Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1554 Second Life 17

Although she met another woman with a golden finger, because it had nothing to do with An Ran, An Ran didn't do anything to her for the time being. After all, she had to complete her own task first, and she was not in the mood for other people's matters. Tube.

Although he wouldn't care about Han Rourou, he still had a hard time with his conscience. After all, he couldn't just watch others suffer misfortune without making a sound, so An Ran thought that if there was a chance, it would be best to remind He Feng to prevent him from doing what he did in his original world. awful.

It was more troublesome how to contact He Feng. After all, she didn't have He Feng's contact information. Although she had computer skills, it was easy to find his contact information, but the key was, how to explain how she got the contact information?

In addition, it is troublesome to tell him about this matter. After all, you can't tell him that there is something wrong with your father's current lover, Han Rourou. She is a cheater, and she is not a kind person. She will hurt you very badly in the future, right? How could she explain to people, how did she know about this?

So An Ran could only think that we would talk about it when we have the opportunity. For the time being, she only made this plan and concentrated on performing at the moment.

Seeing that she acted well, and knowing that An Ran is a player - the game system distinguishes between players and natives, so that players will not be able to distinguish between natives and players, and conflicts will arise - Han Rourou knew that she should not be so young, at least in her tenth year. Over eight years old - this game stipulates that those under eighteen years old cannot enter the game - he couldn't help but shake his head at the moment, secretly thinking that this player is so beautiful, even if his appearance is improved, his appearance should not be underestimated, and his performance level is not bad, in Under such circumstances, it would be a waste to go to the game and start from elementary school instead of becoming a star. With her appearance, like her, she can make a lot of money very quickly by becoming a star in the game, so why bother? Make money slowly this way.

However, it’s okay for her not to join the entertainment industry. After all, the pie in the entertainment industry is so big. One more person will share more resources. Who wants to see it? Even if she has a golden finger and is not afraid of being robbed of resources, she is not willing to do so. , after all, it is a good thing to have one less competitor.

An Ran naturally doesn't know what Han Rourou is thinking, but even if she knows, she won't run to become a star, because she has a way to make enough money and doesn't need to be a star. By then, she won't even have privacy, and her life will be too busy. Not free anymore.

If there was no good way to make money, she would definitely use her own advantages and her ability to perform to become a star.

Han Rourou's performance was just a small interlude. At most, it gave An Ran and his friends Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhang something to talk about for a long time. After all, ordinary people rarely see celebrities, so they suddenly met them. I was still very excited when I arrived, but other than that, it didn’t cause any waves.

Soon it was May Day, the time for Qin Hao and Luo Xiaofu to get married. In the original world, they frequently showed off their affection among their college classmates at this time, which made the original person extremely painful. This is why the original person can remember this. The reason is that what they did hurt the original body, and the original body naturally still has memories of things that happened decades ago.

But in An Ran's world, because An Ran said everywhere that Luo Xiaofu had pried her off, most of her college classmates knew about it. This made them embarrassed to show off their affection in the group, for fear of meeting someone with whom they were talking. They don't care about each other. If they see them showing off their affection, they will make fun of them for ruining An Ran.

So this time when Qin Hao and Luo Xiaofu got married, the momentum was not as big as in the original world. They neither showed affection in the group nor dared to ask An Ran to participate - in the original world, these two scum not only ruined the original world, They also asked the original body to attend their wedding banquet. It is not right to ask the original body to agree, and it is not right not to agree.

After all, the original person said that he broke up with Qin Hao because of their emotional incompatibility. In this case, he did not break up with Qin Hao and Luo Xiaofu. In this way, Luo Xiaofu naturally invited the original person to their wedding in a pretentious manner. .

And because she didn't break up, if the original person didn't agree to attend the wedding, she was afraid that Luo Xiaofu would tell outsiders that she wasn't a friend enough; if she did, she would be in pain, but she was not in a dilemma.

As far as Luo Xiaofu's level of JP is concerned, An Ran has reason to believe that her decision to let the original person attend their wedding was definitely not a matter of friendship between friends, but rather a deliberate attempt to stab the original person's wounds a few more times.

After all, if we really have any kind of relationship as best friends, we won’t be able to pry into the original body. Now that the original body is in pain, she can still invite the original body to the wedding of her mistress and her original boyfriend. It’s not just to continue to hurt her. The original person is the weird one.

I don’t know how the original person offended her and allowed her to hurt the original person again and again like that.

Because in this world, Qin Hao and Luo Xiaofu honestly did not come to harass her, so their marriage did not have much impact on An Ran. At most, they only heard a few words from their former roommates, saying that they were from the Luo family and the Qin family. I was very willing to spend money, and the scene was very big. And Luo Xiaofu's diamond ring is not small, so it must have cost a lot of money.

After she finished speaking, the girl was afraid that An Ran would be sad after hearing this, so she comforted her: "Don't be sad either. You are beautiful. I think you can find someone better."

An Ran smiled and said: "I'm not sad. Even if a rubbish like Qin Hao is offered to me, I won't want it."

What was there to be sad about? She wished they would spend more money on the wedding. After all, it was once in a lifetime. It would be nice to spend more and keep a souvenir.

In the future, I won’t have the money to buy longevity pills in the game to extend my life inside and outside the game, and I won’t have the money to buy those high-tech products, especially when I see that I am getting old, and she is still showing symptoms after taking the longevity pills. They will regret it when they are young and live a long life.

An Ran knew that they would regret it one day, so how could she be sad? On the contrary, she felt happy watching them spend money.

Besides, she was telling the truth. Now that she is rich and beautiful, a handsome guy like Qin Hao is really not in her eyes. With her current appearance and money, she wants to talk about a popular star level, with looks as the main factor. The traffic of selling points is a piece of cake, so how can she care about a trash like Qin Hao who wants looks, no money, and no character.

"Okay, okay, as long as you are not sad, we are all worried that you will feel sad knowing this." The sisters did not believe that An Ran was not sad at all, so they comforted her casually.

An Ran didn't care whether she believed it or not. They would know it in the future anyway, so at the moment, they just listened to people who were either really consoling or pretending to consol and laughed at it, and didn't take it to heart.

At this time, she had successfully sold all the helmets and made a huge profit.

Because he didn't think of anything good to buy in the game at this time, Enron invested the money in the real stock market and funds to avoid depreciation there.

I wish you all a Happy New Year! May all go well with you!

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