Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1620 The real and fake princess 13

At that moment, An Ran ordered 20,000 troops to attack a nearby separatist warlord named Wang.

The reason why she chose this person is because according to her investigation, this person is the most strict with the people under his rule, the people are the most alienated, and he himself is the most arbitrary, lewd and cruel. Since the chaos in the North for more than two years, he has risen. , what he did most was to gather countless women for his sexual pleasure.

The reason why I can still rise is because I still have some ability, so I was able to build up a force when the chaos started.

I have some ability. Under normal circumstances, I can indeed manage power. However, these are not ordinary circumstances, but troubled times. In troubled times, ability alone is not enough. Arbitrary, lewd and cruel people can only run rampant for a while, but they can never run rampant in a country. In this life, because there are many people who are more capable than him, they see his shortcomings and replace him - just like Enron at this time.

Because this man was promiscuous and cruel, and punished those who escaped the most severely, the people under his rule had long been miserable. They had long hoped that Princess Fu'an could help them escape from the sea of ​​misery. Therefore, the intelligence personnel formed by An Ran developed a lot easily. Internally, he promised to help open the city gate once An Ran came to attack, so that they could reduce their losses. After all, there would always be losses in attacking the city.

After entering the city, I was no longer afraid. After all, the people under An Ran's rule had fought many bandits. The people named Wang were just big bandits. After all, the opponent's army was short-lived, although they had gathered together. There are some people who have served as soldiers, but those people will run away when they see the black people. How much fighting power can they have? Even if they are not despised, just the people under An Ran's rule are much better equipped than the opponent, and they can easily defeat them. pass.

After nearly a year of development, Anron made a lot of money. In addition to the taxes collected from developing trade, Anran also bought a metal detector robot from the mall and found a gold mine in the country, which could continuously produce gold for her.

In fact, An Ran already knew how to make traditional money-making projects such as mirrors and soaps, but because it was difficult to explain to others how she knew how to make these things, she just found a gold mine and relied on gold digging to maintain her income.

How do you know there is a gold mine here? Naturally, she couldn't say that she found it with a metal detector robot. She could only say that her ancestors asked her to find it in a dream.

Because they couldn't find any reason not to believe it, everyone believed An Ran's reason. After all, if they didn't believe this reason, how could the princess know that there was a gold mine in such and such a place?

And because they believed what An Ran said, they let the people under their control become less and less dissatisfied with An Ran's rule. After all, the princess's ancestors were willing to entrust dreams to her, telling her that there was a gold mine in such and such a place, which was obviously an affirmation of the princess' rule. Ah, so naturally they surrendered to An Ran more and more. This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise because An Ran said this.

If Enron makes more money, it will naturally have the money to arm the army to the teeth.

This one is armed to the teeth, and the equipment is not much better than that of the one named Wang.

The equipment was stronger, and there was no need to attack the city. They could only fight like the bandits before. This made An Ran's soldiers feel more confident.

So just as An Ran guessed, the attack on Wang went smoothly.

As expected, the common people helped open the city gate as promised. After An Ran's army entered, they engaged in street fighting, which was similar to how they fought bandits. They relied on their weapons and equipment to outshine their opponents, and quickly killed them and fled.

In fact, when an insider helped open the door, when An Ran's men entered, the men named Wang began to panic. After all, having someone help open the door had the same effect as if the city wall had been breached.

Because morale collapsed, the street battle ended quickly. Many officers and soldiers under Wang's command only offered a little resistance and ran away. Then they changed into ordinary people's clothes and prepared to go to An Ran to become ordinary people.

That is to say, those who are officials still want to resist. After all, if they don't resist, they may not be able to become officials when they get to Enron. In this case, their resistance will naturally be stronger.

But they all became mere commanders. Even if they wanted to resist, they didn't have the manpower, so they were naturally defeated in the end.

Not many people died in this battle, because many people fled.

This is naturally what An Ran wants to see. After all, she doesn't want to kill many people. After all, Qi people killing Qi people is not what she wants to see. After all, if they continue to kill, there will be fewer and fewer Qi people.

Killing the man with the surname Wang will bring many benefits to Enron.

This is the first time that the territory has expanded again and the population has increased again.

Secondly, other forces saw that she had beaten a man named Wang, so they recognized her ability and did not dare to confront her again. Soon after, some forces issued an escape order and did not allow people to leave and join Anron. The young master quickly withdrew the escape order, not daring to stop the people from going to An Ran's place, nor did he dare to capture the people and kill them, which was exactly what An Ran wanted to see.

Seeing that no one dares to stop the people from coming to her, An Ran will not attack anyone anymore. Anyway, as long as the people under her rule get better, she believes that she does not need to fight those forces. After all the people under those forces have escaped, she will also It just disappeared.

In fact, other forces can imitate Enron and build fortresses, and then implement land distribution policies to retain the people. But the key point is that Enron is tax-free and has no taxes. Where will they get the money to manage it? They are not like Enron, who are good at business, and they are not like Enron, who found a gold mine and can continuously obtain gold for expenses, so they just want to imitate Enron so that the people under their rule will not go to Enron. Even if you go, you can't do it, which is also very sad.

Seeing this, everyone thought that they couldn't deal with Princess Fu'an's methods. I'm afraid the Wu Kingdom and the Hou Qi in the south couldn't deal with them. So does Princess Fu'an want to take over the world? Otherwise, no one can deal with her. If she doesn't go to the south to assist her brother, what will she do to build power here?

Thinking of this, some people are thinking that if even Wu Guo and Hou Qi can't deal with Princess Fu'an in the future, they don't have to fight and just go to her. They have never had any conflicts with her before. If they want to go to her, they won't do anything to them. So, now, while you are still the head of the family, you can make more money, and when you join her in the future, even if she does not give them an official position, you will still have a lot of wealth, which is not bad.

Because many people thought this way, Beibei became more honest. This was naturally what An Ran wanted to see.

Although the forces in the north are being honest, the Uzbek side, seeing Enron growing stronger and feeling threatened, will not be honest.

No, it's the spring season again. The gardens here in Anran are full of spring scenery, and the ice and snow in the country of Wu are also melting, and the earth is beginning to rejuvenate. The leader of the country of Wu is thinking about whether to cause trouble for Anran again.

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