Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1818 Return of the Dead 16

People with lower positions have this mentality: "Let me go against the queen?! Are you stupid? It took a lot of effort for a group of fools to go against the queen. The queen replaced us with this good job now. Now you ask me to go against the queen?" Your Majesty is against me? Then if I offend your Majesty, won’t I go to that bad place again? Who am I? My status is so low. There are tens of thousands of people like me in the palace. If I don’t do it, I will find someone who is willing to do so. There are tens of thousands of people doing it, but if I don’t believe it, I won’t be willing to do it. I’m stupid.”

As for the persuading people, don't worry about losing the job. When the regent comes to power, the job will definitely be resumed. The key now is to sell the regent a good one. By then, you will have the merit of following the dragon. When the regent comes to power, , it’s not about getting what you want.

This makes these people even more unhappy.

"What? What do you think? What kind of regent is coming to power? Your Majesty is the late emperor and crown prince, and he is assuming the throne in a dignified manner. If the regent takes the throne, is that usurping the throne, right? What will happen to those who usurp the throne? I will not follow your majesty, I will follow Regent? Don't tell me that the regent is powerful. You have to know practical things. Anyway, I can't be a traitor. Even if I lose my power, I am still a man who stands upright. How can I explain to my ancestors if I am a traitor? ?”

Those who say these words are the kind of people who are called foolish and loyal, like Marquis Yongding.

There are also pragmatic people who say: "Then let's wait until the regent becomes the emperor. I am already so old and I don't know when the regent will come to power. Don't wait for him to come to power. I am old and will retire, so he will come to power." If you don’t go on stage, what does it have to do with me?”

Waiting and waiting, what I heard was that Ms. Liu and the chief eunuch were one and the other. After all, they had not completed the tasks assigned by the regent, but if they could not get a good deal, it meant that they were incompetent. If they were incompetent, then the regent would come to power. Now, people can still use you?

But because they really couldn't win over those people, they had no choice but to think in their hearts that Empress Lu had no idea what kind of charm, soul, or soup she had given to these people, but she was actually quite able to win over them, and they didn't let these people be fooled by them. The men who were sent rebelled as soon as they were encouraged.

Seeing that An Ran really stood firm, these people who had been deprived of their positions and could not get them back and became ordinary eunuchs and nuns couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. Although they firmly believed that the regent would succeed in the future, who knows when that day would be If it succeeds, if it fails for a while, won't they have to be ordinary palace servants without power for many years? This is naturally not what they want to see. After all, they have been in high positions for many years and suddenly lose their power. That feeling is really uncomfortable, so it is normal to feel uncomfortable. Some people think They thought they should not have made a fuss behind other people and lost their positions; some people prayed that the regent would succeed as soon as possible so that they could resume their duties as soon as possible.

Not to mention that Female Officer Liu and the eunuch in charge around Emperor Jianning were causing trouble, but it was said that not only those female officers and chamberlains wanted to see An Ran's jokes, but also other concubines wanted to see An Ran's jokes.

Since An Ran entered the palace, Emperor Jianning, who had rarely come to the harem, had never been to the harem. This made them naturally hate An Ran. But now, seeing that An Ran actually wanted to seize power, he was slowed down and even stopped. , Worker, naturally happy, just want to see her jokes.

There was also a reason why Emperor Jianning did not go to the harem.

At first, Emperor Jianning didn't look for other women because he was new to An Ran; later, he didn't go because he found that An Ran was one of his own. Since he had his own people, he naturally didn't like the women that the regent gave him. If you don’t favor them, what should you do if they get pregnant? He felt aggrieved at the thought of letting the regent's people get pregnant and then give birth to a child. It would be bad for the child and inappropriate, but it would be good for the child. So naturally it was best not to let them get pregnant.

In the past, he had no choice but to go less often. Now that he has An Ran, she is his own, so he doesn't have to go, lest he give birth to a child he doesn't want to see.

As a result, these concubines, seeing that An Ran successfully took over the palace affairs, and those female officials and eunuchs and supervisors were making trouble, she changed them, and it had no impact on her at all. She couldn't help but be dumbfounded, thinking that this Empress Lu seemed to have two more tricks up her sleeve.

And the regent heard the report from the chief eunuch that it was difficult to win over those people selected by An Ran. Although the chief eunuch didn't want to report like this, lest the regent think he was incompetent, the regent would ask himself. He wanted to delay and not repay. It's impossible - I'm even more surprised. I wonder if Queen Lu is lucky or has the ability to know people? They were all difficult to win over, so she was chosen? !

But since he really couldn't win them over, the regent didn't mention it again. Anyway, after Empress Lu eliminated these people, it would also be beneficial for Bai Zhi to enter the palace, so if it doesn't cause trouble, it can't be done. The commander of the Forbidden Army will Since he is one of his own, he doesn't have to worry that the harem is not under his control. After all, no matter how powerful the harem is, it can't produce any tricks.

What the regent didn't know was that while the eunuch in charge was dragging his hands for a while without any return, An Ran basically took the overall situation into his own hands and began to quietly arrange other things. When he heard the news, An Ran arranged Things are almost done.

It doesn't sound like a big deal, just like a small matter.

Without him, An Ran said that she liked watching wrestling, so she asked the newly appointed eunuch chief beside her to help her find some eunuchs who could wrestle in the palace.

Because this eunuch chief has been confirmed by his original memory and An Ran's use of puppets to follow and investigate, his character is trustworthy, so now he is entrusted with handling some important matters.

This time, An Ran naturally handed over the matter to him, and told him privately that she must find someone who is loyal to His Majesty and is not the Regent. In fact, it doesn't matter if she is the Regent. After all, watching wrestling is just an excuse. What she really wants to do is It had nothing to do with whether these people were from the Regent, but she didn't want to see people loyal to the Regent hanging around her all day long, so she made such a request.

Although Manager Zhang didn't understand why An Ran wanted to watch people wrestling, since it was the queen's order, he naturally went ahead and did it honestly. Soon, he found someone in the palace who liked wrestling and was not yet the regent.

In the entire capital, in addition to Da Nei, there are also many eunuchs in other places such as imperial temples and royal gardens. The total number of eunuchs is estimated to be tens of thousands.

Not to mention half of these tens of thousands of people, there is always one tenth who is not from the Regent.

If you look for those who like wrestling among thousands of people, you can still find quite a few.

Besides, even if you don't like wrestling, if you do good things above, you will follow suit below. There are also some eunuchs who will take advantage of this opportunity and use it as a tool to climb up, lying that they can wrestle.

But since she doesn't know how to wrestle, lying is useless, because An Ran knows how to compete, and plans to select 20 to 30 people from the two to three hundred people that Manager Zhang found for her to form a wrestling team, and those who are good will be selected in the future.

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