Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1664 Investing in Life 19

Sun's father thought, if Sun Anle could harm others like this and still hold a grudge against the person he fell in love with, how dare he put his coffin copy with her? It’s easy to give it to her, but what if one day there’s a stalemate, or maybe you’re interested in your own money and don’t want to give it to yourself, so you deliberately get into a stalemate with yourself, and then don’t give it to yourself, what should you do?

If he had a good character, he wouldn't have to worry about something like this happening, but looking at Sun Anle's character now, he couldn't believe it.

After all, Sun's father has eaten more than twenty years of salt than Sun Anle. He immediately understood the pros and cons and knew that he could not listen to Sun Anle and leave the money to her, so he just pretended not to know what Sun Anle was thinking. Authentic: "I've already given the money to your sister, and it's hard to get it back, so just leave it with her. Anyway, it's the same thing to save it for you and for her. Why bother going back and forth? Besides, since I've saved it for her, what's the point?" Take it out from her and let you keep it, so she doesn’t think I have a problem with her.”

Not the same thing, definitely not the same thing! Sun Anle screamed in her heart, but she couldn't tell her the real reason, so she could only use money to seduce him and said: "Dad, you can keep it with me...I'll give you six points a year."

She was grateful, but she didn't believe it. Her father wouldn't be willing to have more money than An'er's.

In the end, her father was really unwilling - now that Sun's father had figured it out, he naturally didn't dare to deposit money with her, so even if Sun Anle was tempted by a higher interest rate, it was useless.

"It's not good to turn it over and over. Since it's your sister's place, let's put it there." Sun's father insisted.

Now Sun Anle has no choice but to raise the price. After all, if Sun's father is really willing to pay seven points a year, then she will lose thousands a year, and she is still unwilling.

So the matter dropped, and Sun Anle could only watch An Ran receive so much money. According to the speed at which she made money, she would make money faster now, and there was no point in making her angry.

Sun Anle had no choice but to secretly brag about how much profit her sister made in a year.

She didn't say that Sun Anran gave everyone less interest. After all, if she said it openly, she was obviously saying something bad about her sister. She is a human sister, but she actually said something bad about her sister. She was afraid that people would say something bad about her, so she only said this He secretly made trouble for her.

Thinking that as long as Enron's earnings are blown up, some stupid people will definitely feel that the five points given to them by Enron are too few. Maybe some people will come to Enron to make a fuss, and some people may ask Anron to Raise interest rates higher.

She knew that if someone made a quarrel, Anron might return the money to the other party and not help the other party manage their finances. The quarrelsome person would not be famous, and Anron would not be threatened.

However, she never thought about letting these people threaten An Ran. She just wanted to prevent An Ran from getting so much capital and make less money, so she did this.

Of course, if there is a real threat, and Enron really increases the interest rate for them, it will be equivalent to a disguised version of Enron's costs increasing, and it will also make less money, so no matter what Enron's response method is, it is what she wants to see. of.

As for those people who took back the money from Enron after such incitement and deposited it in the bank, the interest for one year was only half of that deposited with Enron. It can be said that because she suffered losses, that was not within her scope of consideration. After all, who Calling people stupid, after listening to her instigation, they went to make a noise, or took out the money? She didn't force it, it's none of her business.

Not to mention, although most people thought the same as Sun's father, there were indeed one or two idiots. After listening to Sun Anle's words, they felt that An Ran's five points for them was too little. An Ran also came to make noise. Indeed, as Sun Anle thought, he returned the money to the family.

Although only a few people refunded their money, Sun Anle saw that his instigation had some effect, so he felt a little comforted. He thought that even if everyone could not get their money back, it would be good for Enron to make less money.

Although there are some fools, there are more people who originally felt that An Ran was powerful after listening to Sun's father's bragging. Now after listening to Sun Anle's bragging, they feel that An Ran is even more powerful. After all, they have never thought about it before. I have never thought about Enron's annual rate of return. Sun's father is also just bragging and has not mentioned specific data. But Sun Anle is a college student and can do calculations. Now what Sun Anle means is that Sun Anran can play with funds in a year. There is a rate of return of more than 30%. Now that we have specific figures, can we not feel that she is even more powerful?

Thinking that if she could achieve a rate of return of more than 30% in a year like Sun Anle said, wouldn't it be amazing how fast she could make money? She would become a multi-millionaire in the future, right?

People in the village couldn't help but be speechless when they thought that Sun Anran could earn tens of millions. They thought that now there was no need to talk about her inability to get married. With so much money, she would definitely be easy to marry. Don’t worry about not being able to get married, having no children, or that no matter how much money you make, it will all be in vain.

The reason why some people know about in vitro fertilization is because, although not all rural people know about it, there are always educated young people who know about it. When some rural people sigh that Enron has more money, but at such an old age, It is not easy to get married, and when there are no children and all the money is wasted, those young people who have college students will say, don’t worry, with so much money, it is not difficult to go abroad to have an in vitro fertilization, and it is not necessarily necessary. Get married.

This family knew about this, and when others mentioned it again, they couldn't help showing off this knowledge. As a result, everyone knew that even if Sun Anran couldn't get married, she could still have a test-tube baby with her money. , don’t worry about having children.

In this case, no one laughs at An Ran's inability to get married. Now everyone knows that with money, nothing is a problem.

Sun's father saw that people no longer made fun of An Ran for not getting married recently, so he couldn't help but be curious. After asking, he also found out about it, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

For him, as long as people don't laugh at him, he can be happy.

He had never thought about making more money and such good things. Before that, he had always thought that no matter how much money a girl made, as long as she was not married or had children, others would He would laugh at her, but he didn't expect that he could have children without getting married, and then others wouldn't laugh at him. In that case, what did he have to worry about? You know, before, he was half worried that his daughter would have no children and that her life would be miserable when she gets old, and half was worried about losing face. Now that there are no more problems in front of her or problems in the back, he is naturally happy.

Although some people think that having only children and no husband is still not considered happy, but this is part of their thinking. It’s not because everyone thought that his daughter was unhappy without a husband and children. As long as this is the case, that’s fine. After all, He also knows that it is impossible to satisfy everyone, as long as everyone does not laugh at him before.

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