Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1688 Doomsday Town 2

"Gold coins? It's just a piece of bread, and you have to exchange it for gold? Isn't that too shady for you?" A colleague of Qian Fang said angrily because he didn't know that this was a materialization game and thought he wanted real gold. shouted.

"How can we not charge money? It is against the law not to charge money!" Another colleague of Qian Fang said.

The NPC clerk's AI level is not high enough to answer the question. He listens to the other party's accusations and just keeps silent. An Ran has already observed that once the NPCs answer questions that are beyond their own answer range, they are not like repeaters, answering the same sentence repeatedly. , just ignore it.

However, Qian Fang’s colleagues didn’t know this. Seeing that the other party didn’t answer, they thought he was not taking him seriously. He was very unhappy. He raised his fist and slammed the table and said, “I’m talking to you, are you mute?!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of the system prompting in his ears: "Please do not destroy public property, please do not attack shop assistants. Violators will have their town resident status revoked and will be warned once and expelled twice."

After hearing this, the man's face could not help but turn green and red. He was obviously very angry, but he did not dare to express it. He was afraid that it would be regarded as an attack by the system and be expelled. That would be the end of him. After all, it was so dangerous outside, how could he dare? go out.

So I only dared to whisper in a low voice and said, "Really, just slamming the table is called vandalism and attacking the store clerk?"

Qian Fang pulled him and said, "Forget it, go out. If you are accidentally kicked out, you will be in trouble."

The man thought so too, so he stopped chirping.

A group of three people came out and were thinking about how to make money. Qian Fang asked the clerk with the last glimmer of hope. Unexpectedly, the clerk actually told him: "You can go to the city hall to get the task."

It turns out that the NPC understood this question, so he said it.

After Qian Fang heard this, he went to the city hall with his colleagues.

The people at the city hall heard that they were looking for work, so they registered them and sent them a task device.

When you open it, a holographic panel like in a science fiction movie unfolds in front of you.

Then they saw that there was recruitment information on it - of course An Ran had posted it in anticipation of someone coming.

Enron has only released tasks for farming for the time being, and there are tasks for growing various crops.

The gold coins rewarded are basically 30% of the crop profits.

Just like growing wheat, the profit is one gold coin, and the task reward is 0.3 gold coins. Don't underestimate it. Enron's offer has naturally taken the actual situation into consideration.

NPC farmers don't get paid once for planting a crop, but on a daily basis. They usually work for eight hours, and after eight hours, they have to pay for another day.

As for Enron's 0.3 gold coins, wheat matures once every two minutes and can be planted 30 times in an hour. In other words, you can get 9 gold coins in an hour. If you work eight hours a day, you can get 72 gold coins.

This amount of money is enough, at least it is more than the original one, which cost fifty gold coins a day.

If these people need to eat two loaves of bread for a meal, six loaves of bread a day is thirty-six gold coins, seventy-two gold coins, and they can still have some gold coins left over for accommodation and to buy other things later.

Of course, An Ran estimated that some people would buy corn to fill their stomachs in the future. After all, a piece of corn only costs four gold coins. If you eat two of them at a meal, you can save a lot of money in a day.

Some people even bring supplies in, and there will be people who exchange gold coins for supplies, which is definitely cheaper than buying them from the system.

And those who bring supplies probably need gold coins. After all, they have to rent a room to store their stuff so they can work in the town with confidence. Otherwise, if the supplies are left outside, they will not dare to go to the city hall to take jobs and make money. In this way, their expenses will be reduced. less.

And, you can make more money by working more than eight hours a day.

Therefore, the compensation offered by Enron is very reasonable.

At that moment, Qian Fang and the other three actually accepted the farming task issued by Anron. It happened that Enron now had several pieces of land that needed planting, so they went to farm, and each of them received a small piece of land, about one square meter in size. .

Then they found that a farmer's panel appeared in front of them, with the current tasks for their land written on it. They just had to accept the tasks and follow the system prompts when to hoe the ground and when to water.

Failure to accept the mission is not allowed. It stipulates the time period within which the mission must be accepted, otherwise the mission will be considered a failure.

——This is for sure. Otherwise, if there is no control and they never accept the task, the land will remain empty. Then the crops that Enron wants cannot be grown for a while. Then Enron might as well hire NPCs directly. At least the NPC has no such little thoughts and works honestly.

This farmer's panel also displays basic information about the town. For example, it displays the number of people the town can accommodate and the number of people it currently has. Then Qian Fang and others saw that the number of people in the town was constantly increasing ( NPC hired by An Ran), this made Qian Fang and others see it, and they couldn't help but discuss it.

"The number of people seems to be limited. Once the number is full, will others not be able to come in?" Qian Fang's colleague asked.

"It's possible." Qian Fang said.

This is true. After the novice guidance, Taoyuan Town can now accommodate 70 people, but the population increase will slow down in the future. It will not be like today every day. If it can increase 70 people, in the future, it will be built Only when a house is built can more people be added. Once the house is not built, it will not be possible to add more people.

As for houses, it depends on how many levels Enron has been upgraded to. Every time it reaches a certain level, the population will be opened, and then houses can be built. However, building a house requires materials. If the materials are not enough, it cannot be built. Even if the level is raised, the population limit Even if it is raised, it cannot accommodate more people, and materials are brought in by small trains, which cannot be obtained every day.

"Then we have to ask our family, relatives and friends to come over quickly. Others are full and can't get in." The man said.

"That's what you said." Qian Fang and another person agreed.

They didn't call their family and friends at first because they were afraid that it would be too scary outside and it would be safer to let them stay at home. But now it seems that those ordinary houses can't stop monsters at all, and they can't even stay at home. If you can't survive, in this case, you might as well run here, it's much safer here.

Although it is dangerous to go out, it is equally dangerous to stay at home, and you always have to take a chance.

Since they thought it was time for their family members to come over, Qian Fang and others quickly took advantage of their free time to call their families and ask them to come here if they could. Since they were all nearby villagers, many of them were not far from here, so it was okay to come if they wanted to. .

And asked them to come quickly, saying that the number of people here is increasing, and they are afraid that there will not be enough places by then.

Although they kept saying how nice it was here and asking them to come over quickly, most people didn't dare to come over. After all, the monsters outside were too scary. Only one family had a car, and those who knew how to drive a car were still at home, ready to drive. The car rushed over. After all, if it increased its horsepower and went at full speed, it might be able to throw away those monsters and rush over.

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