Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1596 Demon Concubine 25

An Ran came wearing an invisibility charm.

It was two or three o'clock in the morning when people came, when people want to sleep the most, so when An Ran came, he used magic to make the eunuchs and maids serving Emperor Yuanfeng sleep peacefully. They fell asleep quickly and didn't notice anything strange at all. You must know that if she uses these spells normally when people don't want to sleep, a strong-willed person will feel abnormal if they suddenly want to sleep. Even if they don't feel abnormal when sleeping, they will feel abnormal when they wake up, but Now, when these people wake up, they shouldn't feel anything unusual. They just think that they are too sleepy, so they fell asleep.

Not only did An Ran make these palace ladies and eunuchs sleep, but An Ran also made Emperor Yuanfeng sleep.

Although Emperor Yuanfeng had already passed out, An Ran was afraid of what might happen, so he still put him to sleep.

After he fell asleep, An Ran mobilized her spiritual power to remove the virus from his body.

Because her cultivation level was not high enough and she had to maintain the spiritual power she had returned, and Emperor Yuanfeng was very ill, she could only remove a small part of him. Although only a small part was removed, it could at least protect his lungs. The local infection will not get worse and may get better.

Although he has gotten better, the condition is still very serious. Emperor Yuanfeng may not wake up tomorrow and his high fever will not go away.

She needs to treat him again tomorrow. He will wake up almost the day after tomorrow, and then the high fever will go away.

When we returned, no one noticed.

At dawn, An Ran summoned Cai Die and said, "It's been five days and His Majesty hasn't come back yet. I don't know if something happened. In this case, you can send someone to inquire about the situation."

This is what she has to do. After all, she is Emperor Yuanfeng's favorite imperial concubine. The emperor has not returned after the time limit. It would be strange for her to take no action, although she knows what is going on.

As a result, Cai Die failed to go out and would come back soon. She looked ugly and panicked and said: "Empress, something must have happened to Your Majesty! I sent someone to inquire, but the man failed to go out and said that our palace was sent by Concubine Song. People are locked up, what does Concubine Song want to do?! She doesn’t want her life?!”

An Ran sneered and said, "I'm afraid something big happened to His Majesty. She thought her son could be the emperor, so she did it like this."

"Don't you care about the imperial guards?" Cai Die said in surprise. You know, the imperial guards are generally only responsible to the emperor and will not listen to other people's orders.

"It must be a group. It seems that they are well prepared. Even the Imperial Guards are here." An Ran said.

"How could this happen?" Cai Die said in panic: "Then what should I do now! If I can't get out, I'm afraid that Concubine Song has ill intentions and will attack her."

An Ran said calmly: "Don't be afraid, let people close the palace door and talk about it later. I don't believe anything will happen to your Majesty. Your Majesty is the right one, and God will bless him."

Cai Die saw An Ran say this, but she was not comforted at all, because she was not as confident as the empress. She believed that His Majesty was the right one, and God would bless him. After all, if all emperors were really the right one, then history How many emperors have been killed in the past?

However, it was useless for her to be anxious at this time. After all, the palace gate was surrounded. What else could she do? Even if she didn't believe what the empress said, she could only believe it and pray to God to bless the emperor.

An Ran is really not too worried for the time being, because she thinks that Concubine Song may not reprimand her for the time being, because she has more important things to do, which is to settle the matter of her son's succession first. , she is very busy now and has no time to deal with it.

After the matter of her son's succession is settled, she will probably be dealt with. Now she is just sealing herself here.

However, she couldn't wait until that time, because Emperor Yuanfeng would wake up tomorrow.

Of course, she wanted to prevent Concubine Song from leaping over the wall and kill herself before Emperor Yuanfeng came back. In this way, her son would not become emperor, her own son would not be able to do so, and she could die in peace.

However, she has a countermeasure for this kind of thing, so don't worry.

However, there is danger on Emperor Yuanfeng's side. These people have already reached this point. If they find out that Emperor Yuanfeng is not dead, they will probably kill Emperor Yuanfeng without stopping.

Fortunately, the imperial guards accompanying Emperor Yuanfeng showed no signs of being bribed yet, and it would not be easy to kill Emperor Yuanfeng by then.

They were not bribed because there was no need to bribe them. After all, as long as Emperor Yuanfeng died and there was a posthumous edict, that would be enough.

The only people who were bribed for the time being were the imperial doctors and the eunuchs with palm prints.

This is normal. After all, if there are too many people bribed, it will be difficult to hide one's whereabouts.

In addition, not everyone can be bribed by the Song family. After all, there are several forces in the court, and the Song family is not that powerful to control everyone.

And when the news that the palace was controlled by Concubine Song spread today, it would be too late for other family members to take action, because there were four princes in the palace - except for the eldest prince, the second prince, and his mother and concubine. After leaving the palace, the other four princes have not been ennobled for the time being. The Song family controls everyone, including these four princes. It will be too late for others to act outside the palace, because Concubine Song can completely kill those in the palace. With the exception of her son, it was useless for them to take any action.

It is estimated that the Song family also controls the eldest and second princes outside the palace, and even some other larger forces in the capital, otherwise they would not be so arrogant.

As for being able to control so many people, An Ran had reason to guess that the Song family probably let Song Yuwen into the city, otherwise An Ran wouldn't believe that the Song family had so many people.

And even if the imperial guards around Emperor Yuanfeng heard that the palace was controlled by the Song family, looking at the situation, they probably couldn't make up their minds for a while and which force they were ready to join. Even if they wanted to deal with the Song family, it would be too late. It is estimated that it would be too late by now. The Song family had already prepared the fake edict and sent it away. The Imperial Guards had no use cleaning up the Song family who stayed with Emperor Yuanfeng. When Emperor Yuanfeng really died, the Song family took out the edict. , the third prince succeeded to the throne, and the Imperial Guards who killed the Song family may have to be punished.

Therefore, it is very possible that when the imperial guards discovered the situation of the Song family and wanted to deal with them, the Song family said that the imperial edict had been sent away and that the third prince would succeed immediately. In order to prevent the new emperor from dealing with them, the imperial guards might The Song family turned a blind eye and waited for the emperor's death before swearing allegiance to the new emperor.

An Ran's guess was close to ten. During the day and afternoon, someone here in Xishan already knew the situation in the imperial city because someone had tipped off the news.

And indeed, as An Ran guessed, after learning the news, the imperial guards thought that with the dying Emperor Yuanfeng on one side and the new emperor who might succeed to the throne on the other, they really didn't know what to do. After all, if the third prince If they really succeeded to the throne, they would probably not be able to deal with the Song family in the future. After this delay, it was already night before they had even thought about it.

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