Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1421 The affectionate male partner’s wife 39

And just as An Ran thought, Prince Qing's Mansion did survive.

But she said that after Prince Qing passed away, the first thing Princess Qing did was to take down the chief steward and his family who were close to Prince Qing. She said that she had definite evidence that they had stolen her private house back then, and now she gave them two ways to go. , one is to return her things, she sees that he is an old man in front of the prince, and he had no choice but to work for the prince, so she can forget the past; the other is to go to the Yamen, and then he steals a huge amount of the princess's property, which will definitely be a death sentence. And the money will still be returned to her.

She was willing to give them the first way, but it was for the sake of Prince Qing, otherwise she would definitely send them to the Yamen.

——Actually, the reason why she doesn’t want to go to the yamen is not because she is tolerant, but because if she wants to go to the yamen, she has to take care of things. Even if the money is returned to her, she still doesn’t know how much she will get, so if she can keep it private, Naturally, it was better to keep it private, so she offered preferential terms and deliberately compared them with the second one in order to force the other party to choose the first one.

When the chief steward heard this, he complained that it was all the prince's idea and all the money had been given to the prince.

But Princess Qing didn't care about this. She only asked who stole her money, and if she didn't give it back, she would go to the Yamen. Anyway, she had conclusive evidence that it was him who exchanged her things for the money.

Besides, what's wrong with him? Didn't he steal the things? You took her things and you still have the nerve to complain? If I had known this, why would I have listened to King Qing and stolen my own things?

The chief steward had no choice, but fortunately he was a confidant of Prince Qing. He had made a lot of money over the years, and he could still afford Princess Qing's private house. It was just that he had made almost nothing in these years, but in fact, when he said he made money, he didn't mean to make money. It was the money from the house, so it was returned to Princess Qing. An Ran felt that this was also the right thing to do.

At the moment, the chief steward had no choice. After all, Prince Qing was dead and he had no backing. If he didn’t pay back the money, he would go to the Yamen. He couldn’t afford to go, so he had to give Princess Qing two to three hundred thousand taels of property - from Princess Qing’s place back then. He only got one or two hundred thousand taels, but Princess Qing said that if he hadn't stolen her things, she would have earned two to three hundred thousand taels over the years, so it would be impossible not to give her so much.

Since the chief steward had planned to spend money to ward off the disaster, after hearing what Princess Qing said and because his family also had so much money, he gritted his teeth and had no choice but to give it.

After getting the money, Princess Qing really didn't cause any trouble for the big steward's family. Anyway, she was satisfied as long as she got the money. After all, she had to keep her word.

Besides, if she thought that taking so much money would make the steward's family feel very distressed, she would be satisfied.

Of course, the most important thing is that getting two to three hundred thousand taels is much better than sending the other party to the Yamen. If you send him to the Yamen, you will probably only get back one or two hundred thousand taels. If you want to get two to three hundred thousand taels, impossible.

Because what she got exceeded her expectations, Princess Qing was in a good mood, so she was in a mood to let others go.

Princess Qing did these things neatly and neatly, which shows that she is not a fool. The reason why she was suppressed so harshly by Prince Qing back then was not that Princess Qing was incompetent, but because her husband was so big in this era. Some things, her husband She said no, she had no room for negotiation. Of course, it was mainly because she had neglected to guard against her husband back then, thinking that no matter how bad his husband was, he would not steal her money, otherwise he would not lose it. Looking back later Princess Qing doesn't have a penny left on her anymore, so she knows that Princess Qing is not that kind of incompetent person.

After regaining the stolen money, Princess Qing began to clean up the parasites in the house.

The so-called parasites refer to the concubines that King Qing brought into the palace.

For those who have children, when the children have grown up, especially those who have started a family, the other party and the children will be allowed to move out of the house; for those whose children are underage, they can live in the house temporarily, and they will have to move out when they become adults; for those without children, they will all be allowed to move out of the house. They were sent to the family temple just like the concubines of the king. Anyway, King Qing never forced anyone. These women climbed into bed on their own initiative. No one was a poor person. She would not have a hard time with her conscience if she was sent to the family temple.

Before, King Qing had thought about letting those who had low entitlements and married families move out, but because some people wanted to take advantage of the palace and were unwilling to go out, they cried and begged King Qing, but King Qing just softened his heart and gave it up and refused to let him move out. , the number of these people is not small.

Now King Qing passed away, and Princess Qing asked them to move out. They also wanted to beg for mercy, but King Qing was their father. Even if he didn't have enough money and didn't want to raise them when they were older, they still had a blood relationship. Now, seeing her son crying, she becomes soft-hearted. Forget it, Princess Qing is not related to them by blood and will not be soft-hearted. Therefore, no matter how they beg, Princess Qing cannot agree to allow a large group of their wives, concubines and children to continue to take advantage of the house. , naturally sent them away, and those who refused to leave, even threw them out directly. Anyway, they are all members of the clan, with enfeoffments, mansions, and salaries. There is no need to be afraid of throwing them out. They want to sleep on the street. , she had no money to use—it was just that her living standard would drop after she left the house—so she was scolded for being too cruel to the concubine.

Seeing that Princess Qing showed no mercy at all, those people had no choice but to leave in despair.

After getting rid of the dozens of adult concubines, especially the married ones, as well as the dozens of concubines without children, the palace's expenses quickly dropped. And because they asked the chief steward to return to their private houses, they had extra money on hand, and their lives became smoother. It's better, unlike before, King Qing spent all the money he copied and is about to drink the northwest wind again.

Later, due to the reduction in expenses, the prince's salary and official land income were enough to cover expenses, and there was no need for Princess Qing to get a private housing subsidy like in the early days.

Therefore, due to Prince Qing's departure, not only did Prince Qing's mansion not suffer a financial collapse, but its situation gradually improved, making An Ran happy.

The Prince of Deqing County was even happier - without him, after his mother took back the private house from the chief steward, she gave him and his brother two thousand acres of land deeds each. His annual income increased again, and his family's life also improved. It was better, which naturally made him happy.

When He Sanniang heard about this, she couldn't help but regret it. She secretly thought that if she had known that Prince Qing died earlier than Princess Qing, Princess Qing could get her private house back. She should have pestered Prince Deqing and wanted to marry him. Prince Deqing, with the princess in his presence and enough money on hand, can live a very good life.

How could it be like this now? Her husband only passed the imperial examination as a scholar, and he was still far away from becoming an official. If he failed in the examination all his life, then she would be the daughter-in-law of a fifth-rank official. Because her husband was white, she would not be able to be an official. No, she was just an ordinary civilian woman. Compared with the one she married before, and compared with An Ran, she was on the same level as heaven and earth. How could she bear this?

But now she had a falling out with Liu Anran. If she had not had a falling out before, she might have taken advantage of the opportunity to visit Liu Anran and hooked up with Prince Deqing. In this way, even if she couldn't be a princess, she would still be a concubine. After all, it is better to be a concubine to a rich and prestigious prince than to be the wife of a minor official's son.

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