Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1329 Palace Fight Winner 13 (Real Chapter 13)

However, it is still early to discipline Xie Wulang. After all, the other party is still a nine-year-old child. He is a little naughty at most. He has not yet been lured out to eat, drink, gamble, or develop uncontrollable bad habits. When the time comes, he will be a little naughty. It's not difficult to treat him.

It stands to reason that the child should be educated from an early age, but she doesn't have the leisure, so naturally she has no interest in educating her from now on. Besides, if she wants to educate her now, Mrs. Xie won't let her, so she might as well wait until the time is almost up. She can just deal with it in secret. Anyway, she has many tricks. Ordinary people can't quit eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. In her hands, they can definitely quit. This has been experienced in several mission worlds.

After Xie Yuanniang got married, An Ran's marriage was officially put on the agenda. Every few days, someone from Beijing would always send a matchmaker to propose marriage.

However, I don’t know whether Mrs. Xie didn’t like those families, or whether Mrs. Xie liked the Zhang family more. Anyway, just like in the original memory, Mrs. Xie hasn’t asked An Ran yet, but she may like a certain family.

Seeing that Mrs. Xie never asked her opinion, Anran was afraid that she would ignore her own wishes and decided directly without asking her. When the time came, she would marry to a family with bad character, so from time to time she would Look at Mrs. Xie’s reaction.

If no one came to propose marriage, An Ran might not be surprised, but the key point is that people often come to propose marriage, but Mrs. Xie doesn't react at all, which makes An Ran feel strange, so she will check the situation, which is normal.

However, looking around, I couldn't see what the problem was. I only saw that Mrs. Xie rejected those who came to propose marriage on the grounds that she was still young and planned to stay for a while.

Although Mrs. Xie said this, it is very strange. After all, logically speaking, she should not be. She is already so old. In this era, it is time for her to get engaged. How can she stay for a while longer? But because Anron is not always He is always staring at Mrs. Xie, so the source of this phenomenon has not yet been discovered.

Because Mrs. Xie's reaction was very strange, An Ran stepped up surveillance of Mrs. Xie.

She is now worried that this will happen. The prince's people have already gotten involved with the Xie family, causing Mrs. Xie to not dare to respond to others. If this is the case, her plan not to enter the palace will fail.

Although she is not afraid of entering the palace, it would be best if she could not enter. After all, Emperor Yongxing is quite disgusting. She does not want to marry him at all, even if she now knows how to cultivate and use dream magic to cause false intercourse. She didn't even want to have sex with Emperor Yongxing. After all, Emperor Yongxing was so disgusting that she didn't want to marry him; secondly, the scope of activities in the palace was small, and entering the palace was like going to jail. She felt uncomfortable. Although she had cultivated herself and thought of it, she could disguise herself, but how could she act openly and openly outside?

The reason why I hate Emperor Yongxing so much is because this Emperor Yongxing is actually a similar person to Mr. Xie. He is also a man who married into the Xie family for profit, and then started to cheat on his wife after he succeeded. If he hadn't been smart, , has skills, and the Xie family is very powerful, otherwise he would really be destroyed by him.

An Ran was naturally not interested in such a scumbag who first used the original body and then wanted to destroy the original body after success.

However, after monitoring for several days, she found no sign of anyone from the prince's family contacting the Xie family. She only saw a truth that made her dumbfounded - it turned out that the Second Madam Xie had approached Madam Xie and had given Madam Xie some benefits. , and asked her to reject those people who proposed marriage to An Ran, saying that when the Zhang family married Zhang Dalang (Zhang Dalang was a concubine, so Zhang Xuan would inherit the family business in the future), she would immediately come to the Xie family to propose marriage to Zhang Xuan. , because he was busy marrying Zhang Dalang for the time being, he didn't have time to worry about Zhang Xuan's affairs.

Mrs. Xie was always jealous of money, so when Mrs. Xie gave her the money, she naturally agreed, but she also said that she would wait for at most half a year. If she didn't propose marriage after half a year, she couldn't wait any longer, lest she get upset. The family didn't propose marriage, and she rejected too many good people. If she doesn't get married to the Zhang family, and then people with good conditions give up her hand, then she will be sorry for the child. In fact, even if she is afraid of being sorry for the child, she clearly doesn't want to. It will be detrimental to the son if he marries his daughter to a bad family in the future.

In addition, Mrs. Xie also said that in addition to the six-month time limit, if someone much better than the Zhang family proposed marriage, she would not refuse it, so that the Zhang family would understand.

This is also normal. After all, if it is much better than the Zhang family, marrying her daughter will be of great benefit to her son. How can she be tempted by the little money given by Mrs. Xie? After all, she saves money , isn't it just for her son? If An Ran can marry a better family, it will bring greater benefits to her son, which is beyond what this little money can compare with, so she will naturally add this.

Naturally, Mrs. Xie did not dare to give any money, so she asked Mrs. Xie to promise never to marry An Ran to anyone else, but only to her natal nephew, so she accepted Mrs. Xie's conditions. At this moment, there were Many people came to propose marriage, but An Ran didn't notice any movement. She couldn't help but think that if she continued like this, would she still follow the original route and marry the prince? No, she didn't want to see such a result. It seemed that she had to do something.

It's not difficult to do something, but before that, you must have a goal. After all, if you don't have a goal, you can't let Mrs. Xie randomly pick one for you.

The New Year came soon. On the third day of the new year, An Ran, Xie Siniang and Xie Wulang accompanied Mrs. Xie back to her parents' home.

Unlucky (for Mrs. Xie), she met Mrs. Xie's sister, her original aunt, who also returned to her parents' home.

As soon as Mrs. Xie heard that her sister was coming, her face turned ugly.

Don't blame her for this reaction, her original aunt was the princess of Dong'an County.

Although the Xie family is a big family with a high status and is the target of the imperial princes' efforts to win over, no matter how big a family it is, its status cannot be compared with that of the royal family. They are a royal family and are naturally noble.

The Xie family may look down upon middle- and low-level clans, but those above the level of the county king are not those they dare to despise.

Especially the princess, who is noble and noble, and has a higher status than Mrs. Xie no matter what.

Of course, the main reason is that although the Xie family is a big family, a big family can only have a lot of people in the family serving as officials, and there are many intertwined forces. It is not necessarily a family of powerful officials. If it is a family of powerful officials, it would dare to include those who are not popular counties. The princess takes the princess seriously, but there are no powerful ministers in the Xie family. The highest level is only a third-grade person in the next room, which is still far away from the powerful ministers. With such conditions, how dare you not take the princess in the eyes, unless Mr. Xie She is a powerful minister, so Mrs. Xie dares to despise her.

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