them, she bribed the censor to impeach her for being disobedient and unfilial, so that Anran could not refuse to see them, but Anlehou immediately scolded her.

After all, if they really dare to do this and ruin Anron's reputation, then the emperor will really listen to these words and stop doting on her alone, and start accepting concubines, then they will be the unlucky ones.

Furthermore, it would be even more terrifying if An Ran found out that it was them who did it. He was afraid that he would not be able to see her even once a month in the future.

Now that Anlehou's mansion is like this, how can Anlehou still dare to gamble? He certainly doesn't dare to go against Anran.

In fact, because An Ran is the queen, Anlehou Mansion is much more prosperous than in the original world. In the original world, Anlehou Mansion was in decline after the death of Mr. Li.

It's just that in this world, An Ran became the queen and gave birth to ambitions in the Anlehou Mansion. Then he found that the ambition could not be realized and a gap occurred. He felt that the situation in the Anlehou Mansion was not good, but it was actually much better than the world where he originally lived.

Not long after, Mrs. Nanyang Hou of Nanyang Hou Mansion also passed away.

After Mrs. Nanyang Hou passed away, Nanyang Hou and his son thought about what Li Xinran had done that day, and were afraid that Mr. Zhang would still be staring at Li Xinran. When Li Xinran came out, he should not make trouble and let Mr. Zhang get caught. As expected, he did not call Li Xinran the housekeeper, but called him the housekeeper. Li Xinran’s sister-in-law butler.

This made Li Xinran, who had long been looking forward to being released from confinement, naturally unhappy. She quarreled several times, saying that she was the prince's wife, so why couldn't she manage the house.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to her, and her natal Anlehou Mansion didn't care about her, so the matter naturally went undisturbed. He could only look at her sister-in-law's housekeeper bitterly, and she was still imprisoned in the courtyard.

If it weren't for the existence of her son, she would be able to breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that one day, her son would inherit the title and he would not let her take care of the house. Then she would be able to continue her glory, otherwise, she would be attacked one after another. Such a blow, she really couldn't survive.

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