Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1356 Winner of Palace Fight 40

But An Ran is different from Mrs. Xie. She will not be bullied by the Princess of Dong'an County. If the Princess of Dong'an County robs her things like this, she will teach her how to behave, instead of taking advantage of the Princess of Dong'an County like Mrs. Xie did. The only way is to feel uncomfortable there.

Knowing the answer, An Ran removed the interference from his consciousness.

The princess of Dong'an County only felt that she was in a trance just now, but due to the short time, she didn't notice anything strange. She immediately heard An Ran say: "Since aunt doesn't want to say it, let's forget it."

Immediately, Xiaomei and the others were called in again. After all, if the true face of Princess Dong'an County was revealed next, outsiders would have to hear it. Otherwise, she told Princess Dong'an County that outsiders didn't know the truth. Don't let Princess Dong'an County come here on purpose one day. Looking for me, but not seeing me, the princess of Dong'an County is spreading rumors about herself outside and pouring black water on herself.

Rather than clarifying it then, it is better to let people know it now. Moreover, once a rumor is formed, sometimes only some people know it after the person involved clarifies it, and some people do not know it and are still spreading the rumor, so it is better to act first and make it now. Tell him the reason why he doesn't plan to meet the princess of Dong'an County in the future, so that there will be no unfavorable rumors spread about him.

Seeing Xiaomei and the others come in, An Ran said, "Auntie, you're here today. Is there really nothing wrong?"

The princess of Dong'an County said: "I really have nothing to do. I just came to see you and see how you are doing in the palace."

It's true. She came today just to have a relationship with her, and she had no other purpose.

She didn't come to Prince Li's Mansion in the past. It's not that she didn't want to come. It's just that the person who could contact Prince Li's Mansion and the Queen Mother was her mother-in-law, Princess Dong'an. She could come, and they wouldn't miss her, but if there was anything She wanted to ask for help at Prince Li's house, but they would not give her face or pay attention to her.

Because she didn't have the face to ask people to help her with things, the princess of Dong'an County wouldn't come here in the past. She was even afraid that her mother-in-law would blame her if she ran here without authorization, and she was afraid that she wouldn't cause any trouble.

But it’s different now. The person in charge of Prince Li’s Mansion now is her direct aunt and niece. This is closer than the relationship between Princess Dong’an and the Queen Mother, so now she dares to come to Prince Li’s Mansion - in fact, Her husband and mother-in-law agreed that from now on she would interact with Prince Li's Mansion and build relationships. After all, they were separated by one floor and it was inconvenient.

An Ran asked again, and the other party also said that nothing happened, so it seemed that nothing happened. He stopped trying her words and said calmly: "It's rare that my aunt still cares about my life in the palace."

The princess of Dong'an County smiled very affectionately and said: "Of course, you are my niece. I don't care about you. Who do I care about?"

The princess of Dong'an County once again mentioned the relationship between them. She just wanted to emphasize it a few more times now so that An Ran could have a deeper understanding of their relationship and make it easier for the two of them to get closer in the future.

Although she didn't want to see An Ran become a princess and Mrs. Xie would be more popular than her in her natal family in the future, she felt very unhappy, but it was already a fait accompli. Before An Ran fell into despair, she still had to take advantage of it, lest An Ran fall into despair one day. , there is no place for her to take advantage of it.

Yes, she felt that An Ran would always be in decline.

At first, she didn't think that as long as Prince Li's physical condition survived this crisis and he would slowly get better in the future, he would still die young. It was just a matter of time.

Secondly, the Queen Mother is getting very old. According to her mother-in-law, she worries too much about Prince Li and is becoming more and more useless and will probably die soon.

These two people will die in a few years. By then, the emperor will be An Ran's eldest brother-in-law, but he will definitely not be as good as the queen mother to Prince Li, or even the emperor to Prince Li. By then, For a widow with no children, what's the use of having the title of Princess? Wouldn't it be a downfall?

She felt that this was a matter of time. She felt that Mrs. Xie could only be famous for a few years at most. If she was unlucky, she might not be famous next year. Because of this thought, the princess of Dong'an County felt a little calmer. , otherwise, seeing as how she had worked so hard to steal her sister's marriage, and finally managed to get along better than her sister, only to be beaten back to her original form, how could she have endured it.

As for whether the Queen Mother and Prince Li would pass away soon... She felt that she was very lucky and could not be so unlucky.

I think back then, she robbed Mrs. Xie of her marriage, so that Mrs. Xie could only marry into the Xie family. Originally, she could marry immediately if she followed. As a result, there were heavy mournings in the Zhou family and the Dong'an Palace, and they had to wait for a long time. It took four years to marry into the royal palace.

She was originally worried that she had done something excessive, and if something like this happened now, God would not see it and wanted to deal with her. After all, it took her four years and she was the oldest to marry into the Prince of Dong'an. After a long time, she and Dong'an The relationship between the county and the king is about to fade away, and Mrs. Xie will live a good life in the Xie family. When she becomes the mistress of the big family, she may not be worse than herself.

As a result, when Mrs. Xie arrived at the Xie family, she was indeed the mistress of the family. However, because she did not give birth to a son and Mr. Xie had a doting concubine, her life was miserable.

On the contrary, she became pregnant as soon as she married into the palace, and gave birth to three sons in succession. Therefore, she already had a high status and good status. This made it even better, which made Mrs. Xie look disgraced.

At this time, Princess Dong'an felt that she was very lucky.

Since she knew that she was very lucky, she naturally believed in her guess at this moment, and she waited for Mrs. Xie to continue to be disgraced.

Just as she was thinking about it, her good niece on the other end heard her words and sneered: "Auntie, from the time you came in until now, what I have heard you mention the most is that I am your biological niece. , It seems that my aunt is very close to my niece. In this case..." An Ran lengthened his voice, and then deliberately slowed down, making sure that the Princess of Dong'an County heard each word clearly: "Then I saved the prince. , the Queen Mother summoned me to the palace, and when my mother and my father came to you to give me guidance, why did you give me a bunch of wrong guidance?"

The princess of Dong'an County also didn't expect that An Ran would discover the tricks she had done secretly, and she immediately panicked, thinking how could she discover it? It's really strange. Look at the servants surrounding them. Although one or two of them pretend that nothing happened, the Princess of Dong'an County knows that these people must have pricked up their ears and listened carefully. If she If she gives a bad answer, these people will spread what she said to An Ran today, and her reputation in Beijing will be lost tomorrow!

Therefore, she must make this matter clear and cannot let these servants spread "rumors" that are not beneficial to her.

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