Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1594 Demon Concubine 23

Although there is a possibility that Concubine Song will be sent to do risky things by the anxious Concubine Song who will not be able to become the Queen Mother for a while, this chance is definitely smaller than the chance that Concubine Song will not deal with them when the third prince becomes emperor. After all, she dares to bet that when the third prince becomes emperor, After becoming the emperor, Concubine Song will definitely take care of them, so they pray like this. There is nothing they can do, it is the lesser of two evils.

An Ran was a little surprised to see that Concubine Song and the three of them had reached an alliance of interests. She thought that Concubine Song was more powerful than she thought. She planned to sit back and control Concubine Liu and Concubine Gao to deal with her, so that she could just sit back and take it easy. Fishing for profit, and then trying not to expose it.

However, how could such a cheap thing happen? Naturally, she would not let her wish come true.

Fortunately, several people had just formed an alliance and had not yet started to take action, so An Ran only paid attention to their movements and did not deal with them for the time being. He only continued to pay attention to the drought situation outside and the actions of Song Yuwen and others.

Just when An Ran was waiting for an opportunity for Song Yuwen to make a mistake, so that he could have an honest reason to let his capable eunuchs come out of the palace to help him collect information on Song Yuwen and others' crimes, that day An Ran suddenly discovered: Concubine Song was actually with Song Yuwen. Yu Wen has connections.

Also discovered by accident.

Because I have been keeping an eye on Concubine Song recently. After all, Concubine Liu and Concubine Gao must listen to Concubine Song when they cause trouble for me. So basically, all I have to do is keep an eye on Concubine Song. Concubine Liu and Concubine Gao, for now, basically As long as Concubine Song doesn't assign them to cause trouble for her, they probably won't be in the mood to take the initiative to cause trouble for her, because they have to seriously think about how to get rid of Concubine Song in their own palace.

In this case, An Ran naturally only needs to keep an eye on Concubine Song. Unlike before, she had to keep an eye on those three people. Speaking of which, Concubine Song held them hostage, which saved her some trouble.

Because I have been staring at Concubine Song, I have noticed things that I didn't notice before.

But he said that officials usually go to Beijing to report on their work at the end of every year, and Song Yuwen naturally did the same.

Song Yuwen entered the palace to meet the king, and his wife entered the harem.

There is no queen in the harem now, but there is An Ran, the royal concubine, who governs the Sixth Palace. Logically, Mrs. Song should come to An Ran to pay her respects.

She did come, but she just went through the process. After the process, she did not leave the palace, but went to Concubine Song's place. She had a great time chatting with Concubine Song because the two families were from the same clan.

Although Concubine Song was surprised that Mrs. Song suddenly came to chat with her, if her son wanted to succeed to the throne in the future, he would naturally not offend these frontier officials. Especially, it was said that Song Zhizhou was very capable, and all the military and political power of Yunzhou was in his hands. Above - the emperor didn't know about this, but Concubine Song's family had a deep background, so she naturally knew about it, but she didn't tell Emperor Yuanfeng. Therefore, Emperor Yuanfeng was also quite sad. Even the concubines knew about it, and he Because she didn't have capable ears and eyes, even as an emperor, she didn't know - she couldn't offend such a person, so the two naturally chatted happily.

This is the first contact between the two.

After this first contact, the two parties began to exchange letters, and the exchanges became more and more frequent. Obviously, if one intends to seek refuge and the other intends to win over, they will naturally come together.

This has definitely never happened in the original world.

If it had happened, Song Yuwen would not have killed all the princes and their mothers and concubines after the rebellion was successful.

The reason why the two are now in contact, and Song Yuwen is communicating with Concubine Song on the pretext that they are from the same clan, is probably because the situation has changed.

Now, due to An Ran's intervention, the situation in various places is relatively stable and rebellion is no longer possible. However, if Song Yuwen is an ambitious person and wants to control the court in the future, he must take action.

The reason why Song Yuwen chose Concubine Song was not to choose himself or anyone else. An Ran initially estimated that he was not chosen because he felt that his reputation was not good, and the child was young. Even if the emperor wanted to make his son the prince, the court would Even though he was the most favored, it was not worth investing in. The reason why he did not choose the sixth prince was probably because he was too young and the court would not agree to establish him as a prince. Although it was said that young children were easier to control, Song Yuwen You don't have much power at the moment, and you are not a powerful minister. What's the use of finding someone easy to control if you can't help him to the throne? In the end, between Concubine Liu, the mother-in-law of the fourth prince, and Concubine Song, the mother-concubine of the third prince, I chose Concubine Song. I guess firstly, Concubine Song had a better family background and had a greater chance of winning; secondly, because both of them had the surname Song, and they were one of the same family five hundred years ago. , easy to talk to, so after careful consideration, I chose the Third Prince and Concubine Song.

——Don’t say that An Ran basically guessed it right. It was almost like this. Song Yuwen did think so.

Seeing that Song Yuwen and Concubine Song were getting together, An Ran couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and thought to herself that it was good now, and they would be able to handle it all at once. There was no need to think of ways to find out about Song Yuwen's illegal crimes, as long as Song Yuwen and Song Concubine were together. Now that we have the evidence of the concubine's dealings, when something happens to Concubine Song, we can pull up the carrots, dig up the mud, and deal with this Song Yuwen.

This is good, it is better than her sending eunuchs to inquire about Song Yuwen's illegal crimes, which are too unusual and make people feel that something is wrong.

Because of this discovery, An Ran asked Zhang's mother to tell Zhang's father the next time she went to the palace to withdraw anyone who inquired about Song Yuwen.

Now that there is a way to deal with him, there is no need to inquire about his information now, lest he not get any useful information, and there is also the danger of him discovering it. When the time comes, he will find out that he asked Zhang's father to inquire about it, so don't be alarmed. The snake made him afraid to contact Concubine Song.

Zhang's mother didn't understand why her daughter didn't want to inquire about Song Yuwen and others. However, since her daughter said so and then didn't tell her the reason, she didn't ask and just conveyed it.

Seeing that An Ran didn't give any reason, Zhang's father asked him to stop investigating Song Yuwen. Although he was also curious about why his daughter wanted to investigate Song Yuwen and why she didn't investigate anymore, since this was what his daughter asked, he would do it. , so they immediately withdrew the people investigating Song Yuwen and others and used them elsewhere.

An Ran couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Zhang's father had withdrawn the people and successfully did not disturb Song Yuwen. To be honest, he had previously asked Zhang's father to investigate Song Yuwen's more detailed information. In view of Zhang's father's ability and the fact that he could not pick anyone capable Because of the people doing things, An Ran has been frightened. He is afraid that their actions will be discovered by Song Yuwen, and Song Yuwen will find out that he is investigating him. Then he will feel that something is wrong, investigate himself, or even target himself. , but it's not good. After all, Song Yuwen is more difficult to deal with than Emperor Yuanfeng. If he really wants to find out something is wrong, it's not good to target her before the big thing is accomplished. It's not good to set up a difficult opponent for no reason.

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