Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1607 Demon Concubine 36 (End)

The first step in running the new rules: Enron exempted agricultural taxes, and at the same time, revised the commercial tax laws and tax rates.

Seatrade was already developing very well before. After three years of taking over, Enron has developed even better. With enough money, there is no need for the agricultural tax.

Naturally, everyone in the court was happy about this. After all, whether they were officials or ordinary people, there were many people with land. Naturally, they did not want to pay taxes, so it was a good thing to be exempted.

Of course, ordinary people may be happier than officials, because in the past, the court did not pay the officials and gentry together. Officials had a tax-free amount. They relied on this tax-free amount to often hide the number of acres of land, causing most of them to There is no need to pay taxes at all, so this regulation will have little impact on them.

Unlike ordinary people, as long as they have land, they will definitely have to pay taxes. It has a greater impact on them and they are the happiest.

Even if ordinary people can transfer their land to the names of those officials and gentry and pay less taxes, if it is dangerous and the other party loses credibility, your land will become theirs; secondly, if you want to benefit the people who take refuge, you must To be able to curry favor, you have to have a backer. Unlike now, you are exempt from taxes and don’t have to invest in money. You can farm your own land honestly, and whatever you earn is your own. You don’t have to worry about the land being occupied by people who invest in money, or having to pay for it. The other person’s stuff.

Therefore, if someone is really unhappy about such a good thing, it may be the kind of lower-level officials and gentry who rely on others' investment to live their lives. After all, the upper-level officials and gentry also look down on this investment, and the lower-level officials and gentry are now Without investment and recharge, they will naturally be unhappy.

However, their status and their numbers determined that even if they were unhappy, they would have little influence on the court.

The revision of commercial tax laws and tax rates this time has encountered less obstruction than when Emperor Yuanfeng did it. The reason is very simple. First, everyone is busy with sea trade now. The cake is big and rich. This person Once you have money, you can feel calmer; secondly, many officials in the court have been replaced by An Ran. These new officials can still stand in the overall situation of the court, so there will naturally be less obstruction, allowing An Ran to Although it took a while, the implementation was successful.

After the success of these two things, the finances will become richer, and the people's centripetal force towards the court will become stronger. After all, there are so many countries and dynasties, but none of them has exempted agricultural taxes. So, can the people's centripetal force towards the court be strong? What?

With money and popular support, Enron could continue to implement its next policies.

Enron will slowly implement policies that have been used in other worlds and that she has personally experienced and proven to be effective.

So when An Ran's son took charge, An Ran's policies were basically laid out. When the time came, he readily handed over the imperial power to his son.

Sure enough, as she thought, she gave the power to her son. As expected, the son did not have any hostility towards her. Even if someone provoked him, he would not be moved. After all, An Ran kept his promise and gave up the imperial power to him. He would not pay back. Being satisfied and causing trouble for Enron will indeed be criticized, especially when Enron's reputation among the people is so high - in these years, Enron has implemented various measures to benefit the people, and the people have never lived and worked in peace and contentment, which naturally makes her extremely popular. high.

And those ministers, seeing that the fifth prince succeeded to the throne, they were honest at first. After a while, they found that An Ran was really content in the harem, regardless of the previous things. When they started to interfere, they found that it was really difficult to do anything. Difficult - Enron has formulated a strict system. If something deviates from the system, there will always be accidents of one kind or another.

Although there is no system in this world that can be used forever, Enron's systems have been tested and effective over time. Not to mention how long it will take, given the level of productivity in this era, it will not be a problem to use it for ten or twenty years, so once Failure to follow these rules will naturally lead to trouble.

The common people have lived and worked in peace and contentment for a long time, and naturally they don’t like anyone to cause trouble. Therefore, once someone implements a policy that deviates from the current policy and causes losses to their interests, it will always be impossible to implement it - the common people will often protest.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. People are used to living a good life, and if you want them to live a bad life again, it will definitely not work.

Logically speaking, you don't need to care what the people think, but people need their skin and trees need their face. You can't manage a woman like Queen Mother Zhang. How can you bear the people saying this to you?

Therefore, when those officials, and even the fifth prince himself, wanted to do something, they always found that they had come up with a policy that they thought was a good one, but in the end they found that it was not good at all. Not only did they not please the people, they were often scolded by them. As a result, they could only act in accordance with the system set by Enron and develop the wheels of the empire in the direction Enron wanted.

As for the Zhang family, due to the supervision of An Ran, as long as anyone behaves unruly and easily falls into trouble, An Ran will send someone to beat them, so as to prevent the Zhang family from being impeached, leaving the Zhang family's wealth in jeopardy, and their own tasks unable to be completed, so An Ran lives his whole life. , the Zhang family is all good.

By the time An Ran passed away at the age of 100, the empire had developed to be extremely prosperous and rich, and the empire's navy had also developed to be extremely powerful. The Great Zhou Dynasty had also opened up countless overseas territories, and the territory had been further expanded. In those territories, immigrants They lived and multiplied without letting Westerners take over.

Before An Ran passed away, An Ran left a letter to the Zhou royal family, asking them to open it when they were about to lose control of the country.

Just as Enron thought, there can be no system in this world that will never be wrong. No matter how good the system is, problems of this kind will appear over time. The same is true for the system formulated by Enron.

After she extended the life of Da Zhou for three hundred years, this problem became more and more serious. When the countries outside were developing better and better, and Da Zhou was still standing still, this huge and aging empire was like an old man. Old elephants are in danger of falling down at any time and being swarmed by other countries to gnaw them.

At this time, the descendants of the royal family remembered the posthumous letter of Empress Dowager Zhang that had been passed down from generation to generation, so they opened it and read it.

Soon after, the imperial family of the Zhou Dynasty, which was about to lose its support, announced the implementation of a constitutional monarchy.

Although the imperial power has been emptied out and the royal family has become a mascot, at least no one in the royal family was beaten to death. In any case, it can be regarded as a happy ending.

Of course, An Ran didn't know this. Anyway, she had done everything she could. As for whether future generations would do as she said, she didn't care.

She was now in the real world and woke up.

After checking it, she found that the task was completed and the evaluation was five stars. She couldn't help but nodded, thinking that it should be completed, and then there were five stars. After all, she had worked hard to ensure that the original body, her son and the Zhang family were safe. It's okay, it can't be completed.

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