Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1762 The capsized fast traveler 3

"Shameless gold digger, seducing other people's fiancés without even looking at your status. Are you worthy of them?"

"It's so shameless to be a mistress. These days, some women will do anything for money!"

"We were watching the trips of rich and powerful daughters. I saw that the accounts of these rich and powerful daughters all keep a low profile. They usually show off their bags and jewelry and never argue with others. It seems like there is something wrong with the owner of this scarf."

"The mistress will be punished as soon as possible. I support Sister Lisa and you guys to get the mistress down."

"I'm curious about the identities of this woman and the person who seduced her, as well as the identities of these wealthy daughters."

"I'm also curious, especially about the handsome guy who was seduced. I want to know what he is like. The conditions must be good, otherwise this group of rich girls would not be able to like him."

"If you say that, I'm going to be curious too."


There were a lot of curses on An Ran's bib account, and many people even cursed in three directions. The curses felt like they were dirtying their ears.

An Ran saw that there were a lot of people spraying shit under the account, and the atmosphere was full of smoke, so he prepared to deal with it.

An Ran was an IT boss. He immediately made a list of all the people who had been abused under his account and checked them one by one.

Ordinary netizens just thought she was a mistress, so they came to scold her. She put aside those who were obviously not ordinary netizens, such as Miss Liu and her group of little sisters, as well as the navy they invited, and those who kneeled and licked The rich people made a list and then handed out a scarf: "Defamation and rumors, infringement of reputation, civil lawsuit has been filed!"

After she wore the scarf, some of the mentally retarded people, including Ms. Liu and others, were still jumping around:

"Hey! The mistress still dares to file a lawsuit with others. Do you know who my sister is? Dare to fight? Then you will be left with nothing to eat!"

"That's it, do you know who Sister Lisa is? If you dare to sue someone, it will not only affect you, but also your whole family. It will be too late to cry. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

"You go ahead and sue. Why don't you let others tell you that you are a mistress? You are also defaming and spreading rumors. I believe in the fairness and justice of the law!"

Although many people are still jumping around there, some people are starting to wake up.

"If you're just suing for reputational infringement, you're not denying that you were a mistress. But if you're suing for defamation and spreading rumors, you're denying that you were a mistress. So...are these rich and wealthy girls telling the truth?"

"If you dare to accuse me like this, I'm afraid it's not true."

"If it's false, why do these wealthy daughters say that about her?!"

"I must be asking for a handsome guy but I can't get it. If I don't dare to cause trouble for that handsome guy, I'll just make trouble for the woman."

"Oh, it's all those men's fault. Why bother women?"

"You are wrong. In reality, women often like to embarrass women the most."

"I used to think they were quite low-key, but now looking at their speeches, I think they are so arrogant. One or two of them look like they want you to look good."

"It can be seen that in the past, I was just pretending to be low-key, but when something happens, my true colors are exposed."

Naturally, those rich and powerful daughters also saw these discussions and didn't take them to heart at all. After all, they were all rich and powerful, so they didn't have to be afraid of these ordinary people.

What's more, they only show off their bags and jewelry on their scarves to show off their wealth, without revealing their true identities at all. Those netizens don't know their true identities at all, so they are not afraid even if they scold them.

The main reason why they do not reveal their true identities online is because some of them are not simply wealthy daughters, but some are second generation, and they are afraid that if they show off their wealth, it will bring bad reputation to their family members.

Of course, they did not dare to mention Li Xuanzhang's identity, for fear that Li Xuanzhang's name would be exposed and bring him trouble. Then the Li family would have objections to them, which would not be conducive to the friendship between the two families.

But they may have forgotten that Enron has filed a lawsuit against them. In the near future, their names will be exposed in the court. By then, anyone who is interested will find out who they are. After all, there are many people who know them. Someone will recognize it and talk about it online.

Of course, that will happen in the future, but it is not false to say that at the moment, these people threaten An Ran and his whole family if he dares to file a lawsuit.

Originally, he had a family in the real world.

If the family members were not good to the original body, An Ran would be okay with it, but the key point is that the original body's family members were very good to the original body. In this case, An Ran could not just sit back and ignore the original body, lest it really hurt the family members and make the original body unhappy. No five-star rating.

However, I hope these people are just talking. If they really dare to do anything to their original family members, she will let them taste the power of bad luck charms - aren't these people relying on the rich and powerful family members behind them? ? If they dare to bully others, what will happen to their original family members, and if the family members behind them do not restrain themselves and allow them to bully others, she will retaliate tooth for tooth, an eye for an eye, and what will happen to their family members, hanging some bad luck charms on them, no matter what To protect the power they rely on, those who do business will lose everything, and those who work as officials will immediately fall off their horses. After all, who told them not to discipline their children? If they don't discipline their children, then taste the consequences and let them understand the truth: you are not the only one. If you bully others, others will fight back.

When dealing with emotional problems with Li Xuanzhang and others, it is not appropriate to use bad luck charms and other things. After all, the original person wants to solve the matter reasonably, not to get a bad luck charm to make them have bad luck, and then be troubled by things and be overwhelmed. It's a bit too much to take time to care about emotional matters. After all, it's okay for you to break up with someone, but if you break up with someone and hurt them, this doesn't mean you can resolve the matter reasonably. Let alone a five-star rating, the task will probably not be completed.

Therefore, she could only use conventional means to deal with Li Xuanzhang and others.

But Ms. Liu is not afraid of people who are full of malice towards her. She will deal with anyone who dares to cause trouble for her, even if she uses special means.

Of course, she can deal with them even without using special means, because when she checked the information of several people just now, she found some interesting things. If these women are really unyielding, she won't mind letting those things out. See if they are still in the mood to cause trouble with their original family members.

And just when An Ran was about to send a lawyer's letter to those people, Li Xuanzhang had already investigated the crazy insults made by Miss Liu and others on An Ran on the Internet. When he saw it, he couldn't help frowning, secretly thinking that he was lucky to be dating Su Anran, otherwise he would marry her. With such a troublemaker, the family will never have peace.

Obviously, seeing Miss Liu and others acting like crazy women, Li Xuanzhang, who originally had no ill feelings toward her, now feels extremely disgusted with her, so seeing them madly insulting An Ran, he naturally had to deal with it.

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