Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1339 Winner of Palace Fight 23

After hearing Mrs. Xie's inquiry, Princess Dong'an said, "I'll go there tomorrow."

Anyway, there are only three days, and one day has been wasted today. If you don't go tomorrow, you will go the day after tomorrow. It doesn't make any difference, so just go tomorrow. Get things done early, so as not to have something on your mind, thinking about it and worrying about it all the time.

In fact, from the bottom of her heart, she didn't want to help An Ran. After all, their family was prosperous by fawning over the Queen Mother and Prince Li. Now if her sister's daughter also got into the Queen Mother and Prince Li's palace, The palace, which invisibly brought the status of the two of them closer to their parents' family. After all, although the status of the county prince's palace was high, the Xie family was a big family and not weak. The only thing that made her status much higher than Mrs. Xie's was that she She has a close relationship with the Queen Mother and Prince Li, and can often enter the palace. As a result, she and Mrs. Xie are not the same characters. If one day Mrs. Xie's daughter also has such an ability, it will not be able to improve. Mrs. Xie’s card? So how could she help Mrs. Xie and An Ran? She wished that An Ran would offend the Queen Mother and fail to reach the Queen Mother.

Thinking of this, the princess of Dong'an County couldn't help but her eyes darkened, thinking about how to teach An Ran tomorrow.

Mrs. Xie naturally didn't know about Princess Dong'an's heart. She just thought that in such a big matter, Princess Dong'an would not dare to do anything, lest if something happened, others would know that it was her who harmed the Xie family, and she would not be able to explain. But little did he know that she underestimated the human comparison mentality. Even if it was this kind of thing, Princess Dong'an County would dare to do anything about it?

Seeing that the Princess of Dong'an County agreed, she left immediately, regardless of the fact that the Princess of Dong'an County left a meal, lest she would die of suffocation if she stayed in the same room with the Princess of Dong'an County.

Princess Dong'an County's request to leave the meal was just a word of mouth. In fact, she also didn't want to stay with Mrs. Xie, so when Mrs. Xie insisted on leaving, she didn't say anything and just let her go.

The next day, the princess of Dong'an County arrived as promised.

Although the princess of Dong'an County had small calculations in her heart, she still held An Ran's hand as soon as she saw her face and praised her enthusiastically: "Good child, when I saw you, you are a lucky person. It's true. No, you have been summoned by the Queen Mother, which shows that there will be good things in the future."

What she said was true. As long as An Ran didn't ruin her good cards, with her status as the legitimate daughter of the Xie family and the Queen Mother's favor, her future life would indeed go smoothly.

An Ran heard the compliments from Princess Dong'an County. No matter what Princess Dong'an County thought in her heart, at least she praised her on her face, so An Ran naturally said a few words of humility.

The princess of Dong'an County didn't talk nonsense at the moment, and quickly explained some of the Queen Mother's taboos.

Although An Ran listened to and remembered what the Princess of Dong'an County told her, she might not act according to what the Princess of Dong'an County told her. After all, she had not forgotten that the Princess of Dong'an County and Mrs. Xie had conflicts and often did not talk to each other. With her in the limelight, how could she be willing to see her sister's daughter become famous? Then her sister, relying on her beautiful daughter, would overwhelm her in her parents' family. In this way, the things taught by the Princess of Dong'an County are not all true, but Let’s just say it’s not necessarily true.

Of course, people can't be stupid enough to cause mischief on the surface, but it's always okay to say half and half, etc. If something happens, and they ask, they can just slap their heads and say that they forgot at the time.

People can say that they have forgotten, but if something happens to An Ran, it will be bad, so how can she dare to believe what the princess of Dong'an County said.

The princess of Dong'an County couldn't believe it, but there was one person she believed in very much, and that was Manager Zhang of Prince Li's Mansion.

So after Princess Dong'an left, Anron wrote down all the taboos mentioned by Princess Dong'an - Princess Dong'an probably never thought that Anron would never forget them - and had them delivered to her. Li Prince's Mansion, given to Mr. Zhang.

Sure enough, Manager Zhang lived up to her trust and didn't reply to the letter. Instead, he came directly. Since An Ran was in class, he specially waited for An Ran to come after class.

Of course, there were a lot of things in the palace. In fact, he didn't have time to run out all day, so he still told Prince Li about it. Prince Li was afraid that An Ran would be deceived, so he asked Manager Zhang to go there in person, and said that if he hadn't He wasn't feeling well, otherwise he would have come over in person and told An Ran.

Manager Zhang told An Ran as soon as he arrived: "There is too much to say. We were afraid that we could not explain clearly in the letter, so we came over."

After explaining the reason for coming, Manager Zhang then asked: "Who told you what you wrote?"

An Ran didn't hide anything from him and said: "My aunt is the princess of Dong'an County. My father-in-law may also know that my aunt and my mother have deep conflicts, so I couldn't believe what she said, so I wrote to my father-in-law. Ask about the situation.”

When Manager Zhang heard this, he couldn't help but snorted coldly. He came from the palace. He didn't understand the tricks of the people in the palace. He naturally understood what tricks Princess Dong'an County was playing. He couldn't help secretly thinking that this woman is really brave. He is a member of the clan, but because of his close relationship with Prince Li and the Queen Mother, he dares to tremble. He even dares to bully his little friend like this, let’s see if he doesn’t torture her to death in the future!

So he immediately said: "Fortunately you asked, you thought well, what she said is indeed wrong."

Then he praised: "Although the second girl is young, she considers things very carefully, which is really rare."

After hearing Manager Zhang's compliment, An Ran said modestly: "My father-in-law, you are so complimentary."

The Princess of Dong'an County probably never thought that An Ran would be so smart at such a young age and could guess her dirty thoughts. She didn't believe what she taught her and would directly write down what she said and then ask Manager Zhang for advice. Not only did she not An Ran was deceived, and someone found out, and she accidentally offended Manager Zhang, and maybe even Prince Li in the future. After all, Manager Zhang will definitely tell Prince Li about this when he goes back, so that Prince Li will not be deceived by the Princess of Dong'an County. , in the future, because she is Xie Er’s aunt, I will treat her better.

Otherwise, if you want to know, give her a hundred courages, and she would not dare to play such tricks under the nose of a person like Mr. Zhang. After all, no one from the palace is a fox for thousands of years, playing with him What a chat.

The princess of Dong'an County didn't know it at this time, but she would know it in the future. When she found out that she was treated coldly by Prince Li's palace, she couldn't help but regret it, but she had to walk the path she chose on her knees, and there was no point in regretting it later.

Not talking about the future events of Princess Dong'an County, but only talking about the present, Manager Zhang then told An Ran that what Princess Dong'an County said was only half the truth, or was hiding Lei's taboos, and then helped An Ran to complete it, and saw that there was no problem. After that, Fang handed it over to An Ran, and then comforted An Ran and said: "Second girl, don't worry. The Queen Mother heard that you saved the prince and was very grateful. Even if you have not been in the palace and don't understand the Queen Mother, your actions may not be thorough. The Queen Mother is I won’t blame you, after all, in my heart, as long as I can help the prince, she will be grateful and won’t have any bad impression.”

Thank you LTS911, the female ghost of Jialan Temple, Zhao Yilin and Zi Yan for the gifts~~ Also: thank you all for the gifts, there will be an update at 2pm~~

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