Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1808 Return of the Dead 6

She traveled through time and was reborn. In other words, Bai Zhi has lived for three lives.

A person who has lived for three lifetimes and is dozens of years old can still hold a grudge in his heart and kill off the whole family just because of the words of a girl who is less than fifteen years old... This kind of mind is really smaller than the eye of a needle.

It is conceivable that such a girl will not have many friends in life.

And the fact is as An Ran expected, after reincarnation, Bai Zhi does not have many female friends, but she has many male friends.

She herself admits that she doesn’t like to deal with girls and thinks girls are small-minded (…) and boys are better.

In the past, it was normal for her not to have many female friends in the palace. After all, people in the palace were complicated, so it was normal for her to not find female friends. But now, outside the palace, the environment is not as complicated as the palace. She still can't make them. When it comes to female friends, it illustrates the problem.

But Bai Zhi didn't think it was herself who was bad, she just felt that the girls around her were bad.

As for the fact that there are too many bad people around, do you need to reflect on whether it is your own problem... Bai Zhi, who has been a condescending queen mother, will not think about it at all. After all, she cannot be at fault. The problem can only be someone else.

Because I never reflect, I just go my own way, so I offend a lot of people - it's okay to go my own way, but sometimes it's not okay if I offend others.

Seeing that Bai Zhi offended more and more people, An Ran couldn't help but be suspicious, feeling that even if she didn't show up, Bai Zhi's end would not be good in the future, and someone would always take care of her.

Don't say that she can't take care of her because she is a queen. If you want to take care of her, there is always a chance. After all, there are always smart people in this world. No matter how smart the regent is and can take care of her, he can't keep her hanging all the time. There is always an opportunity on the belt.

Not to mention Bai Zhi's character, An Ran felt that she might not end well in the future, but at the moment, the Lu family's banquet continued to be held, and on this day, An Ran met Marquis Yongding.

Since Yongdinghou is a loyal minister and loyal to the new emperor, after the new emperor is established, the Yongdinghou family will naturally send people to send congratulatory gifts. Unlike some families, who are wavering or simply siding with the regent and not coming, their family The gift was given openly and honestly.

At the same time, Marquis Yongding and his wife also attended this banquet. Speaking of which, they may be the most important people coming to the Lu family. Even Grandma Lu’s natal family only sent her second brother and second sister-in-law. I came over to have a drink, but the head wife still didn’t come. She probably still didn’t think highly of the Lu family, but she was also afraid that the Lu family would develop well in the future, so she made bets on both sides, but there weren’t many bets on the Lu family, so she only sent a Lu family. Grandma's brother comes to have a drink.

Although she met Marquis Yongding, it was naturally impossible for An Ran to say anything to Marquis Yongding when they first met, and as a boudoir girl, it was not appropriate for her to meet a foreign man, so she just met with Mrs. Marquis Yongding and said a few words to her. Marquis Yongding was just watching from a distance, observing the other person's character from his words and deeds.

However, she didn't have to worry about not being able to contact Marquis Yongding after entering the palace, because his eldest son, Crown Prince Yongding, served as a mid-level officer in the Forbidden Army. If she had anything to do, she could contact Marquis Yongding through Crown Prince Yongding.

The regent transferred Marquis Yongding from the Forbidden Army, but it was normal for him not to transfer his son. Firstly, his son's energy was not as powerful as Marquis Yongding, so it would not affect anything. Secondly, most of the children of aristocratic families served in the Forbidden Army (mostly the children of military generals), so he Marquis Yongding will be transferred from the Forbidden Army. Marquis Yongding will not suspect anything. If his son is transferred as a junior officer in the Forbidden Army, it will definitely make Marquis Yongding think that the regent is up to something. Otherwise, why would he be so defensive? Their family holds considerable military power.

At that time, the regent's wings were not so full, so naturally he couldn't do this kind of thing to scare the enemy and make the other party raise objections, so he only transferred Yongdinghou, but not his son. Anyway, his son was just a junior officer, so it didn't affect him. What, when it's time to take action, just send someone to restrain him. Unlike Yongding Marquis, if the commander of the Forbidden Army is not transferred, when it's time to take action, just send someone to restrain him, and then send someone else to give orders to the Forbidden Army. Suddenly The Forbidden Army may not listen to the occasional change of leaders, so they must be transferred in advance.

Although he has not dealt with Marquis Yongding, judging from his words and deeds, Marquis Yongding is still reliable. In addition, judging from his dealings with Marquis Yongding's wife, Mrs. Yongding Marquis is also a good person. This makes An Ran think, it seems that she is looking for Marquis Yongding should help.

Shortly after the Lu family's banquet, four nuns were sent from the palace, saying they were here to teach the court etiquette, especially wedding ceremonies.

This is naturally needed. After all, I am the daughter of a small official and I don’t understand at all. If I don’t teach him, I will make a joke. If nothing else, I don’t understand what the rules are when summoning the married women. , it was a joke when the concubines were summoned. Once the concubines spread the news outside the palace, the new queen's reputation would be bad.

However, these etiquette are for the original body. For An Ran, she has the etiquette that the original body has learned in her previous life. Now she only needs to review the old and learn the new, don't worry about not being good at it. At most, it is a wedding ceremony. The original body has forgotten a little, so she has to learn it. Some palace etiquette, after living in the palace for several years, I have long remembered it firmly, so I don't need to worry about it.

So An Ran used fantasy props where she didn't need to study, making the four of them think that she was studying with all her heart. In fact, she tapped the sleeping points on the four of them and threw them aside, and then she practiced martial arts there.

She doesn't need to be polite to these four people, because these four people are naturally the regent's people, but based on their status, they are just minions. Naturally, they cannot be ranked in front of the regent. At most, they listen to the superiors. He asked An Ran to do something, while teaching An Ran the etiquette and rules, while keeping an eye on her to see if she did anything unusual.

The reason why they knew they were the regent's people was because An Ran kept an eye on them after they arrived. Naturally, these nuns didn't know that the future queen knew martial arts and would be a gentleman, so they naturally eavesdropped on their conversations. All the things that could and could not be said were said in private discussions, and then An Ran heard them clearly. Even the boss who sent them here knew who they were.

The superior who sent them here was none other than the new emperor's chief eunuch.

That's right, the new emperor's chief eunuch has an important position and must be from the regent. It is normal for this person to order people to monitor her as the queen.

Even the chief eunuch and the commander of the imperial army are the regent's people. It can be seen that the entire palace is under the control of the regent. It is no wonder that the two little shrimps of the original body and the new emperor can't fight against the full-fledged regent. In the end, they gave up. , like an ant, being crushed to death.

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