Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1656 Investing in Life 11

Sun's father was not happy with An Ran's attitude towards him, and he also liked his youngest daughter. When he heard what An Ran said, he raised his head and said angrily: "Forget it if you don't tell me. If you don't let your sister go, I won't." Go, your sister introduces you to such a good boyfriend, you don’t want to, just make it difficult for your sister to be a good person in the work now, and you also say that your sister harmed you, it is your sister’s fault, and you want your sister to apologize, I don’t think so Can you find a good marriage in the future?"

An Ran couldn't help but laugh after hearing this, thinking that if you don't go, you won't go. How can you still threaten me?

So after hearing what Sun's father said, he didn't continue to persuade him. Instead, he picked up his mobile phone and continued to follow the stock market.

Sun's father thought that if he said this, An Ran would say something soft, but in the end, the other party didn't bother to pay attention to her at all and went to do his own thing.

Seeing An Ran like this, Sun's father was furious and incompetent. While being furious, he also understood a little in his heart. Thinking about this eldest daughter, it seemed that her wings were really hardened. She was no longer afraid of him, and he couldn't control her anymore. The more he thought about it, It makes people even more angry.

An Ran was too lazy to care whether Sun's father was happy or not. Early the next morning, he picked up a small bag and some clothes and prepared to go.

Grandma looked at it and said hurriedly: "Let me help you. How could you do it alone?"

An Ran said: "I have cleaned up and bought all the things a few days ago. Now I just pack my bags and move in. There is nothing to do. You can go over and have a meal with me and use it as a greenhouse."

Grandmother glanced into the room and said, "Call your dad and let's go together."

An Ran said: "He doesn't want to go, why call him?"

"No matter what, you always need to shout."

An Ran saw her grandson's mother trying to bridge the relationship between her and her grandson's father. Although she didn't care at all whether her relationship with her grandson's father could get better, she still yelled as she wanted.

She thought that Sun's father would go there, but based on her understanding of his character, she knew that if he bought a house, he would want to have fun outside, so he would definitely go and have a look at his house, and wait until it is ready. , it’s good to come back and brag. After all, there are very few girls in the village who buy houses. If they don’t rely on family support, there are even fewer who can buy them by themselves. It’s worth him to talk about it and brag about it.

A house worth 350,000 yuan may not be worth a few square meters in a first-tier city, but in this small county, it is not a small amount, and it is worth boasting about.

Sure enough, just as she thought, Sun's father heard her call him. Although his movements were a little slow and his face was a little ugly, he still came out.

At that moment, the three of them, Sun's father took Sun's mother on his motorcycle, An Ran rode his own small electric car and went to the city.

When someone meets someone on the road and asks if their family is doing something today and why the whole family is out in force, Sun's father will always stop and say with a proud look: "My eldest daughter has bought a house. I'll go over and take a look."

He didn't say that An Ran was moving into a new house today. After all, if he said that, wouldn't it mean that he didn't know about such a thing before and didn't know about it until he moved to a new house? After all, if he had known about it earlier, according to his personality, he should have been full of it. Everyone in the world knows it. Since he didn't say it, others can understand it. He didn't know it before.

And he didn't want others to know about the disputes in his family, so he didn't say anything about it.

"Oh! But that girl is so capable, can she afford a house?" Some people were surprised. After all, in the eyes of most people in the village, the original person was a loser who had failed a lot. Only her younger sister was outstanding. So when I suddenly heard that she bought a house, can people not be surprised?

Sun's father smiled and said: "She recently speculated in funds and made some money."

"What is a fund?"

"I don't really understand it. It seems to be similar to stocks."

"Hey, I know how to play stocks. Sun Yatou is pretty good."

"That's it for the time being. I don't know what will happen in the future." Sun's father said modestly. Of course, this was what he was thinking.

After Sun's father left, the villagers gathered together to discuss. An Ran practiced cultivation wherever she went. Although her body could not cultivate, she practiced martial arts and her internal strength was good now, so these people discussed , she heard it too.

"Hey, have you heard? That girl from the Sun family is playing stocks. I heard that she has made some money and can even afford a house."

"Don't be envious, stocks are so easy to speculate on? I don't know what will happen in the future."

"That's not necessarily the case. Although she only has a high school degree, she has a reason. She is not stupid and can't pass the exam. You have forgotten that Sun Anran was said to have very good academic performance back then. In their high school, she was ranked No. Someone who seems to get perfect scores in mathematics, physics and chemistry every year. He is good at numbers, physics and chemistry. Maybe he is sensitive to things like numbers. How can he be good at stocks?"

"Come on, stock trading has something to do with being good at mathematics, physics and chemistry?"

"That's right, I don't know how many smart people have lost everything by trading in the stock market. I think that girl Sun Anran is hanging. You have forgotten how the big hotel owner at the big carousel in our city died. He lost all his money by trading in the stock market and still owed money. Others have a lot of debts, but in the end they can’t bear it anymore and they jump off the building?”

"Isn't that right? This little girl is really brave. She dares to touch such things."

"I guess I'm so poor that I want to make a comeback. If I'm lucky, I might be able to make a comeback. If I'm not lucky, I'm afraid I'll have to make her cry."

"This girl is also strange. She is already thirty-one after the Chinese New Year, and she still doesn't worry about getting married. What kind of house can she buy? If she can't marry, what's the use of buying a house? She won't have any descendants to inherit..."


Everyone was still talking, but An Ran was riding far away and could no longer hear.

Arriving at her house soon, Sun's father saw that the house type and the environment of the community were good, and he couldn't help but be satisfied. He secretly thought that this girl, although she didn't listen to her own words, the house she chose was better than the one chosen by Anle's family. The one chosen by Anle's family, The floor is too low - the second floor - when spring comes, the house is full of moisture, and the floor is low, so the sun doesn't shine much, so the house always feels dark.

The one An Ran chose is on the fifth floor. The building is high and the room seems dry. Even if it is spring and there is a lot of rain, the room does not feel heavy with moisture. Moreover, the fifth floor is higher, it looks bright, has a wide field of view, and feels comfortable. some.

Although the younger daughter said that she chose the second floor so that the elderly would not have to work hard climbing stairs in the future - neither family bought an elevator room - Sun's father felt that the elderly are not particularly old now, and when they become extremely old, they will be too old. It can be replaced by an elevator room. In this case, wouldn't it be better to buy a higher price now and live in a less fashionable and dark place?

Unfortunately, it was a house bought by his youngest daughter and son-in-law, so he had no say in it and could only let them do it.

As soon as the grandson and granddaughter came, they wanted to help Anran with the work, but seeing that Anran seemed to have prepared everything, they only helped Anran put down the fruit plate. The granddaughter started working in the kitchen again, preparing to have a dinner outside later. Come back and order some noodles to eat. This is a greenhouse after all, so we have to cook some food today.

At this time, Sun Anle's family came over.

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