Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1511 Good luck and good pregnancy 30

It was useless for An Ran to go to places that were far away, or that had been conquered before. But this one was burning, killing and looting. An Ran felt that he should go and see, save some people, and at the same time use war to support war and temper himself. Team, seized supplies.

Thinking of this, An Ran told the patrol team members about this idea.

"It's still the same old rules. If you are willing to go, you can make a fortune with me. If you don't want to go, it doesn't matter. You can guard the rear for me." An Ran said.

This is the old rule of the patrol team. If you don't go with the adventure, you won't get any dividends. Otherwise, you will get dividends regardless of whether you go or not. Who would be willing to take the risk?

Finally, An Ran ordered 1,000 troops, including 200 cavalry, to go to Ping'an County.

An Ran now has 2,000 people, but the latest 1,000 people recruited to join the patrol have been less than two months old and are not enough to go to the battlefield, so An Ran only brought 1,000 people, of which 200 were former veterans and 800 The newcomers have also trained for more than three months, participated in bandit raids for nearly a month, and have certain combat experience.

Although there are only a thousand people, compared with those people who have not received formal training and just rely on the large number of people to break open the city gate and go in to burn, kill and loot, people like the patrol team who have been trained and have received intensive training in actual combat are naturally more powerful. It's different. What's more, each of these thousand people has armor and steel swords. Unlike the refugees, they have almost no armor, and even their weapons are not much better.

What's more, there are still two hundred cavalry who have learned how to charge into battle. It will not be a problem to go to Ping'an County to deal with the army of refugees.

Speaking of which, it was thanks to Enron's system mall to provide weapons. Otherwise, even if Enron was rich, it would be difficult to get thousands of sets of armor and steel knives. Of course, to the outside world, Anron only said that these armors and steel knives were seized by her. , as well as being beaten or bought by others, so outsiders don't know that many of these armors and steel knives come from Enron's system mall.

The main reason why I dare to bring so many people and to deal with the refugee army, which may number in the thousands or tens of thousands, is mainly because Ping'an County has now been conquered, and the refugee army is burning, killing and looting inside, and is scattered in various places, so it is easy to deal with it. If they gather together, it may not be easy to deal with them, but the opponent is scattered, and the patrol team is gathered, so the fight is different. One thousand against ten thousand may not be able to defeat, but one thousand well-equipped warriors Dozens or even hundreds of people, that’s nothing.

Sure enough, as An Ran thought, after An Ran passed by, he found that after the refugee army captured Ping'an County, they didn't even send anyone to guard the city gate. They went in directly without attacking the city.

There is no one guarding the city gate, of course because everyone wants to grab something, but on the other hand, they probably feel that there is no danger around here, and there are so many of them that they won't be in the way - even though there is a killing god Gu Wufu in the neighboring county , However, Gu Wufu had never been out of Taiping County. They probably thought that she would not come, so they did not send anyone to guard the city and went to grab things casually.

Of course, this kind of army of refugees who have just come out will not be so free and loose after they have been tempered for another year and a half.

Naturally, it would be best if we didn’t need to attack the city. After all, it was easier to defend the city than to attack it. The members of the patrol were previously afraid of attacking the city, so as not to cause casualties. Now that they saw that they could directly enter the city, they felt a lot more relaxed. After all, They are not afraid of contact combat. After all, they have known for a long time that the enemy has almost no armor and their weapons are not as good as theirs. But they wear armor and have better weapons, so what should they be afraid of?

Sure enough, their guess was correct.

After safely entering the city, we followed what we had agreed with our team members before, to make a quick decision without delaying the situation so that the refugee army could have a chance to gather.

So when he saw someone robbing something, An Ran led his people forward, chopping melons and vegetables, and killing them all as much as possible to prevent anyone from escaping. He would spread the word and give the enemy a chance to gather.

Soon they killed many people, but they were soon discovered. Because the person they found was far away, they had no time to silence them, so they could only watch helplessly as he went to report the news.

But even if they reported the news, it was useless - the other party heard that Gu Wufu, the killer god from the neighboring county, had come, and he was bringing well-equipped armored soldiers. Their unarmored soldiers without weapons were no match at all, and their military morale immediately dropped. , just want to run away, not only his men want to run away, but also the leader of the refugee army. Hearing that An Ran is coming, he also wants to run away. Anyway, he has almost robbed, why bother to fight with Gu Wufu? It is better to throw such tough bones to those who are not afraid Let's eat the dead people. So the leader of the refugee army saw that the army was disheartened, so he simply took his people and ran away through the back door.

Although the leader has run away, there are still refugees who have not received the news and are still looting there. After all, there are no mobile phones in this era. If they find that something is wrong, they can retreat by sending a group message. The entire army of refugees is scattered across the county, burning, killing and looting. It was normal for someone to not receive the news that the leader had escaped.

So although the leader escaped, there were still many people for An Ran and the others to take care of. Of course, some people found out that An Ran was coming and ran away quickly.

Naturally, many people begged for mercy, but An Ran did not let them go. These people were all people who had conquered several counties and had committed many evil deeds. Even if they were new recruits, they had at least committed evil in this county. There was no need to let them go. Pass.

Seeing that begging for mercy was useless, those people ran away, but An Ran didn't care. He only dealt with the looting people one by one step by step, and did not let his men disperse and chase those who escaped.

Their advantage is to concentrate their efforts to eliminate small groups of refugees. If they disperse, this advantage will be lost, and there may be casualties. Unlike now, when everyone acts together and faces dozens or hundreds of people, an overwhelming victory is impossible. There will be no casualties. An Ran only wants stability, so naturally he will not let the team members disperse to chase people.

Soon all the refugees fled, leaving only the devastated county.

While An Ran ordered the patrol team to count today's harvest, he took people to the county government office to have a look.

Then I found that there was no one in the Ping'an County government office, so I asked someone nearby for information. The other person replied tremblingly: "All the gentlemen have abandoned their offices and fled, and the local government officials have also gone back to the countryside to hide."

An Ran thought about it for a while after hearing such a result.

Although Taiping County is good, Taiping County has not broken down. The county magistrate and other officials are still there. I am only employed. When I am needed, I have some say. When I am not needed, I have no say at all. No, and this is obviously not what I want to see.

But Ping'an County is different. All the officials in Ping'an County have fled. He can completely occupy this county as his new development base and slowly develop in the future.

Thinking of this, An Ran said to his men: "Go ahead and tell us that we will spend the night in Ping'an County today and see where the county soldiers' barracks are. We will stay there today."

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