Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1502 Good luck and good pregnancy 21

But An Ran doesn't accept everyone. When she accepts people, she takes a stone lock and asks people to carry it. Those who can't carry it will be brushed off; .

Of course, this stone lock will not be too heavy, and the running speed is not required to be particularly high. As long as the opponent reaches the average level of Taiping Village and is not particularly hindered, it will be fine.

In this way, many people were quickly eliminated. As a result, many people originally signed up, but in the end, only more than 80 were used. There were more than 20 who were too thin and weak to run fast, so they wanted to join the patrol team to make money. , was brushed off by An Ran.

As for character, there is no need to worry. At least everyone in the same village is familiar with them. She knows that even if these people have minor problems, none of them have done anything illegal.

Even if no one was kicked out because of their character, the number of people was still not up to standard.

Seeing that there were not enough people, Li Zheng said: "There are not enough people. These eighty people are not enough."

In fact, a hundred people are not enough. After all, if an army of refugees really comes, a hundred people will not do anything at all. However, Gu Wufu said that he could recruit a hundred people for the time being and expand it later, so he forgot about it. Whatever Gu Wufu does, having someone is better than having no one.

After listening to Li Zheng's words, An Ran said: "You can also recruit strong women. Although women are naturally weak, there are always some women who are stronger and faster than these people. As long as they can pass our test conditions, they can do it." use."

Li Zheng said that An Ran wanted to recruit women, so he couldn't help but hesitate. It wasn't that he thought women were not strong enough. Just like An Ran said, as long as the test conditions are passed, men and women are the same, but...

"Recruiting women, this... isn't this appropriate? I heard that women are not allowed to enter the military camp. Although we are not an army, it is not good for men and women to mix together, right?"

An Ran said: "If you think it's not good for men and women to mix together, you can set up a special women's team."

After An Ran said this, Li Zheng let her go. Anyway, the patrol leader is a woman, so recruiting female patrol members is not that out of the ordinary.

An Ran immediately issued a call for recruitment, saying that as long as women passed the test, they could join.

Li Zheng originally thought that not many people would sign up, but unexpectedly, there were quite a lot of people signing up.

It turns out that, just as Li Zheng thought, if the patrol leader was a man, few people might sign up. However, since the patrol leader was a woman, some women would have no psychological pressure. In addition, they wanted to make that money, so they Signed up.

On average, women's strength and speed are weaker than men's, but, as An Ran said, there are always those with good strength and speed, so soon, more than 20 people were selected. In this way, The patrol team is full with only one hundred people. In fact, there are a few more.

There were a few more people, but An Ran didn't fire her. Anyway, as long as the people who signed up passed the test, she would take it. After all, a hundred people weren't enough, so naturally she wouldn't mind if there were too many people.

Li Zhengdao said: "I didn't say it before, but now that we are full, I will say it - your twenty cash per day will cost six hundred cash per person a month, and for more than a hundred people, it will cost you More than 60,000 yuan, and the protection fee you charge is only ten yuan a month for a house that has no family. This, this, this... the income is not even worth the expenses! What are you going to do?"

He roughly calculated that the protection fees paid by these people in the village were less than 10,000 yuan a month. This was a huge gap! But if we charge more, the villagers may have objections.

An Ran said: "Don't worry, someone will give us money."

Chen Lizheng asked in confusion: "Who is it?"

An Ran smiled mysteriously: "You will know when the time comes."

In the original memory, there would be refugees who would come and steal children, money and items. Those people were not serious refugees, serious refugees. She sympathized with them and might even give them some food, but this kind of stealing things and children , even if they are not beaten to death, they will definitely be punished, just like confiscating illegal gains, so there will be money.

Chen Lizheng didn't understand what kind of medicine An Ran was selling, but as long as he didn't ask for money, he didn't bother to care about how An Ran dealt with the patrol team.

But judging from An Ran's drill patrol, this little girl really has a lot of skills, because she actually knows how to drill at such a young age!

When asked, the other party said that when he was in the county town, he was curious about the army, so he inquired about it. Therefore, Chen Lizheng did not become suspicious. At most, he was thinking in his heart. It seems that this girl is really a born general. Not only is she born with He has divine power and is interested in the army, but he is not a natural-born general? ——It’s a pity that it’s a girl. For people in this era, a girl can’t do anything. After all, in this world, men are superior to women, and women can’t stand out.

And because of An Ran's magical power, no one dared to express any objection to how she trained people - those who dared to question were beaten by her, but they couldn't beat her and had to be honest and obedient.

Within a few days of practice, the patrol team caught a theft gang - these thieves cannot do it alone, so they are usually gangs.

After An Ran rounded up these people, they interrogated them separately and exchanged their confessions. If they were found to have hurt people's lives, raped women, etc., they would all be killed. If they just stole things, and if they had not committed any bigger crimes, they would be detained to help patrol. The team built the house for ten days and then put it away.

Yes, An Ran didn't leave home for a while, and then saw that the world was in chaos, so she planned to temporarily pull a team from her home side. She didn't want to fight anyone, she just planned to protect her hometown and prevent the people of this land from suffering. Disaster, from now on, she will hit whoever comes to hit her.

To build a team, it is natural to build a base, so every time a refugee bumps into them, after An Ran plunders them all, he will drag those who have committed minor crimes to build a base.

This is not mentioned in the future, but it is said that now, because such a group of theft gangs were eliminated, a base was built and money was given to the patrol team.

This group of thieves carried a lot of gold, silver and jewelry with them. Of course, they were all refugees. They had no place to hide their things and they didn’t dare to hide their things elsewhere, so they all carried them with them. In this way, they would If someone catches them, they will be taken away.

Gold, silver and jewelry worth hundreds of taels were confiscated from these dozen thieving gangs, and they were probably stolen from somewhere.

The patrol team's eyes widened as they looked at so many things.

An Ran took out 50 taels of silver and exchanged it for 60,000 taels of silver. After such a long time, the price of silver has increased, and one tael of silver can be exchanged for 1,200 taels of silver. Three hundred taels of silver were given to each team member. As a reward for this operation, meritorious team members will be rewarded according to their merits and given more.

This naturally makes everyone happy - especially the female team members. After all, this way, they will earn at least 900 yuan this month, which is a lot of money. The living conditions at home are much better. Can you not be happy?

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