Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1643 The real and fake princess 36

Xu Qian and others couldn't help but feel embarrassed when they heard An Ran mention this. They resented her for deliberately making them suffer for a few more days in order to take care of General Luo's soldiers, so they went to the south and spoke ill of Princess Fu'an. The dirty trick is that Enron was developing in the north at that time, and the small court in the south was very dissatisfied with Enron, so Xu Qian and others said bad things about Anron, which catered to everyone's appetite. Not only did no one refute it, but it also made their career smoother.

When Emperor Jianfeng spread rumors later, they would naturally not refute the rumors for An Ran.

When An Ran said this, they were embarrassed, but also worried that An Ran would continue to investigate and find out that they had said many bad things about her over the years. After all, it was better that she didn't know about it at the moment. If she did, But it was about to get worse, so he immediately said: "There was nothing we could do if we didn't refute the rumors back then. After all, we were people who spoke softly, and then under the rule of the Abandoned Emperor (Emperor Jianfeng is now called the Abandoned Emperor), how could we dare to confront him? , this matter is indeed our fault, but... we really have excusable circumstances, and we also ask the princess to forgive her. "

Although An Ran is now the emperor, many people still call her princess, and Xu Qian and others also call her the same, wanting to appear closer to her.

"Even if you have extenuating circumstances, then I can't make an exception for you now, but it's still excusable." An Ran remained unmoved.

Several people saw that An Ran was unaccommodating and a shameless person, so they stopped pestering him and left.

However, when these people saw that An Ran didn't help them, they were all very angry. When they came out of the palace, they couldn't help but start talking.

"We really shouldn't have come. If we didn't come, she wouldn't have found an opportunity to ridicule us. If we came, we'd forget about it if we didn't get it done, and we'd be ridiculed by her in a weird way. We'd suffer a huge loss."

"Actually, I just said I couldn't come. It's good luck. She didn't know what we said about her in the south. Otherwise, if we knew, she would be the emperor now. Long Yan was so angry that he pulled us down and beheaded us. But what should we do? ?”

"Isn't this a chance to gain wealth and wealth? I just want to try my luck and see if I can get an official position. If it doesn't work, forget it. It seems that I can only be a commoner in the future!"

When they thought that they could only be ordinary people in the future, unlike the officials in the past who could be superior, these people who used to be officials in the south became angry and secretly complained about the peaceful uprising, secretly thinking that they hadn't come over yet. , it would be better for you to surrender first. It will cause them to lose their official positions. This is too much. Even if you are afraid of Princess Fu'an and think you can't defeat her, you might as well wait until Princess Fu'an comes to fight. It won't be too late to surrender if you can't defeat her. Maybe she doesn’t want to fight in the south for a while? Wouldn't that allow them to be officials for a while longer? Instead of becoming ordinary people so quickly.

After hearing everyone's complaints, Xu Qian said: "What are you afraid of? I don't know what will happen to Princess Fu'an in the future. She is almost thirty-five years old and has no husband and children. In the future, her life may be miserable. .”

After everyone heard this, they thought it was quite right. They couldn't help but feel happy at the moment, and gloated in agreement, saying: "Yes, yes, yes."

"Speaking of which, Princess Fu'an is weird. At such an old age, she hasn't gotten married yet and has children. Isn't she afraid that she won't have an heir?"

"Who knows what she is thinking, but it is impossible that she does not want to leave the throne to her own children, but is planning to leave it to others."

"If she wants to have a child by herself, think about it, who should she marry? She probably doesn't worry about who she marries, for fear that if she dies in the future, her son will take her husband's surname, and the country will fall into the hands of someone with a foreign surname." Xu Qian said.

"No, so it seems that we really don't have to worry, we can just wait and see the good show."


Everyone was talking as they walked, but they didn't know that their comments had all reached An Ran's ears, because An Ran put a puppet on Xu Qian, just to find fault with Xu Qian, and to deal with him in the future so that he could return to his original world. The unjust death of General Luo took revenge, and what they said now naturally fell into the ears of An Ran, who was observing them.

Hearing what these people said, An Ran couldn't help but sneer, secretly thinking that these people could only rely on this to gloat about their misfortune, and their spirit was victorious.

She naturally has her own arrangements for the heir.

In the previous world, when she was not sure whom to marry but needed an heir, she had asked robots for help. Now she can still ask robots for help, and she does not have to worry about who she marries in the future, as they say. It fell into the hands of people with foreign surnames.

As for the risk of childbirth due to her age, that is not a problem at all. She has been practicing martial arts for many years and is very healthy. The physical fitness of someone in her thirties is similar to that of someone in her twenties.

Therefore, these people's gloating expectations are destined to be disappointed.

But getting married and having children is a matter for the future. The most important thing right now is to take back the Gu'an City area.

It is said to be Gu'an City, but the area is actually quite large, because when Anron was developing around General Luo, of course it was not just developing around Gu'an City, but the area outside the city that belonged to Gu'an Mansion, and Anron was all going around it. Otherwise, if you develop around Gu'an City, it will be your territory when people go out. Don't make people feel depressed and scared. Therefore, Anran has not touched the entire Gu'an Mansion.

The north is vast and sparsely populated, so the area of ​​Gu'an Prefecture is not small, about ten to twenty thousand square kilometers.

Although the area is not small, there are very few people on it.

It was quite a lot at first, but since the surrounding Enron territory has developed better and better, and then Enron's policies have become known to everyone, anyway, it is much faster than in the south across the river, so Gu'an Mansion Those poor people who had no land soon went to Enron's territory.

They didn't have to cross the river, and they didn't have to worry about General Luo not allowing them to leave, so they came to Anran the fastest, earlier than the people under other northern forces. After all, the people under other northern forces were dominated by the forces. Under control, information is blocked, and it is naturally much slower to know the situation under An Ran.

But General Luo will not control the people to inquire about outside news, so the people of Gu'an Mansion have long known how good An Ran is under his rule. In the first year, they were afraid that An Ran would not survive for long. By the second year, see The people under Anron's rule had a good harvest and lived a good life, so they couldn't help it and ran over. Now they have lived under Anran's rule for many years.

Therefore, the common people under the rule of Gu'an Mansion, unless they have a lot of land at home, as long as the land does not have three acres per person, all come to Enron. After all, in addition to being able to have three acres of land per person, Enron also has many good policies, such as Elderly care, etc., caused these people to run here, causing Gu'an Mansion to be the first place to experience population decline. The local gentry once found General Luo and the prefect and asked them to issue escape orders.

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