Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1381 The Winner of the Palace Fight 65

Although Mr. Xie passed away and Xie Dalang and Xie Silang separated their families under the auspices of the clan elders, Mrs. Xie had transferred a lot of money over the years, leaving only three hundred thousand taels of family property on the surface - this is still An Ran reminded Mrs. Xie not to go too far, lest she go to the Shifen family and the clan would not be able to see through it. A thorough investigation would cause her to make a fool of herself, so Mrs. There are useless things in the warehouse, and there is not much land or cash. Then there are four bastards, who can only share 20% of it. When it is spread out, each person can only share 15,000 taels, of which there are almost 5,000 taels. They are all those bulky things in the warehouse, such as screens, tables, chairs, beds, etc. Although they were all good things back then, many of them were discarded and no longer used by the government. In addition, they have become old over time. Forget it, some of them are broken, so they are not worth 5,000 taels, but Mrs. Xie still looked kind-hearted, saying that they were separated and could be used in their new home.

So the families were divided, and together they all had less than 20,000 taels on hand. Some of them were still in tatters and did not have a house yet. They had to buy a house or a big house to accommodate the people. In addition, they did not want to go to a bad place. If you don't have more than ten thousand taels, you won't be able to buy a nice house.

Aunt Lian wanted to say that she could buy it somewhere else, but her sons were unwilling to do so. In addition, she was penniless and had to rely on her son to support her in old age, so she didn't dare to say anything and could only watch helplessly. The sons all bought in good places, spending tens of thousands of taels each, and only two to three thousand taels of silver were left on hand. They could not help but be full of fear for their future life.

The reason why she is afraid is because she knows that her sons can still live a carefree life in the mansion, because no matter how bad Mrs.

But now that the family is separated, they have to worry about their own food, clothing, housing and transportation. And what can this big family do with only two or three thousand taels?

It would be better if Xie Dalang and Xie Silang became officials and became promising, then they would have a source of income. But they have not become officials and have no source of income. Their only occupation in these years has been to be rice bugs, and now they suddenly have to live on their own. Do they know what their minimum monthly expenses will be? Do you dare to sell those land deeds and buy such a big house, leaving only two or three thousand taels to live on?

She thought she would live a good life after the separation, but now she sees that her sons will not be able to take charge of the family, and she has no say. She can only watch helplessly as she will live a hard life in the future. Can she not be afraid?

Her guess was correct. Soon Xie Dalang and Xie Silang began to live in trouble, worse than the other two young bastards.

The two young concubines were young at that time and were not liked by Mr. Xie. In addition, Mr. Xie suffered a stroke not long after. They were taken care of by their biological mother and lived honestly, although they had no income when they were in the house. , only the fifteen thousand taels that Mrs. Xie gave them when the family was separated.

But they were not taken seriously, which made them a lot more honest, and their lives were not as extravagant as Xie Dalang's. After leaving the house, they only had five thousand taels of things, and they only spent the ten thousand taels of land deeds and cash. They bought a house for two thousand taels (it was cheap because it was in a not-so-good location), and the rest was exchanged for land deeds. In addition to their aunt's private house, there are thousands of acres of farmland, and they can earn more than 1,000 acres a year. With an income of one thousand taels, life was pretty decent, unlike Xie Dalang and Xie Silang, who soon began to drink the northwest wind.

Xie Dalang and Xie Silang were having a hard time, and Aunt Lian was treated as a burden and kicked around. If Xie Sanniang hadn't been supporting Aunt Lian, she would have been kicked out of the house by Xie Dalang and Xie Silang's wives.

Looking at such days, Aunt Lian couldn't help but feel sad and couldn't help herself. She thought, wouldn't it be better to get married seriously instead of seducing her cousin at that time? With the Xie family as my backer, even if the person I marry is not as good as my cousin, at least he is from a wealthy family. Now I should be an old lady who is well-fed and well-fed, instead of being thrown around by her sons with no food and clothing. Get rid of the burden.

It’s just that when I was young, I didn’t know what would happen in the future. At that time, I only saw that my cousin was the eldest son of Xie, and he inherited a million-dollar family fortune. He also liked me, so I married him, and he would transfer all the family property to me in the future. Even if his son is not his wife, he will still have status and status in the future. It will be much more honorable than marrying into the family of an ordinary rich man.

Who knew it would develop like this later.

After Xie Dalang and Xie Silang had no money to spend, they began to harass Xie Sanniang. In their opinion, Xie Sanniang was the crown prince's concubine after all. They heard that she was quite favored, so she must be rich.

But Xie Sanniang is not a fool like Xie Yuanniang and Xie Siniang who give money to their brothers. After all, the people who support her are not Xie Dalang and Xie Silang, but the Xie family, so when Xie Dalang and Xie Silang come to ask for money, she doesn't have to worry about it at all.

However, in order to keep others from talking, she still lost a hundred taels of silver each when they first came to the door, but she said that she had three children to raise and no money, so she let them find their own solution.

Xie Dalang and Xie Silang promised well, but in their hearts they regarded Xie Sanniang as a cash machine. They spent all the money within two days and came to ask for money again. Xie Sanniang stopped seeing them now, fearing that they would cause trouble in front of the Prince's Mansion. He embarrassed himself and informed the clan.

The clan was afraid that Xie Dalang and Xie Silang would cause trouble at the gate of the Prince's Mansion, which would sever the relationship between the Prince's Mansion and the Xie family. So as soon as they heard about this, they immediately took Xie Dalang and Xie Silang away and warned them not to go to the Prince's Mansion in the future. Make trouble, otherwise don't blame the clan for dealing with them.

The power of the family in this era is very powerful, and their children are still studying for free in the clan school, so Xie Dalang and Xie Silang were also afraid, so they naturally obeyed and did not continue to ask for money, fearing that if they continued to make trouble, the clan would clean up If they don't count and don't let their children study for free in the clan, their family's future will be gone.

They didn't dare to go to the Prince's Mansion to cause trouble, but they did try to find An Ran, Xie Yuanniang and other legitimate sisters.

However, neither An Ran, who ignored them at all, nor Xie Yuanniang and Xie Siniang, who were soft-hearted and kind-hearted, gave them any money.

No matter how soft-hearted and kind-hearted Xie Yuanniang and Xie Siniang are, they can never be soft-hearted and kind to the people who bullied them back then. They lived so well back then, wearing the best clothes and the best accessories. As for them, they can only wear the clothes of the public school. Jewelry, I am so envious, have they ever helped them? No, he even bullied them, oh, now that they are in trouble, they come to them for help? Are they not saints? Naturally, they won't pay attention to them.

In the end, Xie Dalang and Xie Silang had no choice. In order to survive, they had to sell the house worth tens of thousands and bought one near the homes of the other two concubines. They used the extra money to buy some fields and collect some rent to live on.

Although my life was getting worse, I was finally able to endure it because I had experienced a life of one meal and one meal a while ago.

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