Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1418 The affectionate male partner’s wife 36

After listening to Prince Deqing's inquiry, An Ran smiled and said: "Actually, it's very simple. Doesn't my father like to associate with the master of Baiyun Taoist Temple, Baiyun Zhenren? I spent some money to let Baiyun Zhenren come to him when my father asked him about the fleeting time. , let him tell his father that it is best for our family to go out of the house. This year’s fleeting year is not very good for the father, and it is not very good for our family. More importantly, if our family is in the house, it will not be good. If they are added together, this bad thing will be aggravated, and there will be a bloody disaster. In the past few months, so many things have happened in the mansion, and my father must have remembered what the real person said to him when he asked Baiyun at the beginning of the year. , so it’s normal for them to let us go.”

Prince Deqing didn't expect this to be the case, and couldn't help but be surprised at the moment, but he continued: "But how do you believe that this year will be bad for him? Even if your father believed this, he didn't really see it for the sake of money. He won’t completely believe the bad omens of a fleeting year, right?”

An Ran smiled and said: "Why don't you believe it? There haven't been many incidents in the palace this year? The king's concubine was caught having an affair. After that, the concubines fought to the death for the titles of concubine, concubine, etc. There was also an incident Isn't it normal for my father to believe the tragic incident of being pushed off the rockery when he saw Master Baiyun's comments at the time?"

This was quite reasonable. Prince Deqing could not help but nod after hearing this. But after nodding, Prince Deqing immediately raised a new question and said: "That's not right. You buried the line so early. How could you be so sure that it would happen?" The king's concubine, and the series of things that happened after that? If these things didn't happen, it would be useless even if you buried the clue."

An Ran smiled and said: "There are so many people in our house, so what year won't something big or small happen? If the incident of the king's concubine didn't happen, there must have been other things, it's just a big or small thing. Even if nothing big happened, just Small things have happened and my father doesn’t believe it. I can also have people tell me these things every day in front of my father, and then add that this year seems to be a bad year in the house. I’m afraid my father will believe it if he hears it too much.”

Now Prince Deqing was completely convinced.

But in fact, what An Ran told Prince Deqing was only a small part of the truth. The more real truth is that when she buried the clue, she had thought about taking care of the king's concubine, so the matter of the king's concubine in the future is certain. It would happen, and she expected that the concubines would fight each other for titles such as concubine and concubine.

However, these were actually not enough to make King Qing make up his mind to let them out of the mansion. After all, when he thought about them leaving, his income of several thousand taels would be gone. King Qing saw that these things happening in the mansion had little to do with him, so He wouldn't really care. The reason why Prince Qing made up his mind was naturally that An Ran used fantasy props for him and made up some fake dreams to prevent them from leaving and how terrible things would happen in the mansion in the future, so that Prince Qing could I was intimidated, so I agreed to let them go.

And this was also the reason why Prince Qing looked a little tired when Prince Deqing went to ask Prince Qing to leave the palace, because he had been having nightmares like this recently, which frightened him and made him sleep deprived and mentally exhausted.

Although An Ran spent a lot of life on purchasing fantasy props over and over again, An Ran felt that it was worth the money to successfully leave the palace. After all, she really didn’t want to crowd into a palace with such a large group of people and scheming all day long. , although she has the means and is not afraid of these people's intrigues, but she wants to be free and does not want to deal with them, so it is naturally better to live in a separate house.

Although as long as there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, but in my own house with few people, no matter what, it will be better than here.

Besides, she was also worried that Prince Qing would spend the hundreds of thousands of taels of money he borrowed from the steward and would take advantage of the couple's private house in the future, so she naturally wanted to leave, so as not to have to be secretive even if she wanted to make money in the house. , lest Prince Qing’s people find out that she has made a lot of money, and she will be targeted more and more.

Now that Prince Qing agreed to An Ran and the others leaving the mansion, An Ran and Prince Deqing began to move.

In fact, not only Prince Qing didn't want them to leave the palace, but Princess Qing didn't want them either. Firstly, she wanted her son to be here, and secondly, she wanted to talk to Anran, lest Anran would leave and there would be no one to talk to. .

But because Prince Qing agreed, Princess Qing couldn't say anything. Fortunately, Anran had agreed to her and would come over every day to say hello, so their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law could continue to chat.

Since they were on the same street, moving was not a big hassle, and the two of them soon went to their new home.

Although the government was divided, the family was not divided, so King Qing didn't give the young couple anything - probably even if the family was divided, there would still be nothing to divide.

That is, Princess Qing took the pitiful land deed of two hundred acres and gave it to Prince Deqing and An Ran. When it was handed over to them, Princess Qing was so sad that her eyes were filled with tears.

"I originally saved two to three hundred thousand taels for a private house over the years. As a result, in addition to the large pieces of furniture, clothes and jewelry, everything else, including the land deed and the deed banknotes, were stolen. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have given you so much, leaving you with a tight budget to get out of the house.”

Princess Qing did not say who stole it, but Prince Deqing and An Ran both knew that it was Prince Qing who did it. After all, if an outsider did it, who would dare to exchange the property deed, banknote, and land deed for money? If it is found out, not only will the person's head fall to the ground, but the things will also be returned to Princess Qing, that is, Prince Qing got it, and Princess Qing did not dare to ask him for it.

Fortunately, Prince Qing knew that Princess Qing had to maintain the minimum dignity, so he did not steal her jewelry, so that she would not have any jewelry when socializing with others and lose the face of Prince Qing's palace. Otherwise, Princess Qing would not even be able to do this. She couldn't get her things out - yes, after her things were stolen, her strength had not recovered over the years, and the two hundred acres of land were still obtained in exchange for jewelry.

Of course, it’s not that her vitality has never recovered, but that Princess Qing is afraid that Prince Qing will steal the money she saved, so she always saves a little and gives it to her two sons. Otherwise, the prince of Deqing County would have Where did they get a private house and give them a shared house so that they could get married and take care of their new home now? Where did they get the money to take care of it? It was because Princess Qing gave him money from time to time and he saved it, so he had the money to take care of it. Otherwise, with the little monthly money the government gives him, how can he save enough money to meet various expenses in daily life.

Fortunately, he had this money, otherwise An Ran would have to support him for various expenses in daily life, and he would have to live on a soft diet.

Of course, strictly speaking, it is not him who eats Enron's soft rice, but his father who eats Enron's soft rice. After all, his income of more than 5,000 taels a year is enough for his own expenses, but because his father misappropriated , causing him to have no money to use, and if he has to rely on An Ran to support him, indirectly speaking, isn't it his father who is taking advantage of his daughter-in-law, An Ran? After all, it was his father who had no money, and it wasn't him, right?

Fortunately, his mother gave him money, otherwise he would have to rely on his wife to support him. Thinking that it was his wife who was indirectly supporting his father and his concubines, he would want to vomit.

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