Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1670 Investing in Life 25

"These are the distribution of my assets. Take a look and see where I can transfer one billion." Fang Heng took out the information he had prepared long ago and said.

An Ran asked while browsing the information on the file: "No matter which one I plan to transfer, you have no objection? But what is there that can't let me move for the time being?"

Fang Heng drew a few and said: "Don't move these for now, you can do whatever you want with the others."

An Ran looked at those few assets and found that they were indeed high-quality assets. It was okay not to move, so he didn't express any opinions. Anyway, there were still six to seven billion left. If he chose one billion, there was still a lot of room for choice.

"Take this out first." An Ran pointed at the gold fund inside.

Fang Heng was surprised and said: "This is soaring now. Although it is already at a high level, because there is a war somewhere, the risk aversion of gold has increased sharply. There should be room for it to rise. Isn't it a pity to exit now?" Already?"

An Ran said: "It's not a big country fighting, but a small country. The support for gold is limited. The previous rise was just because international speculators wanted to make a profit by inflating the price of gold, so they tried their best to create things like big country A preparing to attack country X. News, in fact, country A is now busy restoring the financial industry that was hit hard by the economic crisis a few years ago. How can it be in the mood to attack country , it is estimated that this rumor will be shattered in a few days. When the market loses the motivation to continue to rise, it will definitely fall, and I even estimate it will plummet. After all, once a large amount of money flows out, it is impossible not to plummet, and it is a financial bubble. That’s it, as fast as it goes up, it goes down just as fast.”

Fang Heng heard what she said and said, "Since you think you want to adjust the funds for this, fine, I'll listen to you. Anyway, I've already agreed that you can adjust these as you wish."

Fang Heng didn't know whether Enron's prediction was right or wrong, but since he said that Enron would handle everything, he had to keep his word, so he naturally said so at the moment.

An Ran saw that he agreed, and immediately withdrew the money invested in gold.

Due to the recent surge in gold prices, the money Fang Heng invested in it was enough for one billion. Now Anron withdrew the funds he needed and left the rest to Fang Heng.

However, Fang Heng couldn't help but asked: "What of my other funds do you think need to be adjusted?"

An Ran glanced at him and said, "I haven't looked at them one by one, and I don't know much about them. I'll take a closer look at them when you hand over the money to me one day."

In fact, she just wanted to save trouble and was too lazy to check them one by one. In the final analysis, unless necessary, most of the time, An Ran was a lazy person who did more things than less.

However, Fang Heng apparently misunderstood and thought that because he did not pay her consulting fee, she was unwilling to help him.

Although it was a misunderstanding, he could understand it. After all, consultation at this level would generally be very expensive, and some would even charge based on a percentage of the profit. So Sun Anran was unwilling to talk to him for free, and it was very difficult. normal.

"When the funds are allocated, which one are you going to invest in?" Fang Heng asked curiously.

It also takes time to transfer funds out, and it won't arrive immediately, so Fang Heng asked this question.

An Ran said: "Before I cooperate with you, I was planning to vote for 6G. If you don't mind, how about I vote for 6G?"

Several years have passed, and now the country is preparing to promote 6G. Although the market has not yet picked up, it is ready to invest. This rising cycle can generally last one to two years.

Fang Heng heard that she was planning to vote for this and hurriedly said: "No problem, I am also planning to vote for 6G."

Since the boss agreed, there was no problem for Enron, and she immediately bought a lot of 6G funds that she had long been optimistic about.

"Buy some first and put it there, waiting for the wind to come." An Ran said.

Fang Heng looked at it and didn't find anything different between Enron and his decision-making, so why did Enron make so much money but he made less? Or is it caused by different timings of buying and selling? For example, he has no plans to invest in 6G now, but has been investing in gold.

Could it be that 6G will rise soon and gold will fall soon? Only in this way can we solve the mystery of why his income is not as good as Enron's because the two of them made similar decisions.

Fang Heng watched, wanting to see the news about gold.

The result was just as Enron expected. On the third day, there was news in the market that Country A had no intention of attacking Country I couldn't help but secretly thought that I was lucky to have sold it. You must know that although Enron rose for two days after selling, it only rose a little bit every day. On the contrary, when it plummeted on the third day, it fell by 7%. If I hadn't sold it, , even if you get out of the car when it drops by 7%, you will still lose a lot of profit. And the 6G that Enron bought has risen a lot in the past few days. With each in and out, Enron will earn more than you can possibly earn. It's ten points more. Perhaps because of this, Enron's return rate is even higher than its own.

Fang Heng observed An Ran's decision-making for a period of time and found that she was indeed more discerning than him, so he felt relieved.

Because there is one billion less funds to deal with, his task is easier. Of course, it is not that he does not watch Enron's decisions at all. Every time Enron makes a large-scale capital transfer, he will pay attention to it, and then he will discuss it every ten days. Take a look at Enron’s recent investment trends.

But he has always just paid attention and rarely offered opinions, and of course he will not interfere with Enron's decisions. After all, it was agreed that he would provide the money and Enron would provide the technology, and he would not interfere with her investment, otherwise something would happen. Don't argue, he blames Enron for the investment failure, and Enron blames his bad intervention.

Time flew by during the cooperation between Enron and Fang Heng. According to Fang Heng's calculations, based on Enron's current investment situation, if she could maintain stability and make no mistakes, the billion would be able to create at least 25% more for him. The rate of return is higher than his own, which proves that he was right to hire Enron; and if Enron gets the remaining 25% of the return, he will immediately become a billionaire.

Although the agreement he made was to share profits with Enron, it seemed that once Enron made a mistake and didn't make enough, he hired her purely to help her make money. After all, even if Enron's annual return rate was 10%, The two of them split it half and half, and she split 5%, which was more than what she could make with her own funds.

However, in his opinion, if An Ran uses her own money to invest, although she will earn less for the time being, it will soon be a lot. If he doesn't share the profits with others, they will only engage in their own business and will not help at all. he.

Moreover, their agreement also stated that once the half-share rate of return is less than 15%, he can terminate the contract at any time. This can be regarded as a disguised guarantee of his income, and he does not have to worry about Enron making a lot of money. No, he was just helping her make money.

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