Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1685 Investing in Life 40

Originally, Sun Anle was uncomfortable enough to see Anran never fall into despair, but now that she has given birth to a son, it makes her even more uncomfortable - you must know that after Anran becomes more and more famous, her only hope is to look forward to Anran. Giving birth to a daughter would not give birth to a son. In that case, after giving birth to a son, she would still be able to outdo An Ran. But now, An Ran also gave birth to a son, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

She thought this would be the most uncomfortable thing, but in the end, something even more uncomfortable was waiting for her.

But they say that the country has recently been engaged in infrastructure construction, and the road-to-road project has reached every village in the countryside and hardened roads to make it easier for people to travel.

This is naturally a good thing. The state has borne most of the construction funds, and each household can build a cement road to or near their home with only a small contribution of 2,000 yuan.

Two thousand yuan is not much, but some families have difficult financial conditions. Although their living conditions are better now and they cannot afford the money, it is still a big expense and it is a bit difficult to come up with it. According to the regulations, those who do not have to pay, It will not be repaired to the door of that person's house or near it.

This project is a good thing, but if it can’t catch up with this situation, the country doesn’t know when it will carry out such a project to benefit the people next time. So An Ran heard what Sun’s father said about it and investigated to find out that it was true and not the village below. After the cadres collected money indiscriminately, An Ran said that she would pay all the households in their village.

The reason why we plan to cover everyone's money is because we can't just help those whose families are in need, because it's hard to define which families are in need and which are not. In this way, some people will give it, and some people won't, and it won't work. Not only did she not get a word of praise for her good deeds, but she also got scolded, so An Ran simply gave the entire village's money. Anyway, as far as she knew, there were a total of 500 households in her village, and each household cost 2,000 yuan. Just one million.

One million is just a small number to her now, and she has made more and more money over the years, but she has not done much to repay her hometown. But if she really wants to do it, it would be like donating a certain amount of money to the village, and She was afraid that people would be corrupted and embezzled, and that the people would not benefit from it and would enrich the village cadres. Not only would the people not be happy, but they might also feel resentful. That would be bad, so she always thought What should she do to repay her hometown? Now that there was such a thing and the payment was very transparent, she felt more at ease when donating, so she did it.

It is better to donate money to build roads than to directly give each household 2,000 yuan. After all, 2,000 yuan will be used up in a month, but if you build roads, the help to each family will be lasting. From an investment perspective, it is even more beneficial.

When Sun's father heard that An Ran was going to pay for the road construction for everyone in the village, he was shocked at first. After all, one million was not a small amount, but he immediately agreed with both hands and feet. He didn't even let An Ran because he was reluctant to part with the money. Don't do it.

Of course, Sun's father did not want to do a good deed, but felt that if An Ran did this, a lot of people would praise his family, which would make him more proud, so he naturally agreed.

An Ran didn't care what he thought, as long as he agreed and conveyed it to her.

She is willing to donate money, so everyone in the village is naturally happy. After all, even if some people have money and can't contribute more than 2,000 yuan, it is still good.

Except for a very few people who didn't deal with the Sun family, when they saw that Sun Anran was so rich, they made some sour remarks in private, saying that Anran was so full that he spent so much money on doing this. He had so much money and could keep it for his own family. Most people will naturally praise what is bad. After all, it does not cost them money, so it would be strange not to praise it.

This gave Sun's father great satisfaction, and he couldn't help praising An Ran even more.

Seeing people from his hometown, especially Sun's father, praising An Ran like this, Sun Anle, who was already uncomfortable looking at An Ran's scenery, completely collapsed.

She doesn't want to go back to her hometown now, but because she lives in the county town, if she doesn't go back once a month, her grandchildren will complain, saying that they are also her parents. Now that she is married, she only knows her husband's family, not her natal family. .

After all, Sun Anle was someone who cared about her reputation. She was afraid of being scolded because she was in the county town. She was unwilling to come back to see her parents, so she could only come back to see them once a month. After all, who allowed her to work in the county town and live in the county town? It's also in the county seat. If, like Sun Anran, he works in Xuancheng and his home is also in Xuancheng, then there is no need to worry.

But when she went back, she just suffered from anger. She often heard people and her grandson's father praising An Ran, which she couldn't accept at all.

She didn't dare to scold her grandchildren, and she had no reason to scold the villagers, so she could only call and scold An Ran.

"You lived a good life in Xuancheng. You didn't even consider helping us. Instead, you went to help the villagers. Now everyone is praising you and saying that you are better than me. What did I do wrong to make them compare like this? Why are you forcing me like this? Even if I don’t get any benefits from following you now that you are rich, I will suffer misery from you like this? You only come back once a year, and your parents don’t even talk about you. As for me, I won’t go back for a month. , you will be told, why, why!”

Seeing Sun Anle collapse like this, An Ran couldn't help but shake her head.

She knew that if she did well, Sun Anle wouldn't be able to stand it, but she didn't expect that she would be so unbearable.

She couldn't help but think, no wonder people say that you can't see a person's true character when things are going smoothly. You can only see it when something goes wrong. Sun Anle is obviously like this. When he is happy, everything is fine. , as soon as something happens, he starts to blame others.

After listening to Sun Anle's scolding, Anran said: "You are really funny. Did I build the wrong road for my hometown? Just because you didn't do it and no one praised you, you have to scold me for not helping my hometown." Building roads? What kind of logic do you have!"

"As for you scolding me for not helping you... I remember a long time ago, you showed off to me that you could earn one hundred thousand a year. At that time, your income was far beyond the level of ordinary people. Now you have become a deputy department, You have bought a new house, and you are even more middle class. Why do you need me to support you? Besides, when you had a very high income, apart from showing off in front of me, I never saw you support someone who only had one thousand eighty yuan a month. Me, now that my income is high, do you know that I won’t help you? If I had known this, why would I have done it in the first place?”

Sun Anle was still waiting to scold her, but An Ran had already hung up the phone on her.

How dare you hang up her phone!

No one dares to do this to her!

Sun Anle was furious and wanted to call An Ran. He continued to scold An Ran, but found that he couldn't get through.

——It seems that he has been blocked.

She had two mobile phone numbers. Now Sun Anle wanted to use another number to call, but after thinking about it, she decided not to. There is a function to block her. When she scolded her again, Sun Anran saw that it was her number and continued to block it. She couldn't buy a few more numbers. Besides, no matter how much she bought, Sun Anran would block her one by one. It would be useless and she would spend money in vain.

So even though Sun Anle was full of anger, he had nothing to do with Anran. He could only get angry by himself, thinking about why he, who was obviously the winner in life, would be compared to Sun Anran, who was obviously the loser, and reached this point...

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