Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1718 Doomsday Town 32

Finally, Song Huahua said: "How about we lie to her to hunt at the door and enter the town immediately if there is danger? Maybe she will agree? And as long as she leaves the town and she wants to go back, she will not be able to do it. Then we will Knock her unconscious, take her to a remote place where no one will disturb her, and then kill her."

The reason why they had to beat her unconscious was naturally because they were afraid that she had the ability to apply for a recall at the city hall. When she applied for a recall, they would frighten the snake and it would be impossible to trick her out in the future, so it had to be successful the first time.

After Tu Yue heard this, he couldn't help but nodded and said, "Well, let me try it this way."

As a result, he couldn't find An Ran, so he sent a message to An Ran and received an automatic reply: "Don't disturb me in seclusion..."

Does it look like it's being upgraded again?

Tu Yue couldn't help but feel a little anxious after seeing it. You know, An Ran was already at about the same level as him, but if he upgraded again, he would be even more powerful than him.

The only good thing is that she has no actual combat experience. Even if she is better than him, she probably won't be able to beat him.

But as time goes by, if Ji Anran becomes more and more powerful, like being able to easily kill him instantly, then even if he has no actual combat experience, he can still crush him with his strength. In this way, he wants to deal with her and seize the position of the small town security inspector. It's difficult.

So Tu Yue can't be anxious, thinking that he must lure Ji Anran out of the town and kill him quickly, otherwise the longer time goes by, the worse it will be for him.

After finally waiting for Anran to come out of seclusion, he wanted to ask her out again, but as a result, Ji Anran became busy again.

It turns out that a national team heard about this town and sent people to investigate to see if they could use this only safe zone in the apocalypse to maximize the protection of their country's scientific research elite.

Finding that the town was not controlled by anyone, the only one with a little bit of control was Ji Anran, so he sent someone to contact Ji Anran and wanted to ask Ji Anran if there was anything he could do. Because Ji Anran went to talk to the national team, he also There was no time to talk to Tu Yue, so Tu Yue could only wait anxiously.

——Actually, An Ran wanted to find a reason to ignore Tu Yue, so she said she wanted to discuss things with the national team. If it weren’t for this, it wouldn’t have affected their meeting at all, because she didn’t have much to say to the national team. After all, she couldn’t be exposed. You are the controller of the town, and if you only mention the position of town security inspector, you don't have much authority at all, so what qualifications do you have to talk to these people?

Speaking of which, in the timeline of the original world, something like this also happened, but at that time the control of the town was in Tu Yue's hands, so the national team directly negotiated with Tu Yue, and Tu Yue gained a lot from this. the benefits of.

But An Ran is not interested in these benefits. For her, as long as she is not exposed, it is the best.

The national team also quickly discovered that contacting Anron was of little use because Anron was not in charge. However, Anron was an old man in the town and knew the town best. Therefore, although he could not do more with Anron, he could find out about the small town from her. Town for more news.

After understanding it almost, the national team quickly sent over the first batch of elites - most of them were big guys in genetic research, preparing to study methods to deal with monsters, and there were also high-tech elites, fearing that too many people would die. , the world’s current technological level cannot be maintained.

As mentioned before, there are many people who want to enter the town now. With so many people coming, and they have not used force to prevent other people from entering the town - of course force cannot be used - then how do they get in? What about?

It's very simple. Town residents can transfer their quota, so the national team took a large amount of supplies and offered a reward to a group of small town residents. As long as they were willing to give up their quota, they would be escorted to the capital base, which is currently the strongest and most heavily defended. They were also given a large amount of monster meat and promised that if the capital base was not secured, they would have priority to be transferred to the town.

There must be a brave man under the heavy reward. Some people think that with this large amount of monster meat, it is better to rise to a very high level in the capital base than to earn only a few gold coins here and never earn that much monster meat in a lifetime.

More importantly, they felt that the capital base would not fall. After all, if the capital base fell, wouldn't the country be destroyed? So what are they afraid of?

With the idea of ​​trying to improve their strength and survive, some people transfer their spots to the national team. In this way, because it is directly transferred from person to person, they naturally don't have to worry about not being able to enter the town.

For those who transfer their status as small town residents, some people think they are stupid, and some people think they are cost-effective, and so on. Whether they are stupid or cost-effective can only be left to time.

But the good news is that the capital base was not breached until the original person passed away, so at least for a short period of time, the capital base was still fine.

After these people arrived, they rented a building and moved the equipment inside.

The houses here have access control. After buying a building, no one else can enter except their own people. There is no need to worry about anyone stealing their experimental results. If there is a spy inside, it can be easily detected, and it is also possible. It is 100% safe. It can be said that Taoyuan Town is indeed a good place for these scientific researchers.

For these people, Enron also welcomes them.

If the final development of this world is total annihilation, then she naturally hopes that Taoyuan Town can become a real Taoyuan Town and protect the last fire of mankind, including the reproduction of the human race and the development of technology.

Speaking of reproduction, the system is quite intelligent. As long as the baby is born in a small town, the system will automatically give him the identity of a small town resident, so that parents who have children do not have to worry about having children. It is not easy to rob small town residents now. The quota will pop up in the system as soon as the child is born.

If the town is full of residents and there are new babies, there will be data overflow, but it doesn't matter. Once Enron builds a new house that can accommodate more people, the data of these babies will be automatically deducted from the new number of people. Let the system fail.

According to system statistics, sixty or seventy babies have been born in the town since its emergence.

Every time he sees those parents pushing strollers for a leisurely walk on the road, An Ran feels that he hopes this Taoyuan town can survive and give mankind a little hope.

And while An Ran was negotiating with the national team, the Tu Yue mercenary team... something happened that made An Ran feel speechless...

But he said that Tu Yue couldn't help but get anxious when he saw that An Ran had upgraded again and was stronger than him. In addition, there were people in the team who were getting closer and closer to him, so he continued to use monster meat to upgrade.

Tu Yue was obsessed with upgrading, and the more anxious and unable to calm down, the easier it was for him to fail in upgrading. Even without the effect of the Enron Bad Luck Charm, he probably wouldn't have been able to upgrade given his current unpeaceful mood.

And the more anxious he became, the greater the side effects of failure became - others only lost monster meat, and he even... his strength regressed.

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