Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1500 Good luck and good pregnancy 19

Gu Gaoshi said without fear: "What's the matter? You bring Wu Fu, Wu Fu is so powerful, Li Zheng will definitely listen to her."

If you dare not listen, you will be beaten by Wufu. These are troubled times. What is the biggest thing in troubled times? The fist is the biggest, and there is no doubt that in Taiping Village, her granddaughter Gu Wufu has the biggest fist!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Gu Gao began to feel that Gu Liufu's proposal was not appropriate. If she wanted to force Wufu away like this, if the refugees came, who would protect the Gu family? She was even reluctant to marry Wufu out. After all, Wufu was so powerful and so good at making money, so the Gu family would suffer a lot if she married him off.

Maybe Wufu should be kept at home. Anyway, we have few boys. Let Wufu be at home to recruit a wife, which can also add a fragrance to the family.

But now is not the time to think about it, so Gu Gaoshi thought about it for a moment, then put it behind her mind, and decided to wait until she had time to think about it again. Anyway, Gu Wufu was still young and not old enough to get married, so there was no need to think too far ahead for the time being.

——Gu Liufu didn’t know that because of the troubled times, Gu Gao was reluctant to let Gu Wufu go. If she knew, she would probably cry to death. After all, she spent a lot of luck to impress Gu Gao. The energy brushes your thoughts and turns them into a halo.

After hearing this, Old Man Gu couldn't help but nodded and said, "That's okay, I'll take Wufu over there and have a look."

Naturally, An Ran would not disagree, and immediately An Ran followed Old Man Gu and Father Gu to Li Zheng's house.

Gu Liufu looked at Gu Gao and Gu Wufu, his eyes couldn't help but darken, and he thought to himself, if Gu Wufu is really allowed to preside over such an important event, Gu Wufu will probably become more and more prominent in the future, right?

But now that the situation is tense, she doesn't dare to cause trouble. She's afraid that Gu Wufu will be lost, her home won't be robbed by the refugees, or she won't even get into trouble. That would be bad. They still need Gu Wufu to protect the Gu family.

——Although she has a golden finger to protect herself, nothing will happen to her, but she still needs to be careful in case something happens. She doesn’t want to put her life in the hands of the refugees.

Therefore, although Gu Liufu was not happy about An Ran being in the limelight, he just remembered it and did not do anything.

Of course, she felt that she couldn't do anything. This Gu Wufu was very evil. Every time she used lucky energy on her, it seemed that she couldn't succeed. She didn't know why, but she, a person with incredible luck, He is not the son of luck in this world. On the contrary, Gu Wufu is, right? Otherwise it would be hard to explain why Gu Wufu couldn't be dealt with no matter how hard he tried.

Not to mention Gu Liufu's complicated mood over there, An Ran and his entourage arrived at Li Zheng's house.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Old Man Gu told Li Zheng what An Ran had discovered and what the Gu family wanted to prepare.

Li Zheng glanced at An Ran and looked away, and then said with a smile: "Brother Gu is right. I also heard that the outside is getting more and more chaotic. The village wants to organize young people and strengthen patrols."

Do you dare not to agree? There is a fierce man standing there who can fight tigers. Since he came so eagerly, he must be expecting his consent. What if he disagrees and offends Gu Wufu and gets beaten by her? ? With his small body, he might not be able to withstand a punch from her, so he had better be pragmatic and agree to their proposal. It would not cost him anything anyway.

Then he said: "That's right... Although Wu Yatou is not young and strong, she can even kill a tiger. Can we also invite her to join the patrol team?"

Only with Gu Wufu joining, this patrol team has some combat effectiveness. Otherwise, what kind of defense can the young people in their village have? After all, no one has ever fought in a war. If there really is a refugee army, there is no need for a refugee army, just ordinary With the refugees coming, the young people in the village may not be able to hold on. After all, these days, ordinary people like them are afraid of those who are desperate for their lives.

Old Man Gu originally thought that Li Zheng would not agree, so he had to work hard to persuade, and even asked An Ran to take action to "persuade" Li Zheng. Unexpectedly, Li Zheng agreed as soon as he said it, leaving the man who had prepared a lot of words of persuasion. Old Man Gu couldn't help being stunned.

Old Man Gu was stunned for a while before he reacted. He immediately looked at An Ran and said, "Fifth girl, what do you say?"

An Ran asked Li Zheng to join the patrol team, and he knew it well. After all, once the patrol team was established, the village would not let go of his excellent force, so he immediately said: "It is okay to join, but unless I command the team , otherwise, others can’t command me, and I can act alone.”

She couldn't tolerate being blindly ordered around by others, so she said this.

Li Zheng said hurriedly: "Okay, I'll let you take command."

Although Gu Wufu is only eleven years old and is still a girl, she is so powerful and can kill a tiger. It is estimated that no boy in the village can be her opponent. In this way, how can she be commanded? These days, naturally Listen to whoever is more powerful. The big deal is that she is young and the decisions she makes are a bit unreasonable. Adults like them can give her some pointers.

On the contrary, if she was not allowed to take command and she acted alone, God knows whether she would go hunting in the mountains every day and not care about the patrol team at all. Even if he was not satisfied by then, he would not dare to do anything to her because of her skills. Come on, wouldn't it be no different with her than without her? If that was the case, why would the patrol be established, so it was better to agree to her request.

Old Man Gu had never thought that Li Zheng would actually agree to let An Ran command the patrol team in the village. He moved his mouth and wanted to say something, such as saying that the fifth girl was too young to command, but the Gu family used to The village has always been speechless. Although An Ran, Gu Liufu and the scholar's in-laws, the Liu family, have improved their status, the humble character formed over a long period of time still prevents Old Man Gu from refuting Li Zheng's decision, so although he moved his mouth He moved but said nothing.

He didn't say anything, and Boss Gu and the others didn't even dare to say anything.

Of course, there are probably some people who think that making An Ran the patrol leader is good for their own family, and they are not willing to object.

So it was happily decided to set up a patrol team and make An Ran the captain of the patrol team.

Later, even when Old Man Gu and others were speechless, An Ran told Li Zheng about the number of people in the patrol team, training time, salary, etc.

It is impossible not to pay wages. After all, everyone needs young people to farm and farm now. If you drag people to join the patrol team and don't pay wages, who will be willing to go? I'm afraid no one will go.

But Li Zheng didn't have enough energy to dare to order anyone to send people into the patrol team, so that was all he could do.

They also discussed how to raise wages, and it would be an hour later when everything was settled.

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