Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1646 Investing in Life 1

At that time, the original person did not turn dark and cynical like she did later because she became a loser in life. She was still very sensible at that time, and her father told her not to go to college. Although she missed college very much, but looking at the family situation Despite the situation, I agreed and did not take the college entrance examination. Instead, after graduating from high school, I went out to work to earn money and pay off the debts of my family.

Because my grandma recovered well after her illness and was able to work, the three of them worked together and quickly paid off the debt. When her sister took the college entrance examination, the family had enough money to study for her.

So her sister passed the second-level exam (her sister’s grades were not very good and she had to repeat the exam for junior high school and high school). After graduation, she took the civil service exam in her hometown and passed the exam. Then at work, she met a male colleague who passed the exam in the same year. , the two fell in love, and soon bought a house, got married, and had children.

And the original person... After graduating from high school, his grandson told him that the family had no money and he would not go to school anymore, so he asked him to go out to work to lighten the family's burden. Because of his lack of education, he could not find a good job. After his sister was admitted to the civil service, he bought a house and got married. When she gave birth to her child, she returned to her hometown on the advice of her parents because she had been wandering in other places for many years and could not find a good job.

At that time, she thought that her parents missed her, so they asked her to go back home. She thought that since she didn't have much success outside, she should go home.

Who knew that going home would be the beginning of all tragedies.

The reason why her grandson's parents asked her to come back was not because they missed her at all, but because she was getting older. Her younger sister had already dated her boyfriend and was about to get married, but she hadn't dated her yet. The Sun family was from a rural area on the outskirts of the county. Rural people like to visit each other. If there is an older girl in a family who is not married, they like to ask her. Grandmother and grandfather think that her eldest daughter is not married yet and it embarrasses them, so they ask her to come back and find someone for her to go on a blind date.

Because of his old age, the conditions of those people were not very good. The original person didn't like it at all, and he kept picking and choosing. This one didn't work, and that didn't work either. This made Grandson feel that he had lost face when he saw that she hadn't gotten married for a while. Her father couldn't help but get angry and began to scold her for being too ambitious and too weak-minded.

"It doesn't matter what your qualifications are. You are old and only have a high school degree. What else do you want to choose?"

"You still don't know why I have a high school degree? If I didn't only have a high school degree, I would only be able to talk about these people, but my sister can talk about civil servants?"

Because I saw that my younger sister had an easy time finding a job because of her high education, so she got better and better while she got worse and worse. She had long been complaining about her grandson's father and felt angry in her heart. Now seeing her grandson's disdain for her, she couldn't bear it anymore. Unable to hold on any longer, he got angry and replied like this.

If it weren't for her grandson's father who caused her to be like this, instead of praising her for being sensible and taking care of her who was miserable, and even despising her for not being as good as her younger sister, the original person wouldn't be so angry. After all, if Her grandson's father was very kind to her, and she would not be so aroused by her grandson's contemptuous eyes and sarcastic remarks that she became more and more intolerable day by day, and became darker and darker day by day - so from the perspective of An Ran, a bystander, to be honest, let alone other things. , Sun's father should indeed be somewhat responsible for the original person's darkening. After all, even if you are a snob, if you praise others and look down on the original person, why bother poking her lungs from time to time by saying that she has no future? It's a bit Too much.

Sun's father is a person with strong self-esteem and loves face. He is the kind of person who will never admit it even if he does something wrong. Therefore, although he has regretted not reading to the original body over the years, he will never admit it. The original body should not have been allowed to drop out of school, so seeing that the original body blamed him for not letting her study, ruining her future, ruining her life, and completely changing her life, she was naturally unhappy, so she insisted at that time, Said: "You haven't even passed the college entrance examination, how do you know you can pass it? I can't pass it by the way you look!"

She didn't take the college entrance examination because her grandson's father said she wouldn't be allowed to study. She didn't think it was necessary to take part in order to save money and burden the family. As a result, her sensible and kind-hearted attitude paid off to her grandson's father. He just said that she failed to pass the college entrance examination because she had never taken it. This made Yuan Shen feel that her kindness and sensibleness were completely useless. Sun's father didn't care at all and would not take it to heart. He would also use this to step on her. , saying she couldn’t pass the exam.

So what Sun's father said made the original body feel cold and made her relationship with Sun's father become more and more tense.

Sun's father is a man of good reputation. His eldest daughter originally had a bright future, but he ruined it. He began to think that her eldest daughter was not living up to expectations and often ridiculed her. Gradually, the younger daughter graduated and became a civil servant. The son-in-law is also a civil servant, which is very honorable, so he immediately began to be proud of his younger daughter, and often praised his younger daughter. He no longer talked about his eldest daughter outside, but always talked about his younger daughter.

This look naturally stimulated the original body more and more. As the original body gradually darkened, it also wanted to get rich overnight.

People have ambitions. As long as they don't hurt anyone but work hard on their own, it can't be called a bad thing. But... although the original person has ambitions, he has no ability. How can he become rich overnight?

Moreover, the more you want to get rich, the easier it is to make mistakes. No, the original person first heard about the huge profits of P2P, so he ran to invest in P2P. He was furious, and all the savings he had saved for many years while working outside were wiped out, and he secretly She ran to the police station to report the crime, but she didn't get it back - she only dared to go there secretly, fearing that if she went directly, her grandson's father and sister Sun Anle would find her, and her grandson's father would scold her, and Sun Anle would secretly laugh at her.

After P2P lost all her savings, she refused to give up and started to enter the stock market, using her meager salary income to speculate in stocks. Of course, she didn’t know much about the stock market, so naturally she lost all her money. Fortunately, she didn’t borrow any money. Stock trading, otherwise you have to owe foreign debts, and you might commit suicide out of despair when the stock trading fails.

After P2P and stocks became difficult to do, I became less courageous and only dared to play with funds.

Even if she played with funds, she was trapped because of chasing the rise and killing the fall.

Because she felt that she could no longer survive, and Sun Anle came back to show off how much money she could save in a year, and asked her how much she could save. Sun's father praised Sun Anle for her ability, as if he was putting the last burden on a camel's back. With just a piece of grass, the original person committed suicide.

Then she accepted the mission.

When I arrived, I happened to have my mobile phone in my hand and was looking at the fund. When I saw the original person's total property of 14,000, I couldn't help but be speechless.

The original person is thirty years old this year.

In other words, the original person went out to work from the age of 18 until he was 30. For twelve years, except for the 14,000 yuan placed in the fund, he had nothing, no house, no car, and of course no money. No boyfriend.

An Ran knew that there were people who were bad at it, but she had never seen anyone who was so bad at it.

If there is a crossroads in every stage of life, the original person seems to have taken the worst path every time, leading to a mess in the end.

The mission of the original body is also very simple. She hopes that the original body can help her turn around and make her a winner in life.

The financial market has been changing lately, so let’s join in the fun and write a short investment story^O^

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