Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1667 Investing in Life 22

An Ran gets up around five o'clock every morning, practices internal energy for an hour, and then goes out for a run for half an hour.

This day is the same.

Naturally, she is not the only one who knows how to do morning exercises.

It was the same today. I met joggers from time to time on the road. There were also people practicing Tai Chi and Tai Chi sword in the square next to me. There were many old and young people.

An Ran watched casually while jogging, feeling a little pity in her heart, secretly thinking that if the original person hadn't insisted on making money through investment, otherwise, now that her life has calmed down, she could write novels to earn income.

Just when her mind was empty and her imagination was running wild, she suddenly saw an old man jogging in front of her. He suddenly fell to the ground. There were no relatives around him, and the other people she saw were far away - early in the morning. , there are still not many people coming out to exercise, so the people are relatively scattered - and even if they see it, no one comes over. This is normal. Everyone has the idea of ​​​​doing more is better than doing less. Although the community is monitored, but Who knows if this is a surveillance blind spot? If it is a surveillance blind spot and the situation is not photographed, the other party's family will blackmail him and demand compensation for medical expenses. Then he will send the old man to the hospital and treat all diseases, and then the calculation will be done. It's your fault, you can't even cry without crying. After all, this is an era of collapse of morals and trust. It's not a lie that you can't help yourself. There are really too many old people who are in trouble.

In fact, it was obvious that someone else was helping the old man, but the old man not only refused to repay the favor, but even got into trouble. This is normal, because many old people will be injured after falling, and the treatment will cost a lot of money. The old man was afraid that his children would be unhappy if they knew about it, so he Ignoring their conscience, they blackmail the people who helped them, thinking that by blackmailing someone, they can cure the disease without having to pay for it from their children, and they can make money for themselves. In the final analysis, it is selfish and vicious.

It is precisely because there are so many selfish and vicious people that many old people fall to the ground. Now no one dares to help them. Some selfish and vicious old people have affected those with normal character.

Others were afraid of being blackmailed. An Ran was not a saint, so he was naturally afraid, but it was hard to ignore him, so he immediately turned on his phone, activated the video recording function, and walked over.

Although this is not foolproof. After all, if the other party really wants to blackmail you, it can be said that she took the photo after knocking the old man down. However, there are cameras nearby, and depending on the angle, it can take photos in this direction, and it should not be She was bad when she was rescuing people, so she dared to step forward.

An Ran said as he walked: "There is an old man lying on the ground in front of him. I'll go over and take a look."

When she came to the old man, she observed and found that the old man seemed to have fallen into a coma. Knowing that the situation was critical, she dialed 120 and stepped forward to give the old man first aid. She had already made a preliminary judgment and knew that the patient's condition was critical. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be performed immediately, otherwise the ambulance may not be able to reach him.

She has been a doctor in many worlds, so it is easy to save people. How to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation is often shown on TV. She knows how to do it and will not make people suspicious. So when waiting for the ambulance to come, An Ran has already The old man was rescued, but he still had to go to the hospital for examination.

Because An Ran was the only person at the scene, even though he was not a relative of the old man, he was still called, so An Ran immediately followed the ambulance to the hospital.

Of course, even if the doctor didn't mention it, she would go with her, so as not to meet an old man with bad character. If she didn't go with him, the other person would have time to discuss it with his family, and if he was ready to have sex, she would be in trouble; and if she went with him, at least It can be prevented.

However, it seems that this old man is not the kind of person who is in trouble, because after the old man woke up, he has been grateful to An Ran. Not long after waiting at the hospital, the old man's family members came - naturally on the way, the old man contacted him after he woke up - and saw her Also grateful.

An Ran felt relieved when he saw these people's elegant clothes. They looked like rich people and there was no need to worry about being blackmailed.

The reason why I didn't see that the old man was rich before was because the old man was dressed quite simply.

"Miss Sun, thank you so much for saving my old man. The doctor told us that if it weren't for you, my old man might not have been saved." A beautiful middle-aged woman who looked like a wealthy lady thanked An Ran and said to herself The introduction was that he was the old man's wife, but he was so well maintained that he could not tell that he was in his sixties at all - An Ran did the registration for the old man, so he knew that the old man was over sixty years old. His eldest son He is also forty years old, so his wife must be in her sixties, but she looks like she is in her forties or fifties at most, and she is not well maintained.

An Ran shook his head and said: "No need to thank me. Anyone who sees such a situation will save it as long as he can save it. After all, you can't just ignore death. Okay, now that you are all here, I am relieved. , I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first.”

Seeing An Ran getting up to leave, the old lady who didn't look like an old lady hurriedly said: "Wait, wait, Miss Sun, you saw that you saved my old man, and we haven't thanked you properly yet. How can we just let you go like this?" Already?"

An Ran said: "I said, you're welcome."

"What I want, if nothing else, at least I want to treat you to a meal. Otherwise, it will be spread out and said that our family is unkind and unthankful."

The old lady was very enthusiastic, and An Ran had no choice but to agree, thinking that some people just don't like to owe favors to others, and like to repay them once they owe them. If they don't want others to repay them, some people may be unhappy or uneasy, feeling that Do you want to rely on this favor to get more benefits in the future? This person is probably the same, so fine, just let them return the favor, lest they keep thinking about it and feel uncomfortable if you don't agree.

Mrs. Fang (the old man she rescued was named Fang) couldn't help but be happy when she saw that she agreed. She immediately ordered her youngest son: "Xiao Heng, go make a reservation at a restaurant."

Mrs. Fang’s youngest son responded and went out to make a phone call.

Here, Mrs. Fang held An Ran's hand and walked out, preparing to take the car to the restaurant. She smiled and chatted with her, saying, "Where is Miss Sun from? Is she a local? What does she do? How old is the child?" "

An Ran said: "I'm not a local, I'm from XX province, but I can be considered a local now because I bought a house here, in the community where the old man had an accident. My job... I'm in investment. . As for children..." An Ran smiled and said: "I'm not married yet, so I don't have children yet."

When Mrs. Fang heard An Ran say that she didn't have a child yet, she was not like some people who were surprised when they heard that An Ran didn't have a child at such an old age. Instead, she immediately apologized and said: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that, the wording was too It’s inappropriate.”

After all, young people nowadays are getting married later and later. It is normal for Miss Sun not to be married at such an old age.

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