Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1624 The real and fake princess 17

Not to mention, it’s almost enough to say that An Ran spread his wings and flew, because An Ran is now very good in martial arts. He just took advantage of the night to use Qing Kung Fu and flew away. They didn’t notice it at all, and they didn’t need to consume the energy stored in the space. Stealth symbol.

King Zuodu also received information and heard that An Ran practiced martial arts. However, he really didn't expect An Ran's martial arts to be so powerful, so he naturally didn't understand how An Ran left.

As for the soldiers guarding the city, the reason why they are not afraid of siege is because the city is newly built, there are no people in it, there are only guards, and there is almost three years' worth of food hidden in the city, so what do these guards fear? People like your Majesty cannot survive for three years at all. If they survive for a few more months, the weather will get colder and they will have bad luck with food and grass, and they will have to retreat.

Besides... An Ran wouldn't let them keep besieging the bastion. They didn't care before because the time hadn't come yet. Now that the enemy has been besieging them for two months, everyone has lost their vigilance and plans to launch a surprise attack.

So that day, when King Zuodu and his soldiers were preparing to take a rest after besieging the fortress for a day as usual, suddenly, with a burst of noise, King Zuodu heard a chaotic mess of people outside. Chaotic shouts: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

As soon as King Zuodu heard this, he woke up and quickly organized his men to maintain the situation.

At this time, many camps caught fire. Originally, at night, when most people and horses lived together, camp roars were prone to occur. What's more, people were more likely to panic when there were fires. So soon, not only camp roars occurred, but also camp roars occurred. In order to escape the stampede caused by the fire, King Zuodu couldn't control it even if he wanted to. Moreover, the burning substance could not be put out with water, which caused the fire to burn all night. When it dawned the next morning, When the soldiers finally calmed down, the barracks had been completely burned. There were more than 2,000 casualties, more than the previous attacks on the fortress. However, the enemy seemed to have not caught any of them. This made King Zuodu almost die of anger. , thinking about it, I don’t know who is Princess Fu’an’s subordinate, how can they run so fast and make such a big noise, but there is not a single casualty left, they are all gone, which is amazing.

King Zuodu didn't know that Anron didn't send a large group of people at all, but only a special force of 300 people. They were the elites selected layer by layer from the beginning of Anron's establishment of power to carry out such night raid missions.

An Ran's request was to save lives first and attack the camp second. It would be great if it succeeded. If not, retreat quickly. Anyway, at least it harassed them and kept them awake, reaching the enemy garrison. The purpose of my disturbance is fine.

But obviously, the two months of boring siege life had completely relaxed the spirit of King Zuodu's men. The night attack was successful, the retreat was also successful, and there were no casualties.

Moreover, An Ran has prepared more than one such night attack. She is preparing to implement the sixteen-character policy of fighting guerrillas. When the enemy is stationed, we will harass them. When the enemy is tired, we will attack. We will harass them once in three or five times, but we will not worry about it every time. It can cause casualties to the other party, but beg them not to sleep well.

So King Zuodu felt depressed when he saw that no one was caught, but he didn't know that he would often be depressed in the future.

Princess Wan Xing'an was stupid and didn't send someone to cut off his food route at the same time. Otherwise, his camp would be burned to rubble now. If the food route was also cut off, he would definitely have no choice but to withdraw his troops. In that way, the siege would be solved. .

King Zuodu didn't know that An Ran did not cut off the grain road on purpose.

An Ran knew that he could deal with King Zuodu, so he naturally let him keep the siege for a while and consume more supplies. The more supplies he consumed, the harder it would be for the Uzbek country to launch a war in the future. After all, supplies for war cannot be saved in a day or two. The more it comes out, the more it is consumed and the longer it takes to save, leaving more time for her to develop.

The people guarding the city in Anran naturally also knew that the princess sent people to carry out a night attack last night. They saw the burning camp outside all night and the noise for a long time. They must have watched a big show, so they went with King Zuodu. The next day was different from the low morale. Everyone here in Anron was as happy as if they were celebrating the New Year.

No wonder everyone is happy, how many people from Qi have been killed by Wu State over the years! How much property and women have been robbed from the Qi State? Now seeing how miserable the other party is being dealt with by the princess, aren't you very happy that you can no longer do anything to the people of the Qi State?

Next, An Ran organized several more night raids, which made the soldiers guarding the fort happy several times in succession.

While the people on An Ran's side are happy, the people on King Zuodu's side are not happy. After all, they will suffer losses, big and small, every time.

More importantly, after the enemy garrisoned us and harassed us, as the Sixteen-Character Policy said, the enemy quickly became tired, and further attacks would cause certain losses.

After persisting for more than a month, King Zuodu saw that he had spent a hundred days here with no results. He originally thought that he had enough food and grass to continue to consume, but now he can no longer consume it. After all, the siege has not been completed. As a result, his own people suffered countless casualties with night raids and attacks. If this continues, his power will be greatly reduced, and he will be unable to speak in the country of Wu. And this, obviously It was not what he wanted to see, so he prepared to go back and ask the leader of the Wu Kingdom to send another capable person.

Although he failed even in his own attempt, and might be ridiculed even more when he returned, it was better than losing all the chips in his hand and still failing to take down Enron, and being ridiculed again.

So on that day, when the soldiers guarding the city laughed at the miserable state of the Wu Kingdom military camp as usual, they found that their large troops were setting out and preparing to leave. They couldn't help but be surprised. Although they had received the news long ago and knew that the Wu Kingdom might not be able to hold on for a long time. However, they originally thought that they would last until winter, and then they would leave if they had no food. But it is still summer, and they either have no food or have been harassed a few times, so are they ready to leave? Is this still the powerful Uzbek cavalry?

How do they know what King Zuodu is thinking? If the leader of Wu Kingdom comes in person, he probably won't retreat so easily. However, King Zuodu, soldiers are his lifeblood. If something goes wrong, he will have great influence in Wu Kingdom in the future. Minus, this is not what he wants to see, so naturally he will not spend all his wealth just to teach a woman who cannot be taught a lesson.

The leader of the Wu Kingdom saw that King Zuodu returned without success, so he didn't scold him much. After all, someone had criticized him before, saying that the fortress built by Princess Fu'an was difficult to break. Because he was mentally prepared, he looked at King Zuodu. After failing, the acceptance level was naturally much higher, but it was a bit unbelievable. I thought how could this happen, that a woman could build such a powerful castle?

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