Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1740 The heroine who can read minds 10

Kneeling closer at this time, Cao Rui could hear the emperor thinking: 'What the queen said is probably true, but I still need to confirm it from Cao Cairen. I can't just believe it. ’

As soon as Cao Rui heard the emperor's thoughts, he knew that the emperor was not the kind of person who was easy to fool. He must not tell lies or say things that were filled with his own emotions. Instead, he had to state the truth truthfully, lest the emperor listen to what he said. , and asked other people to ask. When the result of the inquiry was different from what he said, and was similar to what the queen said, he would feel that he was framed by Concubine Liu Guifei, which would definitely give him a bad impression, so he immediately Tell the truth about what happened at that time.

Emperor Yongqing heard what Cao Rui said was similar to what Queen Ye said. Furthermore, Cao Rui spoke very sincerely, unlike other women who sometimes spoke with emotion. If he had a chance to defeat his opponent, he would always say it in a more powerful way. She is a nice girl, so she nodded and said: "What happened this time is indeed not your fault. You have also suffered a lot. In this way, you were a talented person before, and now you can be promoted to a beauty. Also, Queen , please make arrangements, don't place her with Concubine Liu, you also know Concubine Liu's temperament, she is not easy to get along with, if you place Beauty Cao with her, I'm afraid something will happen again in the future."

Naturally, An Ran would not object to the emperor's arrangement, and immediately said: "Okay... How about arranging her to live with Concubine Zhang in Xingqing Palace? His Majesty also knows Concubine Zhang's character. She has always been a straightforward person. Peaceful."

Emperor Yongqing nodded and said, "It's okay with Concubine Zhang."

Cao Rui heard Emperor Yongqing's voice of satisfaction with him, and couldn't help but feel proud at the moment, secretly thinking that he had done the right thing, otherwise, if Fanfan had said something dishonest, Emperor Yongqing would have felt that he was dishonest. There is no such benefit. Now I see that Emperor Yongqing not only promoted me to a higher position, but also changed my residence. I can't help but be happy. Moreover, I have received Emperor Yongqing's attention today. I think he will be favored very soon. This makes me happy. The more she thought about it, the happier she became.

And Concubine Zhang knew that she was indeed a nice person. If she wanted to go to her place, she would be able to live a good life, which naturally made her happier.

But what Cao Rui didn't know was that Concubine Zhang was indeed a nice person, but there was a reason why An Ran arranged her to live with Concubine Zhang.

In view of the fact that Cao Rui has a golden finger and may deceive people, An Ran cannot just find someone who can be deceived by her. The previous Concubine Liu not only had a hard background, but also was not a thing. She was originally the best candidate, but since she was excluded by the emperor , then she would have to choose someone else.

There are not many things in this palace, but many are just tricks. In the world of the original body, at least they have not harmed the original body or the children of the original body excessively. An Ran does not want them to suffer too much bad luck by following Cao Rui. , so after much deliberation, I could only send Cao Rui to Concubine Zhang.

Concubine Zhang is indeed a good person, but she has the same characteristics as Concubine Liu. She also cannot be messed with, and she is not very favored. Cao Rui went to Concubine Zhang, which can also have the effect of leaving her alone with Concubine Liu. The effect there is that although Concubine Zhang is a very nice person and may not restrain Cao Rui like Concubine Liu, giving her a chance to climb up, but at least Cao Rui can't trick Concubine Zhang, which is pretty good.

The reason why Concubine Zhang couldn't be tricked was very simple. Concubine Zhang's mother-in-law was a general who guarded the frontier, and Emperor Yongqing relied heavily on her. Therefore, unless Concubine Zhang had committed a heinous act, she would be the same as Concubine Liu. It was not Cao Rui who wanted to trap Concubine Zhang. Can harm successful people.

The reason why Emperor Yongqing didn't like to go to Concubine Zhang is also very simple. Emperor Yongqing married a girl from the Zhang family to win over the hero. Concubine Zhang was also very average-looking, which was not what Emperor Yongqing liked. However, since she is a girl from the Zhang family, no matter how few times she goes a month, she will still go once or twice to give the Zhang family face.

As a result, it would be difficult for Cao Rui to get in touch with Emperor Yongqing through flattering the simple Concubine Zhang. After all, it was difficult for him to get in touch with him himself.

Cao Rui didn't know An Ran's thoughts, but saw that this solution would be very beneficial to him, so he couldn't help but feel relaxed. Queen Ye happened to be there at this time, and Cao Rui wanted to hear what Queen Ye was thinking.

At that moment, I could only hear Queen Ye thinking: 'Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, after walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, he saw that all the five aggregates are empty and survived all the hardships. Relics, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color, and the same is true for feelings, thoughts, and awareness. …’

After hearing this, Cao Rui was stunned, thinking, is this what Queen Ye thinks about every day? Does she recite sutras in her heart every day?

Little did she know that when An Ran saw Cao Rui kneeling in front of her and the emperor, she was afraid that the other party would eavesdrop on her thoughts, so she simply recited the Buddhist scriptures in her heart?

Cao Rui heard An Ran's thoughts and couldn't help but be speechless, thinking about such a woman, the emperor still likes to go to her place and thinks she is more interesting. Is he out of his mind?

Cao Rui felt that he couldn't understand the emperor and the empress more and more. After all, one was extremely boring and the other found the other interesting. It was really strange.

But it doesn't matter, she can slowly understand it. In short, she has now taken the first step to contact the emperor, and the emperor has left a good impression on her. This is good, and she can develop slowly in the future.

After arranging this, Emperor Yongqing said again: "According to my decree, Concubine Liu beats her concubines without any reason and is grounded for a month to serve as a warning to others."

Emperor Yongqing really didn't want to deal with Concubine Liu Guifei. After all, every time Concubine Liu Guifei committed something, his mother would interfere when he dealt with it. It was very annoying. He didn't want to bother God, so sometimes he knew that Concubine Liu Guifei had committed something. No matter what happened, he didn't deal with Concubine Liu Guifei.

But what Concubine Liu Guifei committed this time was so bad that it was okay to hit someone. After all, it seemed a bit fussy for him to go to war with a low-ranking concubine. However, the other party actually asked the Queen Mother to restrain the Queen's feet so that he could not be lucky. This is a big deal. He has only been fresh for two days. If she does it like this, isn't this making him suffer? The premise that Emperor Yongqing can tolerate her is that she cannot affect him. Now she has affected him. Naturally, I have to give up and teach her a lesson, or else I will have to do this often in the future?

So he was actually angry because Queen Ye was grounded, but in the eyes of outsiders, they only thought he was angry because Cao Cairen was beaten.

But these arrangements made by Emperor Yongqing only stirred up a hornet's nest.

Concubine Liu saw that the night had passed, and that little bitch Cao Rui had been promoted to a beauty, and had been transferred to the idiot Concubine Zhang, where she could enjoy the blessings. Then Queen Ye did not need to be grounded. On the contrary, she was grounded by the emperor's order, reprimanded, and almost She was furious, but because the emperor had said that she would be grounded, she couldn't get out, so she had no choice but to ask her eunuchs to find her aunt, the Queen Mother Liu, for help.

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