Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1371 The Winner of the Palace Fight 55

After listening to Prince Li's words, An Ran thought to herself, fortunately there are many servants to take care of the children. Otherwise, if you were to take care of the children alone, you would definitely take back this sentence in the future, because taking care of children is more difficult than being pregnant, especially some children are more naughty. It's even harder for parents.

But of course An Ran would not express her complaints, and would just close her eyes and rest.

When An Ran woke up from a good sleep, Xiao Mei reported to her: "Miss, the Queen Mother was very happy to hear that you gave birth to a little prince. She immediately sent people to send a lot of clothes, longevity locks, etc. to the child. He came over and gave the young lady a lot of money and things, mostly bird's nests, ginseng and other supplements. The money asked the young lady to buy whatever she wanted, because the young lady was resting just now. Aunt Qian (the Queen Mother's confidant) Both the prince and the prince said not to disturb you, so I didn’t wake you up, I just put down my things and left.”

"Well, I understand."

An Ran had long known that the Queen Mother was kind to her, and she would always find excuses to reward herself when something happened. Now that she had given birth to a child, the Queen Mother must be extremely happy, and it was normal for her to be rewarded, so she didn't think it was any surprise. Just waiting for the nun in the palace to come over to see her again - An Ran gave birth to a child, and the Queen Mother could not come to take care of her in person, so she asked her confidant Aunt Qian to come over from time to time to visit An Ran - and asked her to convey her gratitude to the Queen Mother. Aunt Qian Naturally, grandma agreed not to mention it.

To say that the Queen Mother is happy, Aunt Qian saw that Prince Li and the Queen Mother were getting better and better, and then the Princess gave birth to a child. The Queen Mother and Prince Li were very happy. The days went by and they became happier. Unlike before, Prince Li would faint at every turn. The Queen Mother was always on tenterhooks and getting older, and Nanny Qian was very happy in her heart. After all, she was the Queen Mother's confidant, so she naturally hoped that the Queen Mother would live as long as possible. After all, if the Queen Mother passed away, her life would definitely not be easy.

Now seeing that everyone is living a good life, she can also live a good life, so she is naturally happy. She secretly thinks that the most right thing she has done in her life is probably to have the courage to persuade the Queen Mother to marry An Ran. Obviously she did the right thing. , otherwise, she didn't dare to think about it at the moment, maybe the prince couldn't hold on and passed away, and the queen mother couldn't bear it and fell down. How could it be like now? Not only did the queen mother not have to worry as before, she also crossed The younger you are, this is simply unthinkable.

Of course, I have to thank the princess for agreeing to the wedding. Otherwise, even if she made the suggestion and the princess did not agree to marry, could the queen mother still force the marriage? After all, even if the forced marriage was successful, the prince would wake up and be hated by the princess. It is not what the Queen Mother wants to see. After all, the Prince is not in good health. If she wants to be annoyed by the Princess every day, then the Queen Mother will feel distressed to death. Naturally, she cannot do such a thing. So if the princess had not agreed at that time, the queen mother would not have forced her to marry. It was impossible for ordinary people to force her to marry, let alone a daughter of the Xie family with a background. That's why Aunt Qian was grateful that An Ran was willing to marry her.

The fact that An Ran gave birth to a son also shocked many people in Beijing.

The first one is the crown prince's concubine Xie Sanniang.

When Xie Sanniang saw the emperor marrying An Ran to Prince Li, she was very gloating at that time. She felt that An Ran was miserable now. Without a husband or children, her life would be miserable, so it was of no use to have a high status.

Unexpectedly, Prince Li has never died, and now An Ran even has a son, so her high status will be useful. As a result, every time Xie Sanniang thinks of her, it is like Mrs. Xie seeing the Princess of Dong'an County. She couldn't bear that. You know, not long ago, when she got married, she saw that An Ran hadn't come back, and she was wondering if An Ran was like Mrs. Xie, who didn't want to see her own glory. Got this kind of mentality.

At the same time, I was thinking, is it true what the master of Huguo Temple said, is Xie Anran really a blessed person? Otherwise, how could it be possible that the imperial doctor said that Prince Li was about to die, and after Xie Anran married him, he would get better day by day, and not only did he not die in the end, but he also gave birth to a child?

Forget it, I don’t want to think about it anymore. The more I think about it, the angrier I get. She should try her best to make a child with the prince. When she gives birth to a grandson, and the prince ascends the throne in the future, she becomes the fourth concubine, and her son becomes a prince, or even an emperor. She still has a chance. Better than Xie Anran.

Xie Sanniang now regards the prince's accession to the throne as a life-saving straw. She has been imagining how she will slap An Ran in the face when the prince takes the throne in the future.

It's a pity that things sometimes go against expectations, and the emperor is still in good health now - An Ran would sometimes help him take care of his health when he met the emperor in the palace, so the emperor would never die in a while. She didn't know this wish. When will it be realized?

Not only Xie Sanniang was stimulated to see An Ran give birth to a son, but Du Juan was also stimulated to see An Ran give birth to a son.

Du Juan saw that Prince Li was not dead and was living a good life. She even gave birth to a son. She had someone to rely on for the rest of her life. She didn't have to worry about Prince Li passing away. She would end up miserable without a child. And she had to compete with many people for favor in the Zhang family, so she lived a very happy life. After hard work, I couldn't help but regret that I left again instead of going to the palace with An Ran. Otherwise, now, let's not talk about being a side concubine, become a concubine, and give birth to a son in the future. The son will be enfeoffed and will be treated as a prince. After her death, she lived in a separate house with her son, and she was also an old feudal lord. She was much better than following Zhang Xuan, so can she not regret it?

When she first came to the Zhang family, she regretted not living the life she imagined, but at that time she immediately comforted herself, thinking that life was like this everywhere, it didn't matter, so she could hold on.

Later, I saw that An Ran had married a prince, and I thought that Prince Li was dying, and An Ran would suffer the consequences of marrying him, so he didn't feel moved.

But now, seeing An Ran give birth to a child, she began to regret it. She thought that if she had not left with Zhang Xuan, she might have been able to be a queen in the future. Then, if she had a child like An Ran, wouldn't it be crazy? After all, If An Ran can give birth to a child, she can too.

Now in the Zhang family, even though she has become an aunt, she does not meet Zhang Xuan once a month. She still has no children, and she still doesn’t know what will happen to her in the future. So she couldn’t stand it any longer and began to regret it violently. stand up.

But she also knew that since she had followed Zhang Xuan, she could not go back. It would be unrealistic to go to An Ran now and say that she still wanted to follow her, and then seduced Prince Li after entering the palace, so she regretted it no matter what. , it was useless, I could only look at the situation at An Ran with great regret.

As for Zhang Xuan, seeing that Prince Li was still alive and living a happy life when An Ran married Prince Li, he felt very unhappy. After all, he was dumped by An Ran back then. In this case, seeing that he had been dumped by An Ran Can a person like this still live such a good life and be happy?

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