Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1710 Doomsday Town 24

Because he coveted this safe zone, Tu Yue said he would give it a try in two days. In fact, after discussing the matter, he went to find An Ran the next day.

Seeing that Tu Yue came to her, An Ran couldn't help but be happy. After all, she had been thinking about how to approach him without disturbing Tu Yue. She didn't expect that Tu Yue would come to him on his own initiative. This was naturally the best thing. In this way, You don't have to worry about alarming him if she approaches him.

At that moment, An Ran pretended not to know Tu Yue and said, "I don't know what this gentleman wants to do with me."

Tu Yue smiled confidently and charmingly as he usually did when he was trying to seduce a woman. Not to mention, this guy's appearance was very good, otherwise he wouldn't have been fooled. After all, it's really nice to have a super handsome man showing love to you. It's hard to resist, but fortunately An Ran has experienced many worlds and has seen men who are more handsome than Tu Yue. Otherwise, if he is a rookie like the original person who has never been in love, Tu Yue will definitely be able to deceive everyone.

At that moment, Tu Yue smiled in a confusing manner and said: "I am the leader of the Yuanhang Mercenary Group who just came to the town. I don't know much about this town. I heard that Miss Ji is the security inspector of the town and even knows Some system authorities want to learn about the situation in this town with Miss Ji. As long as Miss Ji is willing to help, the consulting fee is not a problem."

At that moment, Tu Yue took out a piece of high-grade monster meat that had been marinated and packed in a beautiful box, and pushed it to An Ran.

An Ran didn't look at Tu Yue's peacock-like behavior. He only looked at the piece of monster meat and found that it was a good thing, so he accepted it. After all, this thing has a price but no market. Don't give it up. Then he said : "That's no problem, just ask. Whatever you want to know, I'll tell you what I can."

Tu Yue thought that with his own charm, the other party would blush with embarrassment, wave his hands repeatedly and say no need to give it, and then give it to him for free - in other bases, Tu Yue had always done this when encountering such targets, and then the other party His reaction was like this, thinking that he could be unfavorable here, and it would be like this. However, An Ran actually took away the monster meat, which made Tu Yue feel uncomfortable. Although exchanging monster meat for information is a matter of course, and sometimes, when encountering If someone is morally corrupt, he may not be able to give you real information even if he collects his things. But because he was used to free things in the past, and now someone suddenly wants to collect his things, it will naturally make him uncomfortable. In short, he is being spoiled. .

In the world of the original body, Tu Yue was also close to the original body in this way, and the original body, just like the woman Tu Yue had deceived before, confiscated the things, blushed, and introduced the system to him in detail - every time Seeing this, An Ran couldn't help but be speechless, thinking that the original person was too stupid, how could he make such a stupid mistake.

At this time, seeing An Ran put away the things, Tu Yue had no choice. He couldn't come here in vain and spend so many things, so he immediately asked.

"Miss Ji, do you know what functions the system has?" Tu Yue asked.

An Ran blurred some information that the public knew and could tell, and Tu Yue could get the information from others without telling him, and told it from the perspective of an ordinary person, saying: "As far as I know, the little The town has boundaries, but every once in a while, the boundaries of the town will expand, and then more houses will appear, and the population limit will increase accordingly; the town is similar to the safe zone in the game, and the residents of the town cannot enter the town. There are fights in the town, and those who take the initiative to hit others will be ejected from the town by the system and blacklisted, and they will not be able to come in again. Although the planting in the town is different from reality and can be produced quickly, it is still a small town. Unless the town sells items to you, no matter how much it produces, it will not be able to solve the increasingly serious food shortage problem in the real world as time goes by. In fact, even if it is sold to us all, it will be useless. The number of fields is too small. Even if the production is fast, it cannot keep up with the speed of consumption. Town residents can pay a certain amount of gold coins to the system and apply for the recall function. In this way, they can go outside to fight monsters and come back immediately if they encounter danger. Maximize safety.…”

An Ran said a lot. Tu Yue couldn't help but nodded after hearing this, secretly saying that although they spent rare monster meat, the information they got from Ji Anran was more complete than what they got from other residents of the town. Those people It's a bit unclear.

Then Tu Yue asked: "Can Miss Ji see the mission system? If so, do you know what other better missions are being prepared for release?"

An Ran definitely couldn't talk about it, so he immediately shook his head and said, "I can't see it anymore."

Tu Yue looked around and asked, but there was no new news about An Ran, so he had to leave it alone, thinking that there might be new news. It was just the first time he met her, and people wouldn't necessarily reveal their true feelings so quickly, so he wanted to tease her a little more. Once you are familiar with it, you can see if you can get any useful information.

Thinking of this, Tu Yue smiled and said: "Okay, come and ask Miss Ji when you have time. If Miss Ji has any important news, please let me know. The information fee is easy to negotiate."

Tu Yue looked like he was rich and wealthy, and he also knew that in order to pick up women, he had to act wealthy and good-looking, and he could not win women if he was picky and picky.

An Ran naturally agreed not to mention it.

An Ran thought that Tu Yue would ask her for advice when he was free, and it would be a few days later, but she didn't expect that Tu Yue would come again on the third day after just one day.

"Miss Ji, I still have something to ask you. It's just noon. I'm treating you to a treat. Let's talk about things while eating. Is that okay?" Tu Yue said with a smile.

An Ran couldn't help but be surprised after hearing this. She was not stupid. She could tell that Tu Yue wanted to pursue her. Could it be that she was exposed? It's impossible. I didn't say anything.

If he hadn't revealed his identity as the owner of the town system, why would Tu Yue still want to pursue him? Is it because of his status as the small town security inspector? If so, then it seemed that they valued this position quite seriously, so much so that Tu Yue wanted to use her, which made her think that she had been exposed.

After repeatedly recalling it, An Ran felt that she should not have been exposed, so she immediately accepted Tu Yue's invitation to see what Tu Yue wanted to do.

Tu Yue couldn't help but feel proud when he saw that he had successfully invited An Ran. In his opinion, this was a sign that his charm had worked. After all, if he was not interested in him at all, he would probably refuse to have dinner with him. Thinking of this, he was certainly proud. After all, what could be better than being able to easily pursue any woman you pursue?

When they arrived at the place and were waiting for the food to be served, An Ran asked, "I wonder what Mr. Tu wants to ask me."

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