Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1660 Investing in Life 15

It turned out that since Enron bought a house, and the house soared by 50% in the past two years, she was furious because she heard that the reason Enron could afford to repay the loan was because the fund made some money. It was still affordable, so I followed the trend and speculated in funds. I felt that as a college student, I couldn't be worse than Sun Anran, a high school student.

But she didn't seem to be very sensitive to numbers. She entered the market rashly and made a little money based on luck at first, but later lost money based on her strength.

In the past two years, the technology base has skyrocketed. She followed suit and bought the technology base. But soon the technology base began to plummet. She bought at a high point and lost 20%. Now that the economy is in crisis, she doesn't dare to keep it anymore, so she quickly sells it. .

Because she saw that the technology base was rising, she invested all her 200,000 yuan in it, and lost 40,000 yuan in one fell swoop. She felt so distressed that she didn't dare to tell her husband, for fear that he would scold her.

Although she herself lost money, she felt unhappy when she thought about An Ran making a lot of money buying a house before, but she couldn't do anything to her. Now she committed suicide and lost everything. Sun Anle couldn't help but feel happy, thinking about stock trading. Ah, what a shame!

——She thought that if she had compensated, An Ran would also have compensated, so she thought this way.

An Ran could tell that she was expecting him to answer something, but he was indeed not very profitable at the moment, so he immediately said: "The market is not going well, so I won't make any money."

"No compensation? I see everyone is discussing that many people have lost compensation recently." Sun Anle looked at An Ran expectantly.

An Ran knew what she wanted to hear, but it might disappoint her, so she smiled and said: "No, I retreated in time."

Sun Anle couldn't help but be disappointed when he heard that An Ran didn't pay. Fortunately, An Ran continued: "But now it's my job to speculate in funds. Not making any money is equivalent to losing money."

This is the truth. The return on the debt base is too low, which is equivalent to disrupting her investment plan. She doesn’t know how long this wave of market fluctuations will last. If it takes longer, she still doesn’t know when she will be able to complete her original life. As for the goal, don't wait until you are forty or fifty to complete it. This is the winner in life. If you are too old, the original person may not feel happy.

But the market is not controlled by people. She has made money at a high speed for three years. From the initial capital of 250,000, plus the help of some borrowed funds, it has become 3 million now. It is considered a rapid development. The solution is that the start-up capital is too small, so it is good to be able to achieve this scale.

When Sun Anle heard what An Ran said, he couldn't help but nodded, thinking that it was true. Sun Anran had no job, and if he didn't make money, he would lose money. After all, daily life requires expenses, but if he didn't make money, he would be left with nothing.

Think about it again. Sun Anran is already thirty-three years old and has not yet married. If he had not been lucky enough to buy a house and leave the village early, or if he were still in the village, he would not know how he would be laughed at. Although Now she is hiding in the city and cannot hear the ridicule, but she is not married at the age of thirty-three, but the fact is that compared to having a husband and children, it is too miserable for her to be alone - Sun Anle is still traditional I think women who are unmarried and have no children are pitiful.

Of course, she was very young, and maybe she didn't have traditional ideas. Just because she had a husband and children, and An Ran didn't, she thought she was miserable.

Thinking of this, Sun Anle felt very happy, thinking that it would be better now. The economic crisis came, Enron lost money, and he was still unmarried and had no children. It was really miserable.

And as long as she feels that An Ran is miserable, she will feel very happy.

So in the past two years, Sun Anle, who had been in a bad mood because Enron made a lot of money from fund speculation and was robbed of the limelight by Enron, could finally breathe a sigh of relief and feel relaxed.

Sun Anle, who was in a good mood, immediately comforted An Ran hypocritically and said: "Sister, don't worry, it will be fine when the economic crisis is over."

In fact, she hopes that this economic crisis will last until the end of the world. By then, Sun Anran will never be able to make money and the mortgage cannot be repaid, so she will have to sell the house. By then, Sun's father and others will not be able to brag about her. .

An Ran could naturally see what she was thinking from her happy eyes, but she just pretended not to know and said calmly: "I hope so."

Sun Anle didn't want to be happy alone, so she shared this "happy event" with her grandson's father and grandma. She just wanted her grandson to hear about it and scold Anran quickly, scolding her that she shouldn't trade in stocks. She went to work, and now she has no money to earn. Let’s see how she can pay off the mortgage.

Of course, when she said it, she couldn't look like she was gloating about her misfortune. Instead, she said it to her grandson and grandson in the name of caring about her sister, so that her grandson and grandson, who didn't know she hated An Ran, didn't understand at all. I found out that she was complaining and thought that she was really worried about An Ran's situation.

When the grandson's parents heard that the stock market plummeted and affected Enron's income, they were really anxious, so they immediately called Enron to ask about it.

Sun's mother was really anxious, fearing that Enron would suffer a huge loss and would have no money to use.

Although Sun's father is also worried about this matter - although Sun's father and the original person have never dealt with each other, after all, it is his daughter. If the daughter really loses the money and has no money to use, it is impossible for him not to worry - but he is more afraid of his daughter If the loss is too ugly, if word spreads, others will laugh at him.

"I heard from Lele that the stock market is not doing well recently and has been plummeting, right?"


"How about you investing in funds? Will anything happen?"

"It's okay. I quit early and didn't lose anything."

"Even if you don't lose money, you can't speculate in funds now and you can't make any money. I think you should just come back to avoid spending an extra day in the city."

Of course, what's more important is that while An Ran is not speculating in funds and has free time, she should quickly arrange her blind date.

He asked An Ran to go on a blind date before. An Ran always said that he was busy investing in funds and had no time, but now he must have time - in fact, investing in funds does not take much time, so An Ran was purely trying to fool his grandson's father.

An Ran bought a house and lived in the city. It was quiet and he didn't have to worry about being laughed at. They couldn't see it anyway, but they couldn't be quiet in the village. I don't know how many people laughed at his daughter who was already thirty-three years old. Marrying someone really makes him lose face.

An Ran knew what kind of life he would have if he went back, could he still go back? It was impossible, so after listening to Sun's father's suggestion, he refused: "No, I still have money on hand, and I don't want to go back to stay. You also know the situation in the village. Those rural women have nothing to do all day, so they just like I don’t want to hear the nonsense they talk about me when they talk about the parents of the East and the shortcomings of the West.”

"Although it's nonsense, you are so old and you still haven't found a partner. No wonder others are laughing at you." Sun's father said.

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