Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1778 The capsized fast traveler 19

Cousin Su's side was fine. Aunt Su's family and Chen Hui over there began to spread the news, saying that the cousin from my maternal grandfather's side would soon be the granddaughter-in-law of the Yan family in Xuancheng, and they were looking forward to this news. , it can bring benefits to Aunt Su’s family and Chen Hui.

In order to gain access to the Yan family in Xuancheng, the Luo family asked Luo Liang to pursue Chen Hui, which made Chen Hui discover the benefits of An Ran's prosperity. At least, she could find a better marriage. Although these benefits were brought by An Ran, let Chen Hui She was very uncomfortable, but it was a good thing to have benefits, so she felt uncomfortable while taking advantage of An Ran's good things to increase her leverage in finding a boyfriend.

Not only Aunt Su's family, but almost all the families who were related to An Ran did this. Needless to say, the one who did it the most was Uncle Su's family.

They advertised everywhere that their niece was about to marry into the wealthy Yan family in Xuancheng, not to mention that there were actually people who were coveting this benefit and were planning to marry their daughter to cousin Su who might not have been able to find a wife in the first place.

And seeing that he suddenly went from being unpopular to being very popular, cousin Su didn't take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to honestly choose a girlfriend, but he became dazzled and suddenly thought that the family conditions were not good. The girl's appearance was not good, her family situation was good, and she was good-looking. He also thought that she had a bad temper, so he didn't make a decision for a while.

Fortunately, he is only twenty-five years old. Uncle Su and Aunt Su feel that he is still young and should not be in a hurry and let him choose slowly.

Although she was using An Ran's boyfriend's background to gain benefits, it was also good for An Ran. Ever since she knew that she was going to use An Ran's boyfriend to benefit her family, Uncle Su and Aunt Su no longer dared to do anything to An Ran, nor did she dare to instigate Su. Grandma no longer continued to look for An Ran. On the contrary, she still cared about An Ran enthusiastically and wanted to have a good relationship with An Ran, so as not to do it well. In the future, if An Ran ignored them in front of others, it would affect them in finding a marriage for their son.

Not only did Uncle Su and Aunt Su make a 180-degree turn in their attitude towards An Ran, but everyone else did the same. They all thought like Uncle Su and Aunt Su, fearing that their relationship with An Ran would not be good and they would boast about An Ran's manhood. Many of their friends have backgrounds, and An Ran ignores them. When outsiders know that their relationship is not good and won't fawn over them, they will be unable to gain any benefit.

Not talking about the situation back home, but saying that after An Ran returned to Xuancheng seriously, before she could even mention the breakup to him, someone came to her door, but it was Yu Wenhao's mother who called her.

"Miss Su, I don't know when you will have time. I hope to see you." Yu Wenhao's mother said in a cold voice.

"I'm available at any time." An Ran said.

An Ran had a hunch that it was not a good thing for Yu Wen Hao's mother to find her, and she was probably planning to force her to break up with Yu Wen Hao. In this case, she naturally wanted to meet her as soon as possible, so that she could settle down with Yu Wen Hao more quickly. broke up.

As for how she and Yu Wenhao's mother had never met, why did the other party know her number... It was too easy for rich people like them to check this, so she didn't have to be surprised at all.

"Okay, let's do this, tomorrow morning, XX tea room." Mrs. Yuwen said.

"Okay." An Ran agreed.

Because someone came to the door, An Ran had to prepare for tomorrow, so she didn't tell Zheng Zheng for the time being. She planned to deal with Yu Wenhao first before talking about breaking up with him.

So I was planning to break up with Zheng Zheng as soon as I came back, but Mrs. Yuwen intervened in the middle and called it a break.

Fortunately, An Ran hadn't thought about how to mention breaking up with Zhen Zhen, so she wasn't so anxious.

The next morning, An Ran came to the private room in XX teahouse that Mrs. Yuwen had mentioned as promised.

The door was closed. An Ran stepped forward and knocked. A lukewarm voice came from inside: "Come in."

An Ran unscrewed the door handle and went in.

Then I saw a lady sitting facing the door with a graceful posture and a dress that said I am rich.

When she was collecting information, she had seen her photo, and she recognized it immediately. This lady was Yu Wenhao's mother, Mrs. Yuwen.

At this time, Mrs. Yuwen saw herself coming in, so she looked at herself up and down with critical eyes, and then showed a look of disdain.

An Ran pretended not to notice her expression as she looked at the goods, came to the opposite side of her, pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Before you sat down, you should have asked me if you could sit down, right? You sat down without asking, and you didn't have any tutoring. When you pulled the chair, didn't you know how to be gentle? It made a clattering sound, you have no quality! That's how you are. With such good tutoring and quality, you still have the nerve to be with my son, trying to make a sparrow fly on a branch and become a phoenix? It’s just a dream!”

As soon as An Ran sat down, Mrs. Yuwen started to criticize her. She looked mean at first glance.

An ordinary girl would probably be frightened by this accusation from her future mother-in-law.

But An Ran was not afraid of her, and he said calmly: "Then your son's taste is really bad, he actually likes a woman with no tutor and no quality, and you are obviously not good either, because you gave birth to a son with a bad taste. .”

Seeing that An Ran not only did not become frightened after listening to her words, but instead dared to retort, Mrs. Yuwen almost fainted with anger. She pointed at An Ran with her hands trembling with anger and said, "Don't rely on my son to like you." , you are so emboldened that you dare to talk to me like this! I will not allow you to come in! Now, immediately, immediately, break up with my son, and don’t contact him again in the future!"

Mrs. Yuwen originally did not agree with her son being with Su Anran, but now that Su Anran is so arrogant, she is even more reluctant. She is afraid that if Anran comes in, she will dominate the Yuwen family and overwhelm her.

An Ran naturally agrees to break up, but there must be a way to agree. If someone agrees as soon as she says it, the other person may think that she is perfunctory, maybe she is lying to her, or she believes what she says, but it depends on her. Agreeing so quickly, feeling that she looked down on her son, would cause trouble again, which was not good either way.

So when An Ran heard that Mrs. Yuwen was really here to force her to break up with Yu Wen Hao, as she thought, she did not agree immediately, but said calmly: "I am talking to Yu Wen Hao, not you. We are not talking now." In a feudal society a hundred years ago, there is now freedom of love and marriage, so whether I have a relationship with Yu Wenhao or not is none of your business, so what right do you have to interfere."

Seeing An Ran being so eloquent, Mrs. Yuwen was even more unwilling to see her get married. Now seeing An Ran say this, she was naturally angry, but she was too lazy to argue with her, so she took out her checkbook, wrote down the amount, and pushed To An Ran, he said: "I'll give you five million and leave my son!"

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