Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1812 Return of the Dead 10

Yes, it was indeed not Miss Song that Bai Zhi pushed, but it was not Miss Song who fell into the lake herself, but Bai Zhi's nanny who pushed her. The Dali Temple Shaoqing had seen this before.

However, he was afraid that saying it was Bai Zhi's nanny who recommended it would be detrimental to Bai Zhi's reputation, so he perjured himself.

Such behavior naturally made An Ran sneer.

When Mrs. Qingyang Hou heard the witness given by the young minister of Dali Temple to Bai Zhi, her expression couldn't help but change.

She originally thought that Bai Zhi was just a daughter of a minor official who could be bullied at will, so she sided with the daughter of the Minister of Civil Affairs. However, she did not expect that this Bai Zhi could actually make the young minister of Dali Temple defend her, which allowed her to not Does your face change?

Although the Shaoqing of Dali Temple is only the fourth rank, he is only in his twenties, and his family's power is not small. He will soon be promoted to the same level as the Minister of Civil Affairs, and his future achievements will even be better than those of Song Dynasty. The young lady's father was stronger, and he was obviously someone she could not offend, so as soon as the Dali Temple Shaoqing spoke, she knew that she could not deny it and say that he had perjured himself.

But she can't offend the daughter of the Minister of Officials' family - she doesn't dare to let the daughter of the Minister of Officials' family apologize to Bai Zhi. If the daughter of the Minister of Officials' family goes back and files a complaint, what will she do if her family is in trouble? You should know that her son is working hard to take the imperial examination. If he passes the exam and is awarded an official, if the family of the Minister of Civil Affairs is not happy and makes a little move, her son will not get a good official.

Suddenly, the situation became complicated.

After all, Mrs. Qingyang Hou was a bit old-fashioned. She saw that things were not easy to handle at the moment. After looking at both sides, she forced a smile and said: "Since Mr. Wu (the young minister of Dali Temple whose surname is Wu) is here, you are good at solving cases, so let's It’s up to you to seek justice.”

He threw the pot to the young minister of Dali Temple, hoping that the minister of official affairs would not cause trouble for their family in the future.

Miss Song saw that Mrs. Qingyang Hou was afraid of trouble and actually left her hands alone. Although she was angry, she saw that the young minister of Dali Temple was on Bai Zhi's side and knew that she could not get over this matter today, so she had to swallow her anger and said: "I do I was pushed into the water, but maybe I saw it wrong and misjudged it. It’s my fault. I apologize to Miss Bai.”

She also knew that Dali Temple Shaoqing insisted that it was not Bai Zhi who pushed her. Bai Zhi had witnesses but she did not. She was in a disadvantageous situation. It would not work and she would not let her go without apologizing. It would also be detrimental to her. After all, others were She wouldn't believe it. The bigger the fuss would be, the worse it would be for her reputation, so she had no choice but to apologize.

But even though she apologized, she would not take the blame for falling on her own, lest others scold her for framed Bai Zhi. After all, she really didn't fall on her own, but she just didn't see who pushed her. Although she didn't see It was clear, but she knew that it must have been recommended by Bai Zhi or her two servants. In the final analysis, it was still related to Bai Zhi.

When she thought that this matter was indeed related to Bai Zhi, but the young minister of Dali Temple defended Bai Zhi, she felt angry.

The young minister of Dali Temple saw that she did not admit that she fell, but she apologized, so she did not hold on to her. After all, her father was the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, so he still had to give her some face, and did not want to make too many enemies.

Besides, he was a decent man, and it didn't look like him to push a little girl all the time, so when he saw her apologizing, he gave Bai Zhi a slight signal, and then left.

Although he left, Miss Song knew that he was still here. Naturally, she did not dare to instruct her maid and even her bastard to continue bullying Bai Zhi after Shaoqing of Dali Temple left. She just looked at it with hatred. Bai Zhi took one look and left.

But she didn't know that the matter was not over, because the regent soon heard about it from the maid he sent to protect Bai Zhi.

I heard that Miss Song tried to push Bai Zhi into the water but failed, so she fell into the water. Later, she wanted to bite Bai Zhi who pushed her into the water. At that moment, a sinister look flashed in her eyes, and she said lightly: "Since she bites Bai Zhi every time She is of low birth and looks down upon the daughter of a fifth-rank official, but I would like to see how proud she becomes if she becomes the daughter of a commoner."

So within two days, the regent listed several major crimes of Mr. Song, the minister of civil affairs, and took away his official position, making Miss Song a commoner's daughter.

The Song family still couldn't figure out the situation and wondered why the regent would remove them. After all, he was a member of the regent. How could the regent still dislike him.

So the anxious Minister of Civil Affairs couldn't help but send someone to inquire about the situation.

I didn't find out at first, but I didn't find out until I spent a lot of money. It turned out that the regent was dating a girl named Bai Zhi, and then he learned about the conflict and entanglement between his daughter and Bai Zhi, which led to the regent knowing that his daughter was bullying him like this. Bai Zhi, this is how she tidied up her home.

Knowing that he had lost his official title because his daughter was bullying others outside, Mr. Song was so angry that he immediately found Miss Song and knocked her to the ground with a slap.

"Evil! Your father is working hard outside, so it's better for you. I don't expect you to be able to help me. This is how I was tricked!"

Miss Song was stunned. It took her a long time to come back to her senses and said, "For no reason, dad, why did you hit me?!"

Mrs. Song on the side couldn't help but feel sorry for her daughter, and said: "Master, what are you doing to beat Bao'er?"

Mr. Song pointed at Miss Song angrily and said, "Ask her what she did outside!"

"I didn't do anything, please ask father to make it clear." Miss Song said innocently, feeling that she had been wronged.

"How dare you lie! Have you ever bullied a woman named Bai Zhi?" Master Song asked.

When Miss Song heard her father ask Bai Zhi, her eyes flickered, but she knew that since her father asked about Bai Zhi, he probably knew something, and there was no point in lying, so she nodded and said: "I have a bit of a feud with her, but , that’s because she pushed me into the lake!”

"Stop! I've heard all about it. It was obviously you who was going to push people into the lake. In the end, they were on guard and didn't fall for it, but you fell into the lake yourself! It's okay now. You bullied people yourself. You were too stupid to bully them. Forget it, I am the Prince Regent’s darling. The Prince Regent found out about this and removed all my positions! You look down on others as the daughter of a minor official. Well, you are now the daughter of a commoner. You are here all day long. You did it outside! I think it's amazing, now you're better, your status is even lower than others, and you are still domineering and bullying!" Mr. Song became more and more annoyed as he spoke, and now he wanted to hit Miss Song again.

This time Mrs. Song listened to this situation and couldn't help but be confused. Even when Master Song wanted to hit Miss Song, she didn't even react. When she reacted, Miss Song had been slapped a few more times by Master Song.

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