Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1622 The real and fake princess 15

Just like what the two men said, King Zuodu couldn't bear to see his warriors lose like that, so he immediately ordered his troops to retreat and prepared to discuss with his men how to fight this battle.

"To be honest, there's no way to fight, there's really no way to fight." One of the men said distressedly.

"Would you like to ask some Qi people who are good at attacking cities?" King Zuodu asked.

You must know that there are many Qi people in Uzbekistan. Some were kidnapped by them and have surrendered now; some are opportunistic. They feel that Uzbekistan has the ability to conquer the Central Plains, so they became the leading party in advance, hoping to become the Uzbek country in the future. When something is done, think about the narrative function and become a high official.

Naturally, there are people among them who are good at attacking cities, so if you want to find someone to ask, you can still find someone.

The two men looked at it and said, "Why don't the prince find someone to ask?"

They didn't dare to stop it anyway. After all, what if they failed to capture the city? It would be bad if the prince said it was all their fault for stopping it.

King Zuodu listened, nodded, and immediately called for someone to ask.

After the people they finally selected arrived, when faced with King Zuodu's inquiry, those people looked at each other, and no one said they were ugly. After a while, King Zuodu was not happy anymore, and after repeated urging, he finally had the courage. The older one said: "Your Majesty, this... this castle is a new model. It is indeed useless to attack the city with traditional methods, but we are still studying the new method of siege. In fact, I have probably heard of this. All forces in the castle are studying ways to destroy the city. I have not heard of methods to destroy the city. I only heard that many forces are imitating this model to build cities."

This person is right. Ever since they learned that Anron's bastion defense is top-notch, many people are imitating this model to build cities. Thinking, Princess Fu'an can't be beaten if I hit you, but don't even think of hitting me in the future. We will never Like the man named Wang, who was quickly wiped out by you.

Although they have not yet mastered the complete secret of this kind of bastion, at least it looks like it is erected.

For such a situation, An Ran is not afraid at all. Anyway, she plans to use the royal way for the time being, instead of tyrannically destroying these forces. They can build them if they want. Anyway, if they want to destroy them in the future, she has many ways. After all, she owns the bastion. If it was built, she would naturally know how to destroy it.

She knows the method, which is based on the wisdom of the predecessors. Whether these people can develop a method to deal with the bastion is another question. Maybe they are smart enough to figure it out, but maybe no one will ever be able to figure it out.

At this moment, King Zuodu couldn't help but frown after hearing what these people said. He didn't believe in evil. After observing for two days, he had some ideas and sent some soldiers to attack the city. Naturally, it ended in failure.

After two consecutive failures, he lost a lot of soldiers. Only then did he believe that this city was not so easy to attack.

King Zuodu saw that Anron could not be solved by using force, so he decided to use personal attacks to humiliate Anron. He felt that doing so would humiliate Anron's soldiers, shake Anran's military morale, and affect Anron's image, so he immediately Send people to make fun of and shout out in front of the city.

"Princess Fu'an, you have been slept with by our prince. If you don't serve our prince well, strive to make our prince like you, improve your status, and come out to show your face, do you women in Daqi not know the virtues of women? "


Not to mention, these words did make some soldiers in the city feel a little embarrassed, because attacking women with such things would indeed make people feel humiliated and embarrassed in this era.

The soldiers guarding the city felt that their morale was not good, so they quickly sent someone to report to An Ran.

This time An Ran heard that King Zuodu of the Wu Kingdom had come in person. He was afraid that there would be some changes ahead and he would not be able to control the situation immediately, so he came here. At this time, he heard someone report that Zuodu The king's man couldn't help but sneer when he said that, and immediately said: "Don't worry, I will go over and deal with it right away."

Immediately, he followed the person who reported it to the front line.

At the front, King Zuodu received the report and heard from the people below that after he sent people to carry out personal humiliation, the morale in the fortress was indeed a bit unstable, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed at the moment.

Of course, he doesn't expect these humiliations to have any effect on the siege, but as long as he repeatedly publicizes these words and spreads these words to all directions, everyone will despise Princess Fu'an, and then fewer people will seek refuge in her. After all, these days, Many people want to save face. For the sake of face, even if Princess Fu'an's policies are good, they will not come if they are afraid of being laughed at by following such a master. Then he can reduce her power and achieve his goal. .

At this time, there was a commotion in the city, saying that Princess Fu'an was coming. King Zuodu couldn't help being surprised, and secretly said that he had sent people to humiliate her. He thought that Princess Fu'an would feel humiliated after hearing these words, and would not dare to come out again. Unexpectedly, As soon as he saw something strange happening in the city, he came out immediately. Wasn't this surprising to him? Thinking about this, Princess Fu'an was a little brave. Some women, if they heard someone laughing like this in public, don't say it out loud, they would feel ashamed and angry and commit suicide immediately - and this was also his original intention, so he thought If Princess Fu'an was not able to withstand psychological pressure and couldn't bear it after hearing these words and committed suicide, then he would have successfully eliminated Princess Fu'an's power even if he didn't have to attack the city.

Unexpectedly, this woman dared to come out. I don’t know what she wanted to do when she came out this time.

Just when he was surprised, he heard Princess Fu'an's voice coming from the city, and after hearing what she said, King Zuodu couldn't help but go crazy.

At that moment, I heard Princess Fu'an shouting from the city: "As the princess of Daqi, what's so funny about sleeping with some male favorites? Since capable men can sleep with many women, capable women can also sleep with them." For many men, this is a matter of course! And I tell you bluntly, you King Zuodu cannot please me or keep me. I despise him, so I left, and I have no feelings for him. He will cause trouble for Wu Guo, so let him go back and please me! Maybe he will serve me well, and I will consider not killing him in the future."

An Ran now has profound internal energy, so what he said spread far and wide, and many people heard it. The scene suddenly turned cold. The frivolous Wu Kingdom soldiers who were laughing and joking before couldn't help but laugh when they heard An Ran's words. Can't go down anymore.

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