Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1735 The Mind Reading Heroine 5

‘What’s wrong? It’s wrong to look young and beautiful! ’ But naturally, mama couldn’t say that. She just said, “If the queen asks you to kneel down, then you kneel down. There’s so much nonsense.”

Although she didn't say it, because she was standing next to Cao Rui, she heard what she was thinking clearly. Cao Rui couldn't help but secretly call MMP, thinking that she was really unlucky, having traveled to ancient times for so many years, It has always been smooth sailing, but I didn't expect to meet an unreasonable person now. But the other person has a backer. It's not easy for me to cause trouble for her. It's really unlucky.

Since others are unreasonable, Cao Rui has nothing to do. After all, although she has a golden finger, she still can't do anything about people who are unreasonable and don't see her, so she can't use her methods.

As for impressing the nun who was guarding her, so that she could release the water for herself...

According to what she heard from her heart, this nanny had no other thoughts in her heart. She was just following Concubine Liu's orders. She wanted to gain her pity by guessing her inner thoughts, and then let her let herself go. Well, it's probably unlikely.

Thinking of this, Cao Rui had no choice but to continue kneeling, scolding An Ran a thousand and eight hundred times in her heart. After all, if Queen Ye hadn't assigned her to Liu Guifei, would she have suffered like this? He knew clearly what kind of person Liu Guifei was, and yet he arranged for her to be here. If he cheated himself like this, who would he be scolding her for?

After kneeling down, Concubine Liu made Cao Rui kneel for two hours, and kept Cao Rui kneeling until after lunch time. Seeing that Cao Rui was uncomfortable kneeling and feeling hungry, Concubine Liu let her go and gave her She pointed to a remote courtyard far away from the main hall of Guang'an Palace and asked her to move there so that she would not live close to her. Once the emperor came to her and saw her and saw that she was so beautiful, he should not go to her place. , then she would have nowhere to cry.

Cao Rui saw that Concubine Liu had arranged a remote place for herself. She couldn't help but smile coldly, but she didn't say anything. She just said in her heart, "I have a golden finger. What are you afraid of? No matter how tight you are on guarding me, unless I never see you again" Your Majesty, as long as I can see him, I will be able to catch him sooner or later. It doesn't matter how tight you are on guard! See how I deal with you then!

Not to mention that Cao Rui made up his mind angrily over there, but on Anran's side, it was soon the fifteenth day, the day when the emperor came to spend the night in Anran's side.

Emperor Yongqing is only in his early thirties at the moment. Because he has taken good care of himself and since he took over the country, there have been no major natural or man-made disasters under his rule. It is relatively peaceful and he has less to worry about, so he still seems to be in good spirits. Yes, needless to say about appearance, the royal maternal line has good genes and naturally looks better with each passing generation. She looks like she is only in her twenties, so she is quite young and promising.

However, An Ran knew that since he favored Cao Rui, let Cao Rui give birth to a son, and established him as the prince, Cao Rui thought that his life was a hindrance, so he slowly poisoned him. In less than ten years, he would die and give way to Cao Rui. Rui, let Cao Rui become the queen mother when she was only twenty or thirty years old, listening behind the curtain and controlling the government.

Not to mention, because Cao Rui has the golden finger of mind reading, she can hear the thoughts of ministers and control them. Therefore, when she became the Queen Mother, she still managed the country well and left a good reputation in history. , the original person who read the original book was almost furious. After all, anyone who was killed would not be happy if his enemy could still live a good life.

As usual, the two of them had dinner first.

Before starting, An Ran said: "By the way, Your Majesty, I have something to discuss with Your Majesty."

Emperor Yongqing asked: "What's the matter, Zi Tong?"

An Ran said: "I want the prince to learn some martial arts and strengthen his body, so I want to find him a martial arts master and teach him martial arts for half an hour every day. I don't know if it is possible."

After An Ran decided to let the prince practice martial arts, he did not take the initiative to go to the emperor and tell him about it. Anyway, Emperor Yongqing would come to Yuan Shen on the 15th day of every lunar month, but Cao Rui got up and kept in front of him. She trapped the original body and made him be deceived by the illusion. When she became more and more disgusted with the original body, she did not change this rule, so she did not need to look for him, she could just wait for him to come.

And for this matter, An Ran was not worried that things would not go well, because Emperor Yongqing was not that unreasonable.

Sure enough, I felt that these were not things that could not be done, so An Ran mentioned it, and Emperor Yongqing had no objection. He nodded immediately and said: "Okay, I will tell the Taifu and let him spare half an hour." It’s time.”

An Ran couldn't help but feel happy when she saw that things were resolved smoothly as she expected, and she settled down to eat.

After the meal, it’s time to take a bath and go to bed.

An Ran hasn't practiced enough to use illusions yet, and she doesn't need to have sex, but she can buy fantasy props.

An Ran looked at the handsome appearance of Emperor Yongqing and felt that she would not be disadvantaged by sleeping with him, so she stopped tapping on the fantasy props.


There was nothing to say all night. The next day when Emperor Yongqing got up to go to the morning court, Anran was not awake yet. But when Emperor Yongqing went to the morning court, it was impossible that she had not been alarmed. She woke up and was ready to serve Emperor Yongqing to dress. , but was suppressed by Emperor Yongqing, saying: "You can sleep in your own bed and let the maids wait on you."

Seeing what he said, An Ran stopped being pretentious, pretended to be submissive, said "Okay", and continued to sleep.

An Ran didn't know that her unintentional move had disrupted the plot and caused it to slide to a place she didn't even expect.

An Ran didn't know what she was doing unintentionally. She was confused about the plot. After sleeping well, she got up and got dressed to start a new day of work and practice.

Since Emperor Yongqing agreed to arrange martial arts training for the prince, An Ran sent a letter to Lord Ye, asking him to send the people he had selected to the prince. From now on, the prince would practice martial arts for half an hour every day.

Lord Ye quickly sent someone to reply and said that the matter had been settled.

I sent letters in the morning and replied in the afternoon. During this period, An Ran handled palace affairs in the morning and took a nap to practice all afternoon. The day passed, and soon it was time for dinner again.

What surprised her was that at night, Emperor Yongqing came again.

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