Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1544 Second Life 7

After an awkward conversation ended, Father Li saw that Mother Li had not asked for the money and said unhappily: "What am I talking about? I should have let the eldest daughter just go to junior high school and let her go out to work. There was no need for that." What about student loans? Look at people who work in electronics factories and earn four to five thousand a month. Food and accommodation are also included. There are no other expenses. They just fall into their hands. Isn’t it better than her? Then Anrong’s tuition and living expenses are also It’s settled.”

If it weren't for the nine-year compulsory education in junior high school, Li's father probably wouldn't even want Yuan to go to junior high school and let Yuan go to work directly.

Mother Li said: "She has just started working, so it is normal for her to have less money. There will definitely be more in the future. Those who go to the electronics factory do not have four or five thousand at the beginning. Besides, I heard that they have to work overtime until late at night. , but this doesn’t have to be like that.”

"I would rather she work overtime until late at night and earn more money, instead of being like this, where she earns only enough for herself and cannot help the family. If she cannot help the family, I have raised her in vain. !" Father Li said unhappily.

Li's mother didn't speak. Apparently, she thought what Li's father said was right.

But they forgot that they only fulfilled their obligation to raise minors. They have not raised them since they turned eighteen and went to college. And this obligation to raise will be repaid by An Ran in the future. As for the other , why should they help the family? They only raised the original girl and didn't do anything extra. In this way, she has no obligation to do anything extra besides taking care of her in old age.

In the original world, the original person has been supporting her parents and younger brothers honestly, so before the incident of taking away their savings, they were still very good to her. That's right. The original person is their financial sponsor. Hey, to the financial sponsor, can Are you welcome? These days, if you keep a little girl, the sponsor will be coaxed well, even better than the original family.

But now, it was An Ran, and An Ran did not provide for them, so Li's father and mother Li were naturally unhappy. An Ran estimated that sooner or later it would break out, so she was just waiting for the day when they broke out to break up with them.

After dinner, An Ran did not exercise this time. Instead, she turned on her phone and searched for rental information.

After Yuanren graduated from school, he rented a house.

Because I had no money, I rented a basement.

Although the basement is cheap, living there for a long time will be bad for your health. Now that she has money, she can choose a better house.

When you have more money in the future, you can buy a house.

Although you want to buy longevity pills, you can't make yourself miserable.

Besides, you won’t suffer any loss if you buy a house in a first-tier city.

An Ran soon found a nice house with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. Although it was small, it had all the necessary features, just what she needed.

Although the price is very expensive, and although sharing a house is cheaper, she wants to have privacy, so she would rather spend more money and live alone. Anyway, for her who can earn tens of thousands of yuan a day, the price is not worth it. .

In fact, as far as her career is concerned, it is better to live in a small city because the expenses are smaller. However, the original person went to school in this first-tier city before and has memories and familiarity with this city, so An Ran did not waste time and ran I have moved to other small cities. If I have that time, I will have already earned enough money to rent a house in this city in the game. Not to mention that An Ran plans to buy a house in this first-tier city, so naturally he will not leave.

An Ran contacted her right away. At noon the next day, while she was offline and resting, An Ran went over to take a look and found that it was the same as what was written online, so she rented it.

As for the house she originally rented, the rent had not yet expired, and An Ran didn't care about it. After all, if she wanted to post a rental information online, she would have to waste time negotiating with someone to come see the house. It would be a big loss. , you must know that every minute and every second of her now is very valuable.

If she wasn't really used to the environment in the basement, or if it was a waste of time to rent an apartment again, she wouldn't do it.

After moving to a new home, looking at the bright sunlight shining in from the balcony, An Ran felt that her whole person had been sublimated. The previous basement could not even see the sunlight, which was really depressing.

Entering the game again, there was one less person in the already sparse classroom—Xiao Li was missing.

"Where's Xiao Li?" An Ran asked in surprise during the break.

Xiao Zhang shrugged and said, "Xiao Li felt that it was too boring to sit in the first-grade classroom and learn pinyin and count from one to ten, so he left, saying that it would be more interesting to start in junior high school."

Xiao Wang shook his head, sighed, and said: "Not everyone can tolerate such boring lectures for money like me. Anyway, I won't change it. I can make money by studying. It's such an easy thing. I won’t skip a grade, otherwise it will be much harder to find a job and make money after graduation.”

An Ran couldn't help but feel moved after hearing this, and said: "I heard that when you jump to junior high school, you have to choose your age again. You have to choose at least ten years old. Isn't this a waste of four years? It is not conducive to earning that longevity pill."

It has been a few days since I entered the game, and everyone knows about the longevity pill, so An Ran said this.

Xiao Wang said: "Who knows, maybe he feels that he can't earn longevity pills before he is thirty-five years old, so he might as well skip a grade. Anyway, he won't be able to earn by then, and his lifespan won't be extended. When he gets old in the future, the worst he can do is cut his number and train again. ”

Xiao Zhang said: "Actually, the life-extending pill costs 100 million. With this money, I would be a wealthy person in reality. Do I need to worry about whether it can extend my life in the game?"

Xiao Wang obviously agreed with this view and nodded immediately: "That's right."

An Ran secretly thought, this is definitely not the case.

Over time, I have developed feelings for the account. I feel like I really live in this world and don’t want to lose it.

Besides, there are still a lot of troubles.

It's like the trouble of property inheritance.

It's better to have reliable relatives and friends to help collect it. If not, you have to sell all your property, then exchange it for real currency and transfer it to your real-life account.

But in the meantime, there are losses.

Except there will be a loss when the property is sold - Second Life will be called Second Life. Naturally, it is very similar to reality. Since it is very similar, many things will be like reality. It is impossible to buy them at the original price and sell them at the original price. If you go out, you will definitely lose money - you will also lose money in the process of realizing the game currency.

To cash out game currency, unless you buy and sell privately with someone, that is, you agree with someone that the other party will pay you in real life and you transfer the game currency to someone online. Otherwise, if you buy and sell game currency on an official exchange, the official website will charge you hundreds of dollars. There is a 10/10 handling fee, but although there is no handling fee for private transactions, it is easy to encounter JP. After taking your game currency, he will not give you any money, and you will have no place to cry.

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