Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1515 Good luck and good pregnancy 34

At this moment, An Ran received another curse from Gu Liufu, cursing her to die in battle while defending the city.

An Ran couldn't help but laugh and cry, secretly thinking that this Gu Liufu had cursed himself for failing so many times, yet he still did this, he was really unwilling to give up.

But she was also very happy, thinking that the more Gu Liufu was being hated by her, the more her lucky energy was consumed, the harder it would be for her to help the third prince in the future.

An Ran let Gu Liufu's curse on her go away with the Obstacle Breaking Necklace to avoid any accidents. After all, this time was different from the wild boar hunt. She couldn't let the curse linger for a while, lest something happen.

According to Enron's strategy, the refugee army was quickly overwhelmed.

The refugee army thought it would be easy to attack the city, but as a result, these guys had too many bows and arrows, and it was like a rain of arrows. Especially Gu Wufu, whose arrows were very accurate. As long as a leader came within range, he would command his men to attack the city. , he would definitely be killed by Gu Wufu with one arrow, and no one would dare to step forward to command the army to attack the city.

If they are far away and the refugees have no one to command them, attacking the city will not work. Of course, what is even more hateful is that even if their leaders do not come forward, whoever among the refugees will attack the city, such as those who take the lead, will immediately become the leader. The targets of Wufu's greetings were quickly eliminated. As a result, the incompetent people were left in a mess, unable to carry out effective attacks.

Not only was An Ran's arrows extremely accurate, but the patrol also had other arrows that were good at shooting. They were distributed in various directions, making it impossible for the leader of the refugee army to find a corner where there was no An Ran and send people to climb the city wall.

Before the change, the patrol team might not have had so many sharpshooters, but now, the patrol team has more people, and you can always pick the best ones from them. These powerful ones will come into play at this time. After all, there is only one person in Anron, no matter what She may be able to take care of all places, but at most she can provide support wherever the danger is.

In this way, in An Ran's view, this refugee army, whose siege ability is indeed more powerful than that of the refugee army that attacked Taiping County, is still helpless in the face of the rain of arrows. It is not that they are not capable, but that An Ran and the others are better than several others. When we were in Taiping County a few months ago, we were much more powerful. As the enemy became stronger, they also became stronger, so the enemy was still no match.

In this way, the two sides carried out an offensive and defensive battle for three days. In the end, the refugee army, which was out of food and severely damaged, finally retreated. Even the leader of the refugee army regretted it a little, thinking about where it would be wrong to go, and what he did must be consistent with his reputation. Gu Wufu's rivalry caused him to lose so many men. Wouldn't it be better to go to a city where the generals who defended the city were unknown?

Seeing that the refugee army finally retreated, the patrol team and the people who had not yet left the Ping An Mansion all cheered, especially the patrol team. That was so happy. After all, after guarding the Ping An Mansion, their patrol team's territory expanded to It's a mansion. How can they be unhappy when they think that their territory has expanded and the reputation of the patrol team will become even more famous?

Some people are thinking that now that they have a territory as big as a mansion, they should change the name of their patrol team. After all, there are thousands of soldiers and horses, and it would be a little less impressive to call them a patrol team.

However, some people object, thinking that the name is not important, the important thing is that the name is easy to remember and understand.

But for the time being, everyone has no time to think about this. The captains are busy recruiting more people so that they can be promoted to the first level of captain. As for the ordinary team members, they are busy thinking about how much dividends they can get by following An Ran out to make a fortune this time. , my family has received a lot of dividends, how much land can I buy in the future, and can I become a squad leader or squadron leader? In short, everyone has a lot to be busy with.

After An Ran rescued Ping An Mansion, he told the counties under Ping An Mansion to clean up the remaining three counties of Ping An Mansion except Taiping County and Ping An County from now on. Specifically, it was nothing more than clearing out the army of refugees who had not yet left, as well as the entrenched people. The bandits at the top of each mountain were put in order, and then recruited.

While An Ran was busy, Gu Liufu heard that there was nothing wrong with An Ran. He couldn't help but feel a little withered, thinking how could this happen? Why couldn't he curse Gu Wufu no matter how hard he cursed? How can we deal with her in the future?

Gu Liufu couldn't help but feel his teeth itch with hatred when he thought about her plummeting status in the Gu family.

Gu Liufu's status in the Gu family has plummeted, which is normal - in her original world, she used her lucky energy to benefit the Gu family from time to time. Now, the person who benefits the Gu family has been An Ran, and as for her, because of her lucky energy They have all been used to deal with An Ran, and there is no extra lucky energy to benefit the Gu family. If she does not benefit the Gu family for a long time, and she does not do anything, people will naturally become more and more dissatisfied with her, causing her status in the Gu family to plummet.

In fact, Gu Liufu originally thought that An Ran could lead the patrol because of her supernatural power. Now seeing that she can even lead an army, he couldn't help but be confused, thinking, Gu Wufu has such great ability?

However, it is possible. Maybe she didn't have it originally, but from the patrol, step by step, she gradually developed it, so now it is normal to have such ability. It's really annoying!

Compared with Gu Liufu's anger and hatred, the Gu family couldn't help but feel happy. Although Gu Wufu had a normal relationship with them, he was still his family. Now that Gu Wufu was in charge of the entire government, he was no different from the previous prefect. , This gave the Gu family a lot of face and local momentum, so they were naturally overjoyed.

And due to An Ran's promotion, the status of An Ran's sister Gu Dafu in her husband's family is naturally getting higher and higher. Needless to say, even the second wife Gu Erfu's status in the Liu family is getting higher and higher.

However, Gu Erfu was not moved by this. The reason was very simple. At first, Anron defended Taiping County, and the Liu family naturally had no objection. But later, Anron went to a neighboring county and took over the management of Ping'an County. Liu's father was a self-proclaimed loyal man. Naturally, he couldn't stand this kind of behavior, and felt that Gu Wufu wanted to separate one party from another. This was naturally unacceptable to Liu's father, a self-proclaimed loyal minister.

In fact, Liu's father was not very loyal to the emperor. After all, he didn't know the emperor. However, he was afraid of the change of dynasties. It was hard to say what would happen to him, the former emperor, so he strongly criticized An Ran's behavior. She also began to be dissatisfied with Gu Erfu. After all, Gu Wufu was Gu Erfu's younger sister. It was natural that she would hate the whole house.

During this period, Gu Erfu was asked to go back and persuade Gu Wufu not to do such things again and to protect Taiping County and Pingan County. This is what he should do. However, how can he take Pingan County as his own? After driving away the refugees, he should contact the court and let him The court sent officials to govern instead of herself being there. There were no tigers in the mountains and the monkeys were kings.

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