Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1376 The Winner of the Palace Fight 60

Not to mention that Mrs. Xie made Aunt Lian miserable, but the current situation in the Xie Mansion made An Ran feel that Mr. Xie's downfall also had a bad side - Mrs. Fang has all the hundreds of thousands of taels of family property in his hands, and plans to slowly transfer it to his own name, so as not to split up the family in the future and have to give a lot of money to Mr. Xie's bastards - Mr. The two sons, and two younger ones, were born to his concubine Ji when Aunt Lian was getting older. Although he doted on her, he preferred fresh colors. Men always love twenty-year-olds. Pretty girl.

Although Mr. Xie is down now, the Xie family will come forward when the family is divided. If there are hundreds of thousands of family assets in the account, it is impossible to give no or very little to a few bastards.

Generally speaking, the eldest son will get 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​will be divided among the other legitimate sons and concubines.

If these hundreds of thousands of family property are to be divided into 20%, it will be more than 100,000 taels. Mrs. Xie is not willing to part with it, so she is preparing to transfer the family property.

Transferring the family property is considered unkind to Madam Xie at best. For stakeholder An Ran, it is not a bad side. The bad side mentioned by An Ran refers to Madam Xie having so much money. Xie Wulang When he asked her for money again, she quickly gave it to him, which made Xie Wulang ten times worse than before - whoever let others know that his mother was in power and rich, and tempted him to fall, was ten times worse. .

Before, Mrs. Xie was dissatisfied with the thought that Mr. Xie was restraining her from taking care of her children. She felt that Mr. Xie wanted to harm her son. She thought that it would be better if Mr. Xie was gone. Now, although Mr. Xie is not dead, he is still with her. She was almost dead and no one cared about her anymore. She could take care of her children.

As a result, her sudden wealth made Mrs. Xie feel that with so much money, she could let her child spend a little bit, as long as he didn't spend too much. In the past, she didn't dare to let him spend too much because she didn't have that much money. , now that she has so much money, spending one or two thousand taels is nothing, so instead of detaining the child like she thought when she had no money before, she gave it to the child when he asked for money.

She didn't know that this kind of hole couldn't be opened, otherwise, no matter how much money he spent, Xie Wulang would be completely ruined, and she just thought it was okay.

Not to mention anything else, not to mention that Xie Wulang spent one thousand taels in one day and one thousand taels in three days, but it would also cost hundreds of thousands taels a year. Did those family businesses earn hundreds of thousands taels a year? Besides, there are household expenses, and Xie Wulang may spend more than one thousand taels in three days. Mrs. Xie is so indulgent at this time, she simply does not consider the consequences at all, she just thinks that there is a lot of money, and she is not afraid of spending it.

Of course, it's also possible that she thought it would be okay to just spend cash without using the land deed shop, etc., and then ask Xie Wulang's sisters for it after all the money was spent. Anyway, Xie Wulang's sisters had money, so it would be fine.

Seeing this scene, An Ran understood that it was urgent to deal with Xie Wulang.

In addition, those dandy boys who cooperated with those brothels and gambling dens to make money from Xie Wulang, as well as those brothels and gambling dens, were also the targets of her punishment.

If there is no business, there will be no harm. Similarly, if it were not for the temptation of these dandy boys, without this market, Xie Wulang would have no place to do bad things.

Therefore, it is necessary to crack down on these places and these people.

I think some wealthy ladies in Beijing will be grateful when they see these people and these places being hit, because then their children will not be tempted to learn bad things by these places.

Finally, Mrs. Xie, she must find a way to control him, otherwise with her current mentality, if she manages Xie Wulang well in the future, Mrs. Xie will become crooked if she indulges him again.

The way to control Mrs. Xie is simple, just let her have no money, so that she will not always think that there is a lot of money and it doesn't matter if she wastes it.

So soon, thefts occurred one after another in these brothels and gambling houses.

But they said that it was almost the end of the year, and it was time for them to give money to their bosses or generous gifts to their patrons. But that day, they found that all the money at home was gone. Not only was the money they wanted to give away to others missing, but their own money was also missing. They disappeared, which made them furious, and they were ready to go to the Yamen to report the crime.

As a result, before they could take action, they discovered that their employers and backers in the court had been investigated, and one or two of them were about to fall. So they not only reported the crime, but their brothels and gambling houses were also sealed up. The whole nest is ready.

This is naturally Enron's handiwork.

But it is said that the more high-end and luxurious these brothels and gambling houses in Beijing are, the more people are behind them. Otherwise, without a backer or a powerful owner, how can ordinary people open such a profitable gold-selling den without being treated like a bully? Yang Zai, so the more high-end the place, the more backstages there are. Only by knocking off these backstages can these brothels and gambling houses be really taken down. Otherwise, if she takes down a brothel gambling house, these backstages will be totally fine. Build a new one.

Of course, it is impossible to ban brothels and gambling houses. If this one is removed, new ones will definitely pop up in the future. An Ran does not have the ability to ask the emperor to issue an order not to open brothels or gambling houses, but as long as the people in the future , just don’t use tricks to Xie Wulang. I believe that after her blow, the people traveling with her will probably feel strange and will investigate deeply. After investigation, they will find that these unlucky places are all related to Xie Wulang. Even if they can't find out that it was her, they can still vaguely guess that it is probably related to Xie Wulang. In this way, for the sake of safety, Xie Wulang will go to pay bills or gamble in the future, and the other party will refuse to see him. Or if she doesn't dare to trick him, she should be better. Of course, she will punish Wulang later, so I think he will get better, but he may not go.

An Ran also saw this, so she immediately used puppets to monitor these people and find out the backers or employers behind these people. Then she used the puppets to find out the evidence of these people's illegal crimes and put them in the hands of Emperor Hongwen. On the desk in the study.

This thing is not difficult to do. After all, she is a monk. Unlike martial arts, if she enters the palace, she can only use Qinggong. As a monk, she can become invisible and put things easily, so there is no need to worry at all.

Originally, she had thought about sending this thing to Dali Temple anonymously, but she was afraid that the water inside was too deep and the other party would ignore her or even hook up with her and destroy the evidence, so she did not send it to Dali Temple.

I also thought about asking Manager Zhang to hand it over, so that I wouldn't have to worry about the people from Dali Temple being perfunctory. However, it was hard to explain to Manager Zhang how she got the information.

So simply, send it directly to the palace and hand it over to Emperor Hongwen.

It is normal for these people to have evidence of illegal crimes. After all, they can be so evil as to open a brothel or a gambling house, deceive others and harm others. If they are good people, they can naturally be found out.

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