Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1539 Second Life 2

This is a holographic game that came out of nowhere.

This holographic game appeared before the world had holographic game technology.

I don’t know who made it or where the company is. I just know that by using an existing VR helmet and downloading the game’s program, you can enter the game world that calls itself “Second Life.”

This place is almost the same as the real world, but its flow rate is different from the real world. One day in the game is only equivalent to six hours passing in the real world.

The four-to-one flow rate allows many people to immerse themselves in the game world. After all, this is equivalent to extending their life span.

It's almost the same as the real world, that is to say, there are differences. The difference is... there are tasks in the game.

As soon as An Ran entered the game, she saw the main mission of the game: "Newbie mission: take any class. Mission reward: 5 yuan."

As a six-year-old child with no academic qualifications, the main task of entering the game is this: learning.

Judging from the built-in forum of the game, if an adult chooses to enter the world without a degree, the novice task will not be this, but the same as other educated adults. The novice task is displayed as: "Earn the first income in life." A sum of money.”

An Ran followed the direction specified by the game arrow, went to the nearest school, selected a class, and started class.

There were not many people in the class, only a few. An Ran understood the reason. Most people, like the original person, made a common sense mistake and thought it was best to enter the game as an adult.

Because you have an academic degree, you don't need to study. You can make money directly by entering the game, then buy a house, and live a comfortable life just like in real life.

That was true at first.

But... note that the flow rate between the game and reality is four to one.

When you choose to enter the game in your twenties or even older, within a few years, you will reach the retirement age of sixty in the game. Then slowly, you will become old. When you reach eighty, you will automatically After passing away, if you want to play again, you can, you can only create a new account.

But creating a new account cannot be done immediately, it will take a year - players jokingly call this process reincarnation.

After you have played a holographic online game, how can you bear it if you are asked not to play it for a year?

What's more, after creating a new account, all your previous stuff will be completely useless.

Of course, you can also transfer all the assets on your account to someone you trust. After you create a new account and transfer it back, you will be like the second generation of rich people. However, you have to risk your assets to be stolen by others. The risk of annexation will not be transferred to you, and all the honors and businesses you have worked hard for all your life will disappear along with your previous account.

Let’s not talk about honors, let’s talk about companies. Even if you come back and want to transfer the company to someone else first, it’s not certain whether the other party will transfer it to you after you come back, let alone outsiders. , even the parents of the children may not transfer it back to you.

Faced with the temptation of huge wealth, it is hard to say how many people can hold on to it.

Even if you keep it, the time flow rate between reality and the game is four to one. You have been outside for one year and four years have passed in the game. God knows what it will be like. Maybe your company will be run by someone else. Four years Once that happened, they all went bankrupt.

However, not everyone has to go offline when they reach the age of eighty. There is a longevity pill in the game. As long as you take it before the age of thirty-five, you can extend your life by thirty years. After that, before the effect of the pill ends, If you continue to take it, you can stay in the game, stay young, and live.

In this case, it is much better than changing accounts and starting from scratch. At least it will be less troublesome.

But ordinary people are not that capable. If they want to earn 100 million before the age of thirty-five, how is it possible to buy longevity pills? After all, not everyone can earn 100 million. If someone here has the ability to earn 100 million, You can also make money in real life - yes, the longevity pill costs 100 million.

Therefore, those who chose to enter the game in their twenties, or even their thirties or forties found that they could extend their lives and did not necessarily have to re-acquire their accounts. Many people regretted it.

Those who have the ability think that they can earn 100 million before the age of thirty-five are just that. Those who feel that they do not have that ability will mostly cut off their numbers and start over, and some will wait until the age of thirty-five to gamble on their luck. See if you can earn longevity pills, and cut off your account if you don't.

And if you enter the game at the age of six, although it takes time to grow up, it is equivalent to having more time to make money than others. In thirty years, you may be able to earn 100 million, buy longevity pills, and live longer than others. Over time, make more money.

Therefore, people who come later, unless they have money to buy longevity pills, will choose to enter the game from the age of six in order to gain more time to make money.

This happened to me.

The original person was like most people at the beginning, choosing to start at the same age as herself. Although she later found something was wrong and it was better to choose six years old, but since everyone had already entered, she didn't want to cut off her number and wait for a year to practice again. Of course , I also felt that I could not earn 100 million, so I did not cut off my account and practice again, but made do with the account in front of me.

Before her lifespan in the game expired, she transferred the money in the game to her parents, hoping that her parents would transfer it to her after she reestablished her account.

As a result, when she re-established her account, entered the game again, and asked her parents for the money she had saved, she discovered that her parents had already transferred the hard-earned money she had worked hard to save all her life to her younger brother.

Her parents have never shown favoring sons over daughters. Of course, the main reason is that her family is poor. Even if they want to favor sons over daughters, they have no resources to leave to her younger brother. Therefore, she has never discovered that her parents actually favor sons over daughters. Only when he got rich did he finally reveal his true colors.

Thinking that she had worked hard to earn a lifetime of hard-earned money in the game and gave it to her brother like that, and her brother had the nerve to take it, the original body was naturally so angry that she almost vomited blood.

So one of the tasks this time is that, in addition to the pension obligation that she should bear, the original person asked her not to give a single penny to her parents and younger brother. It was best to live very well, but because they had a bad relationship with her, they couldn't give a single penny to her. They couldn't get it either, which made them mad.

Don't blame her for treating her relatives like this. She felt that her so-called relatives had robbed her of her life savings and ruined her chance to be a good person. It was a good thing that she didn't retaliate against them.

Of course, it would be best to let her parents reveal their indifference to her first, and then finally discover that she is prosperous, lest it is her parents who treat her badly, and outsiders still say that she is prosperous and does not take care of her parents, then Oh no.

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