Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1693 Doomsday Town 7

Seeing that the system can really expel people, the group of people who were so awesome before turned pale, and finally became honest, and no longer dared to be together in groups of five or six.

Qian Fang and other people who came first couldn't help but feel happy when they saw it. After all, they didn't want these people to succeed. In the future, they would dominate the town with their large number of people. They were all honest villagers and ordinary people. The last thing I want to do is live a life of fear. Now that the system is so powerful, these people can't beat the system, so they naturally feel relieved.

Since these people couldn't bully Qian Fang and other people who came first, there was not much use in forming cliques, so they just kept working to earn gold coins.

Since then, there have been several cases like this factory where people came in as a group and felt that they had great energy. Five or six people came in, and then they became honest after being dealt with by the system.

These are still ordinary people, a little better.

But as some people hunted monsters and ate the monster's meat, they discovered that there was a strange energy in the monster's meat, which could enhance their own strength and make them as powerful as monsters. These strong men everywhere followed the establishment of The base sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

These people were not afraid of being kicked out of the town, so some incredible things happened.

For example, they want to eat some fresh vegetables and fruits, hamburgers and sandwiches. After all, no matter how powerful they are, they can collect a lot of things outside, but there are still no fresh fruits and vegetables. After all, even if there are some outside, they still have to look for them. Unlike Everyone knows that Taoyuan Town has it, and there are many varieties, so many people come to Taoyuan Town to look for food.

Just look for them. Some people are of good character and are willing to exchange monster meat or other supplies for gold coins with the residents of the town, and then use the gold coins to buy them. But most of them just rely on their own strength and are not afraid of being expelled from the town. , just want to occupy it directly. Of course, they are not stupid. They can't do business only once. After all, they occupied it once and were driven away by the town. What if they want to eat again in the future?

So someone took the residents of the town hostage and threatened his family to provide these things. If he didn't provide them, he would kill the residents of the town.

They usually coax the small town residents out of the town before taking action. After all, if you take action in a small town, the system will directly eject you. How can you hold people hostage?

When it first happened, someone was indeed fooled and was deceived into going out with monster meat obtained by killing monsters.

I don’t even think about it, if someone is so kind and wants to help you fight monsters and get monster meat, why not just exchange the monster meat for you, so you don’t have to go out and fight it yourself?

After these people were tricked out, they were immediately taken hostage by those people and asked their families to provide them with fruits, vegetables, burgers and other supplies.

Now the families of these people were panicking.

Some people listened and were afraid that something would happen to their family members, so they offered them things.

But there were also some people who didn't want to be obedient, and of course didn't want to give up their families, so they found An Ran and asked her if there was anything she could do.

An Ran's current external position is security inspector, so some people want to see what she can do.

Aunt Liu was the one who found An Ran.

It turned out that Aunt Liu's grandson was jealous of those people who ate monster meat and became stronger, so Aunt Liu exchanged gold coins with those with good character for monster meat for her grandson to eat. The grandson did become stronger after eating it. The young man is passionate, simple and naive. , I wanted to fight monsters, but I didn’t dare to go out alone. I wanted to go out with others, and my grandparents didn’t agree. After all, their son and daughter-in-law were uncertain whether they were alive or dead outside. They were the last relatives of the Liu family. How could they dare to let them go? He was not in the slightest danger. It was safe to live in the town anyway, and he had food and shelter, so why go out?

But such a big kid was in a rebellious stage and was disobedient, so when he saw someone tricking him into going out, he was moved and went out without telling Aunt Liu and Liu Shuming.

Something happened as soon as he got out.

Aunt Liu is so anxious. This is the only child in their family now. Nothing can happen to her. When Liu Shuming was about to agree to those people's request and hand over the confession, Aunt Liu said: "No, I can't agree to their request. If they ask for anything in the future, It's getting worse and worse. What should we do if we can't satisfy it? Do we do illegal things and get kicked out of the town? Then there will be no hope for our family. So we can't agree to their request and must rescue our grandson. "

In fact, Aunt Liu was right. Compromising for peace will lead to peaceful death. Sooner or later, these people will take advantage of them, and she is not at ease if her grandson is in their hands.

"How to save? We don't have the ability. Even if we exchange gold coins for the monster's meat, it's too late to become powerful. Besides, we are old, and the monster's meat is not as effective for us as for young people." Liu Shuming said.

Aunt Liu said: "Look for little girl An Ran. She is a small town security inspector. She may be able to do something. If even she can't do anything, it won't be too late for us to compromise."

When she didn't agree to compromise, she thought of An Ran, so she said this now.

After listening to Aunt Liu's words, Liu Shuming agreed. After all, if his grandson could come back, it would be good to come back.

The two of them immediately found An Ran and asked her if there was any good way in the town to save people.

An Ran said: "I took a look and found that there is indeed a way. The system has the function of recalling town residents, but this function costs gold coins. If someone applies to recall town residents, it will cost a certain amount of gold coins based on the distance from the town. .”

This is actually equivalent to the return to town function in general games.

Aunt Liu couldn't help but be overjoyed when she heard that there was really a way to rescue people safely, and immediately asked: "How many gold coins will it cost?"

The couple have worked hard during this period and have earned a lot of gold coins. Even if it is not enough, they can borrow some from people they know in the previous village and pay them back slowly in the future. It is peaceful here and as long as they work hard, they will be able to pay them back sooner or later. .

An Ran said: "One meter is one gold coin." Seeing Aunt Liu's expression change after hearing this, she knew that she was afraid that the gold coins were not enough and she would not be able to take them back, so she immediately said: "The person who captured your grandson is not far away, about four hundred meters away. I'm waiting for you to pay the tribute. Even if you want it, it only costs more than four hundred gold coins. However, you can also pretend to pay the tribute and ask them to bring your grandson over, saying that you want to see if he is safe. In this way, he will be away from his childhood. The town is not far away, so we don’t need many gold coins.”

When An Ran said this, Aunt Liu felt relieved and said with a smile: "Miss Ji's method is good, let's do it like this."

Immediately, the two of them agreed with An Ran on the time of action, lest if they didn't agree on the time, An Ran would be busy and unable to help them.

Then, as An Ran said, they contacted the kidnappers and asked them to bring their grandson over. They wanted to see that he was safe and sound before they were willing to pay for the supplies.

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