Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1447 Extremely Drought World 1

In fact, in An Ran's pursuit of immortality, she would not marry anyone or have any children - having children would distract her and prevent her from concentrating on her cultivation.

Saying this at this time is just to forgive Grandpa Qiao's heart.

"..." After listening to An Ran's words, Grandpa Qiao sighed and said, "The world is changing too fast. Since you said so, Grandpa won't worry anymore."

After returning from her hometown, An Ran practiced for a while and entered the mission world again.


An Ran wiped the sweat from his forehead and slowly carried ten express boxes - each weighing about twenty or thirty kilograms - to the sixth floor.

This was an old community with no elevators and a total of six floors. I lived on the sixth floor with my child Miaomiao.

She had only been here three days, and her internal strength hadn't been fully developed yet, so she was a little tired carrying these express boxes.

Of course, the weight is still a small problem. The key is that there are too many boxes and it is difficult for her to hold them. She has to find a big sack, put all the boxes in, put them on her back, and carry them upstairs in batches - although the sack can hold There were a lot of boxes, but since she couldn't carry two to three hundred kilograms of stuff upstairs yet, she only packed three boxes at a time.

After finally carrying them all into the house, An Ran almost fell down from exhaustion, secretly thinking that he had to intensify his practice. Once his internal strength was high, this wouldn't be a problem.

Miaomiao is four years old this year. She usually goes to kindergarten, but today is Saturday, so she is at home. Seeing An Ran coming in with so many couriers on her back, she was most interested in unpacking the couriers. She immediately gathered around and asked, "Mom, mom." , what good things did you buy today?"

In the past three days, starting from yesterday - An Ran just arrived three days ago and started to place orders to buy things. Since yesterday, express delivery has been coming one after another - her family has received a lot of express delivery, more today, it feels like unpacking express delivery I liked it so much, it was like opening a gift, and I wanted to see what was inside, so when I saw that my mother had just carried a dozen boxes up before, and now she was carrying ten more, I naturally felt curious.

An Ran listened to her original daughter's childish words and smiled: "Let's open it and take a look."

"Okay!" Miaomiao happily clapped her hands and said.

An Ran took out a utility knife and opened the cartons one by one.

The first box was filled with canned luncheon meat, and Miaomiao was not very interested.

The second box contained a pile of compressed biscuits. The packaging was unattractive, and Miaomiao was not interested either.

Miaomiao was interested in the third box. Inside was a pile of canned fruits. Miaomiao pointed to a canned yellow peach and said, "Mom, I want to eat this."

An Ran took out the jar and opened it for her.

When Miaomiao had something, she went to the side to eat and no longer cared about the rest of the express delivery.

An Ran continued to open the box, dehydrated dried fruits, dehydrated vegetables, seaweed and seaweed, various snacks, ham sausages, chocolates, and a box of sanitary napkins - these are necessary supplies. In the drought that will last for more than ten years, many factories will close down. , unable to produce them, An Ran saw in her original memory that it was difficult for her to buy sanitary napkins, so she decided to stock up on them.

Although the country will be managed well in the future and there will be no chaos. Before people can no longer bear it, God will be merciful and spare human lives. It will start raining and crops can be grown. But before that, many things will It's hard to find, so naturally she can hoard a little bit. Although her space has long been filled with various supplies, if she doesn't hoard some in reality right now, others will think it's strange if she takes them out in the future. , and if she hoards it now, others won’t think it’s strange if she takes it out in the future.

Yes, this is a doomsday mission.

There was something wrong with the world where the original body was located. The sun kept shining, but it didn't rain.

Logically speaking, this does not comply with the principle of ecological recycling, but it never rains in this world.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t rain all the time, but it gradually decreases. At first, it rained only once a month, then slowly, it rained only once a year, and finally it rained even harder, not even once a year.

It hasn't rained all the time. It's not a problem for a month or two, but it won't be able to bear it for a year or two. What's more, it's not a year or two, but more than ten years. Who can bear it? Although later Seawater desalination technology is developing rapidly, but the water is not enough to sustain drinking water for residents, and it is simply impossible to farm.

As for planting seawater rice - people at the seaside can plant it inland. How can the seawater come in? Besides, everyone still has hope that it will rain in the future, and they will not be stupid enough to divert seawater to the inland for planting. The geology is ruined.

More importantly, as time goes by, everyone eats sea water. With so many people in the world, sea water cannot hold it, and it later becomes a scarce resource. If it hadn’t rained later, otherwise all the sea water in the world would have After drinking it all, I still don’t know what the situation will be like.

In such a terrible arid world, one of the original owner's wishes is to live a good life in the end.

Of course, the original body would ask An Ran to do this task, so naturally it would not be the only requirement.

The original person not only hopes that the mission leader can lead a good life for her and Miaomiao, but also hopes to take revenge on those who bullied her.

An Ran felt that the latter one was very simple, to take revenge on others. Once she had mastered her martial arts skills, even if she didn't count on those people and brought them misfortune, if it was simple and rough, she could quietly put sacks on those people and beat them up.

In the future, everything will be lacking, including medicine. After being beaten and injured, even if he is not dead, he will be half dead, and it will definitely not be easy.

On the other hand, it is a bit difficult to live a good life with her children, because even if she has supplies, it is not only about supplies, but she also has to pay attention to the turmoil outside.

Although the country is well managed and there is no chaos, people have no food and the public security is definitely not as good as it was before the apocalypse, so it will definitely not be easy for her as a woman with a child.

My background was not very good. I came from a rural family. Although I was admitted to college, considering that my parents were getting older, I returned to my hometown, a small 18th-tier city. I used to work as a clerk in a local foreign company.

The original person and her current husband, Wang Xinguo, had a reorganized family.

It turns out that she met an unkind woman back then, and her first husband favored boys over girls. He only wanted a boy, so he married her. After giving birth to Miaomiao, he thought that Miaomiao was a girl. At that time, the world was still in the midst of family planning and family planning. , public servants could only have one child. Her first husband was a public servant and could not have a second child, so she divorced her and married another woman so that she could have a second child.

She originally planned to live with her children by herself, but her parents were afraid that she would not be able to support the family by herself, so they asked her to marry another one.

She was not afraid of supporting her family. After all, although it was hard work, she could still afford to raise a child with the money she earned. However, she was afraid that the child would not have a father, so she remarried her current husband, Wang Xinguo.

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