Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 176 Time Travel Girl with System 24 (End)

Seeing that the third prince's fate was worse than he expected, An Ran was naturally satisfied.

All the wishes that should be fulfilled for the original body were fulfilled. In the remaining time, An Ran lived a small life of his own, mainly continuing to study medical skills. After all, after learning, you must learn well.

Since he has spiritual consciousness that can scan the human body, An Ran has more advantages than the doctors of this era, so during the treatment process, he observes the therapeutic effect of the prescriptions of this era on the human body, records the results, and eliminates those The prescriptions that were basically ineffective were compiled into a comprehensive medical encyclopedia.

This medical encyclopedia is different from other pharmacopoeias that have unknown side effects and were considered unscientific after the introduction of Western medicine in later generations because of their apparent vagueness. It lists the functions, side effects, and specific dosages of each prescription - this is Enron's reality. It was done by Western medicine - so it is not only regarded as a medical manual in the current world, but also in later generations. Even if Western medicine comes in, the accuracy of Enron's medical book cannot be denied. Countless people who criticize the scientific nature of herbal medicine use this book to falsify it. , in the end, it proved that this book is completely scientific. Many diseases can be cured with some medicinal herbs without the need for Western medicine. It is regarded as the holy book of Eastern medicine in this time and space, referred to as Eastern medicine, and is listed as a treatment alongside Western medicine. Two major systems.

Thanks to An Ran's support, the eldest princess lived to be over ninety years old, and the old emperor also lived to be over seventy years old. The emperor worked hard, so his functions declined faster, although An Ran could use spiritual power to repair his aging. Cell, but An Ran would not do such a thing. Otherwise, how else to explain that she made the old emperor rejuvenate?

Moreover, an old but immortal emperor is not good for the country - he must know that it would be better to abdicate, but Emperor Xianming obviously has no hobby of abdicating, so let him grow old and die naturally. This is The most normal approach.

It happened that when the old emperor passed away, the legitimate son of the middle palace was in his thirties, which was the time when he was in the prime of life. And because he was in his thirties, he was not immature and unable to control a huge country. This was a good transition.

After the new emperor came to the throne, he was also very kind to An Ran - no one would treat a person who has medical skills and does not participate in political struggles badly. After all, if there is a disease that others cannot cure, An Ran, a holy hand, will be needed to help. .

When An Ran passed away without any illness or disaster, she won the title of miracle doctor in this time and space, and her status was respected. No matter how long it takes, others will remember her, and her reputation far exceeds that of the emperor at that time. Future generations may not know about the emperor of this dynasty, but Everyone knows about her, and her medical books are also required reading textbooks in medical universities for future generations.

It can be said that Enron managed the doctor profession very well in this time and space.

At the same time, the relationship with her husband Tang Xin has always been good. It can be said that An Ran has a good vision and did not choose the wrong person.

And Tang Xin made the right choice by choosing An Ran. Otherwise, with Tang Xin's food-loving personality, he would have gained weight before the age of thirty, not to mention being unsightly. At the very least, he would have developed diseases such as high blood pressure if he was too fat when he was old. Various diseases, you will definitely no longer be able to eat delicious food, and you may die early.

But because of An Ran's protection, Tang Xin was just a little cute and slightly chubby, and never gained weight to the point where he dared not eat delicious food. Although he did not practice cultivation, he was not as disease-free as An Ran who lived to be a hundred years old, but in With An Ran's care, he also lived to be over ninety years old.

Tang Xin also knew that his health was thanks to An Ran's continuous care, so he loved and respected his wife. The two of them basically never blushed in their lives and lived in harmony.

After An Ran came back this time, he also completed the mission and received five-star praise. However, in this world, the system message did not indicate that there was an unfinished plot. In the original world, the third prince became the emperor, and Ye An Yunsheng She had so many sons, became a queen, and because she had enough gold, she often exchanged for beauty products, and she has always been very beautiful. In this way, she will definitely become more and more popular with the third prince, and she will definitely be honored and favored for the rest of her life in the future. There will be almost no unfinished plot. She needs to understand.

Although he came back, An Ran did not enter the next world immediately, but continued to practice.

Now that she knows how to cultivate, she will naturally step up her time to practice and strive to reach the foundation building stage as soon as possible, so as to extend her life and stay young forever.

Just when An Ran was concentrating on practicing, and An Ran's mother, An Rui and others did not come to provoke her, Mr. Qiao called that day and said happily: "Of course, grandpa's house has been confirmed and will be demolished."

For Mr. Qiao, it was only two or three months ago since Mr. Qiao told An Ran about it, but for An Ran, it was almost a thousand years ago. If someone with poor memory had to change, it would probably be about the same. She couldn't remember such a thing. After all, she had lived in two worlds, one of which was the world of cultivation. It was normal for her to forget.

Fortunately, An Ran has cultivated and has a stronger brain memory. When he heard what Mr. Qiao said, he remembered that such a thing had happened, so he immediately smiled and said: "Congratulations to grandpa! Are the compensation conditions good? ?”

Mr. Qiao said: "It's okay. It's pretty much the same as other families anyway. It's okay as long as they don't treat us badly."

An Ran knew why Mr. Qiao was so indifferent, because the house was too old and uncomfortable to live in. He had long wanted to change to a new house, but the old man was reluctant to spend money to buy it himself, so he waited for the demolition. Now the demolition has finally arrived. Naturally, I won’t make too many demands, as long as it’s generally passable.

At that moment, An Ran said: "Grandpa, it's getting late today, so I won't go there today. I'll go there tomorrow to buy some food, and let's celebrate."

Mr. Qiao has not seen his granddaughter for a while. In addition, his body has been feeling much better recently - due to An Ran's 300-day life extension - and his energy is much better than before. So it is natural that his granddaughter wants to come. Happy to see the success, he immediately said: "Okay, let's celebrate."

Early the next morning, after An Ran had eaten, she went to the market to buy some vegetables and went to her grandpa's house.

It turned out that there were people in grandpa's house - none other than An Ran's two uncles and aunts.

An Ran only stepped forward and called her uncle and aunt without making any enthusiastic response. She didn't blame her for being like this. These two uncles and aunts were not very good to her grandparents. An Ran often heard her grandmother nagging her two uncles for being unfilial and not being filial often. When I came to see them, they said that they had something to do at home and couldn't leave. An Ran knew that this was not because her grandmother deliberately said bad things about her uncle, but that the two of them were really not very good to them. The reason was also very simple. The eldest uncle said that her grandfather and grandmother were not good to them. The younger uncle is good, and he will not give anything to the younger uncle; while the younger uncle says that the grandparents are good to the older uncle, and only take care of the children for the older uncle, but not for him - that is because the younger uncle is much younger than the older uncle. , got married late, and by the time he got married and gave birth to a child, Grandma Qiao was already in her sixties and almost seventy. She lacked energy and could not take care of the children, so she did not take care of them, but her younger son complained.

Because of these complaints, they rarely came to see Mr. Qiao and Grandma Qiao.

In short, if you have more children, there will always be children who complain that their parents treat them badly.

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