Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1315 Return of the Lost Bead 61

Emperor Jianyuan also lived to be almost eighty years old before passing away. This is considered a long life in this world where life spans are rare in seventy years. This is mainly because Emperor Jianyuan practiced martial arts and was good at regulating the body. In addition, An Ran was a good doctor. The reason why he could secretly prevent diseases for Emperor Jianyuan.

Because An Ran did not become the queen mother until she was nearly eighty years old, in the Anlehou Mansion, her original blood brother, the Prince Anlehou, had passed away long ago, and the head of the family was her nephew, who was nearly sixty years old.

Generally, the Queen Mother's natal family has certain rules when it comes to conferring benefactors, either on their parents or on their brothers, but not on their nephews. That's why An Ran, who is now the Queen Mother, naturally did not mention it to her son. It is the Chengen Palace.

So because Emperor Jianyuan lived a long life, Prince Anle and his wife, who were waiting for An Ran to become the Queen Mother and become Duke Chengen, had already passed away, and naturally they did not have this blessing. Speaking of which, the couple really passed away with disappointment and regret.

From An Ran's point of view, he did not sever ties with the Anlehou Mansion and allowed them to benefit a lot in the past few decades because of his status as queen, which was not bad. He also asked his son to grant them the title of Engong... Even if the original person didn't say anything about hating the Anlehou Mansion, An Ran wouldn't like it after seeing what the Anlehou Mansion did to the original person, and it would be impossible for him to do such a thing.

So in this way, the Li family became the first dynasty in so many years to have a queen mother without a title of Duke En. Many people in the capital secretly laughed at their family, and many people I feel that it was done by their family. If it had not been done by them, they would have treated their biological daughter badly back then. They would have treated a daughter who had the wrong child in their arms more favorably than their own daughter. How could the trouble have reached this level today?

Fortunately, Anlehou and his wife had passed away long ago, otherwise they would have been furious to death upon hearing this.

Even if it didn't become the Duke's Mansion, what the people of the Anlehou Mansion couldn't accept was that soon after the original nephew passed away, and their family all became commoners - the Anlehou Mansion could not demote the title to the fourth generation, and from Li The old man, from Anlehou, to Anlehou's crown prince, to his original nephew, is exactly four generations. When he passes away, won't he become a commoner?

The dignified Queen Mother's mother-in-law turned out to be a commoner in the end. How could the people of the Anlehou Mansion endure this?

However, before Anlehou and his wife passed away, they could only regret that their palace had not become a public palace, and did not dare to go to the palace to say anything; the original brother and nephew also did not dare to say anything, and now they have changed their original bodies. The grandnephew is the head of the family, and he is becoming more and more distant from An Ran. He is becoming more and more emotionless, so he doesn't dare to mention anything.

Fortunately, the previous generation was a marquis, and he still had the qualifications for a shadow seal. At least he hired a seventh-grade shadow seal for the original body's great-nephew. Although he was no longer a noble family, it was not to the point of becoming a white body. He just thought that his family was The Empress Dowager's natal family did not become Cheng'en Palace, so she was a little unwilling to do so.

They didn't dare to blame An Ran, but they blamed their great-grandfather Anlehou and his wife. They thought that if they hadn't brought their great-aunt back and treated her poorly, but instead kept being warm to the country girl, would this situation have happened now?

In their opinion, the behavior of their great-grandfather Anlehou and his wife at that time was simply stupid. If they were their great-grandfather, they would definitely not treat their great-aunt like that, and they would definitely treat her well. Then her great-aunt became the Queen Mother, even if They are great-nephews. As long as my great-aunt is willing, I would like to mention it to Your Majesty. Not to mention the title of Duke, but it is not difficult to get a title. After all, my great-aunt is still alive, and the new emperor is also very filial to my great-aunt. It will not be like now at all. In this way, there is a queen mother in the family, but they still get nothing. At most, they can say in front of outsiders that their great-aunt is the queen mother of the dynasty, and their face is a little bright.

Even this little light is hard to grab. There is no way. My great-aunt lived for nearly eighty years. As her lifespan increases, there will be more descendants. At that time, my great-aunt had five or six brothers, brothers from the same father and mother, plus brothers-in-law. , there are twenty or thirty grandchildren of these five or six people. When it is mentioned in Beijing that the Queen Mother is one's great-aunt, there are twenty or thirty people, and there are also people called great-aunt, great-aunt (the descendants of Sister An Ran), etc. Quite a few. Once there are more of these people, others will not take you seriously.

When I think about the fact that my family is the eldest member of the family, and the Queen Mother is my true great-aunt, if my great-grandfather and great-grandmother hadn't messed up and caused my family to have no title, how can the original nephew and grandnephew family not blame them?

——Actually, this is just an afterthought. If they were really in the position of the Anlehou couple back then, they would probably think that the daughter from the country might not be well-educated, and it would be embarrassing to take them out. Then they only like to be well-educated, and they think it is decent to take them out. The fake daughter.

Anlehou and his wife probably never thought that someone would still hate them so much after they had been dead for so long.

But it's not surprising that the original grandnephew's family blamed them so much, because their family was miserable, and the Li family who adopted An Ran back then were now prosperous. This development made them hate the Anlehou couple even more.

But he said that after the Li family moved to Beijing, they began to let their children study.

None of their children's generation, that is, their adopted brothers or brothers, succeeded in the imperial examination.

But as far as the original nephew's generation, some people were admitted as scholars.

Now, someone of the original body's grandnephew generation has finally passed the Jinshi examination and is now a third-grade official. This has completely changed the family status of the Li family. They are no longer ridiculed by others when they first came to Beijing. Even their own children Their daughter didn't recognize their poor family, but they became a scholarly family. After all, three generations of scholars in the family were called a scholarly family.

Not only did she become a high-ranking official and a scholarly family, but what is even more ridiculous is that back then, Li Xinran did not recognize her biological parents' family. Naturally, her son did not want to recognize this poor relative, but... things have changed, and now it is her grandson. Seniors, but one or two came to recognize their relatives.

Without him, the Nanyang Marquis Mansion is the same as the Anle Marquis Mansion. The title has come to an end. Her grandson is also the same as the Anle Marquis Mansion. Without the title, he only has a seventh-grade Yinfeng, which is not as high as the Li family. So at first glance When the Li family became a member of the third rank, they shamelessly pushed up to them. When they wanted to recognize them, they were called cousins ​​to make love. In fact, they were really close to each other. After all, they were just their own grandfather, and they had the same parents as the other's grandmother. relationship, and the other party didn't recognize the parents back then, but now decades have passed, and they suddenly recognize them, it's hard not to laugh.

The Li family knew how their grandmother looked down on their own family back then. After all, this matter had been spread all over the capital. Who didn't know about it? So when they saw them approaching, they naturally ignored them. After all, they were not people who repaid evil with kindness. .

Seeing that they couldn't stick together, the people in the Nanyang Marquis Mansion couldn't help but blame their grandmother Li Xinran for not doing good things back then, which made it difficult for them to step down now.

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